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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I would have him take the test according to the proctor directions.
  2. A hearty soup or stew with fresh bread or rolls would be an easy one.
  3. I did it once, and will pay and wait in the future. It took me days to complete with an exacto knife and took a toll on my hands and back.
  4. If my kids were young, all of that would have bothered me, and I don't think they would be my first choice of care in the future.
  5. Sorry, but NO, we've had plenty of winter and snow so far mixed with ice, freezing drizzle/rain and the occasional sunny day with decent temps. I live for the sunny/melting days. The last few winters have been bears and I'll take this one over them any year. Come on over or up to enjoy our winter weather. Today is a balmy 25' to 27' and I'm loving the warmth.
  6. The Grand Monarch of The Glenn, it's modern and quirky Search Masterpiece theatre classics (PBS will have many of them listed too)
  7. :lol: I was going to say that; we always toss the first pancake:D.
  8. Don't over mix and make sure your pan isn't too hot and don't use too much oil. (I use spray olive oil most of the time) Drop in a bit of water and it should sizzle a bit. Medium is a good temp for most pancakes. Pour in your batter, wait for air bubbles to pop up and flip.
  9. :grouphug:Chris:grouphug: Many, many prayers, and I'm so sorry.
  10. Why Your Child Is Hyperactive (Paperback) by Ben F. Feingold His book is available at amazon for as low as .22cents plus $3.99 shipping.
  11. We only have to empty bottles for recycling here. You know, many people comb Goodwill for those old gadgets... Free yourself to get rid of the stuff one way or the other, and focus your effort in not purchasing new stuff you will not use.
  12. I've only found my mom willing to talk about the changes. She loves her life without aunt Flo. I'm muddling through the changes, aches, wrinkles, different dietary needs and grey hairs.
  13. :grouphug:You are just being human; she has burned you many times in the past and naturally, you try to protect your family. (One of those little boy who called wolf one too many times.) I totally understand feeling disheartened that you are being boxed into a corner of reacting to her pleas with a jaded heart, leaving you feeling guilty for not being your most generous self. However, sweetie you do not want her worming her way into becoming your ward; that would be a 24/7 nightmare. You can love and honor her without becoming her care giver.
  14. Yes, we have a $1000 emergency fund in a fire safe box.
  15. Oh, you are fine;), but now you know and can expect it next time. My mil, insists on a complete accounting for any gift card or money, and it just zaps the joy out it. kwim?
  16. I would never put that much money into a house, unless we were keeping it.
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