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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug:Stay safe:grouphug:....Floods can so quickly become destructive and devastating.
  2. I think the issue of trust and honesty are very important for both of you. Checking work, feedback and grading are very important, and the part of our job that is often the most neglected. Your dd, may have intended to catch-up later as you did. Kwim? (You demonstrated for month, that you were not even looking at her papers.) She should be able to rely on you to follow through when no one is checking too. If you are too busy to actually grade, L;);)k over her work daily.
  3. The book is available on the PBS site with the purchase of the DVDs. :bigear:Our local library has a copy; I'm number 4 on the waiting list.
  4. He sounds like an interesting young man, who is growing in many ways. (My ds, came down one morning to pancakes...He ate them and said thank you...But then said..."Woman, I need meat! Snort:lol:") We both cracked up.
  5. I always tipped at the commissary; it was expected. Our local grocery stores are completely different. Two chains carry out and one has a drive up service; they do not allow tips of any kind. The other stores, don't carry out unless you ask...I would tip there, but never ask. I do love the drive up service in the winter.
  6. Yes, make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. I switched a number of time to different continents and time zones, and my body always took weeks to fully adjust. Hang in there, isn't there a standard that new habits take 21 days to become second nature.
  7. I would send the flowers. I'm sorry for your loss.:grouphug: It can be hard, even when they weren't warm and fuzzy people.:grouphug: I admire your sense of family honor and duty to them.
  8. ONE! I'm in a two, and while the additional space/for the money was very good, it is a pain, especially as you age or have an injury or illness.
  9. I read this as more of a grocery store shopping trip vs. a mall outing. I think you're instinct was on the money and would talk to dd about it now or wait for another on the spot opportunity. There was a 19 y/old abducted, r@ped and killed from a Target not far from here. The man was on camera following her out of the store. My dd is a people lover and pretty naive about older men leering at her, because in her mind it's an old man. We've had a number of talks about this, and I use any creep-alarm man as an example. Many times the man, looks pretty normal and harmless; he just gives out vibes. I'm totally comfortable making someone uncomfortable or hurting the feelings of a stranger vs. the alternative. (Statistically I realize that many girls are victimized by people they know.)
  10. I'm not sure about stevia, but many artificial sweeteners can be stored in the body, once you reach your limit...it reacts. This also happens with many allergies as exposure increases and continues. You body may react stronger each time. Imo, I'd listen to my body. In the past, I've been know to suck it up and paid the price later.
  11. I wish I'd found this thread earlier:D. Our weather has turned, and we'll be inside a bunch anyway, so I'll give it a go. The necessity of dragging out the snow-blower or shovel to get out of the driveway will be my greatest asset.
  12. :iagree: With the others. She is covering herself or a better commission is in the balance; I'd really keep a close watch on her.:bigear:
  13. :w00t: I always feel like this in January. I can give you a good deal on a grade 8 set, btw.
  14. Prepaid cell phone at 12 = yest. We've stuck with the prepaid / text / phone / nothing fancy ones for the three of us. Dh's office provides him with a fancy one. (My ds, still could care less about having one, and finds carry it around a pain; he almost never carries one.)
  15. I'm very sorry for your loss.:grouphug: :iagree: w/ Joanne. You'll need to prepare you heart; I would invite her to come along, but don't push, and I think your heart is in the right place.
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