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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug: Another one of those things that make doing the laundry even less fun.
  2. I would try watching them first if you can. The last one had a honey-moon scene that was pretty intense imo. My dd is 17, but if she was 10...I'd say no. ymmv
  3. I'm happy you responded. Our local home school laws are being pushed for more reg. in part due to similar extra requirements.
  4. Wow, I'm tired and thought it was a degree:lol:. Congratulations.
  5. I'm sorry, I wouldn't eat the meat, eggs or drink the milk.:ack2: We had a refrigerator thermometer go/malfunction and all suffered disgusting food poisoning we thought was stomach flu for nearly 2 weeks. Everything was cool to the touch, but not cold. The repair man insisted we even toss the pickles.
  6. I think ours is just linked to our credit card, not our b/acct. I sold something recently and they did deduct a fee because the buyer used credit-card paypal. I'm not thrilled with the extra fee, but it seems the way most people want to purchase now.
  7. We've started using the Khan math videos here as standardized test prep & review. They're pretty quick and don't add much time to the lessons. I don't like to spend a lot of time prepping, but brain fog is going around here. There is so much offered; I have a feeling we'll use it more as we become more familiar with the site. My thoughts are to use them next year to introduce new subjects or reinforce more difficult ones.
  8. I would choose hemming (detest doing it) or both lengths for different shoes.
  9. My house is too big to do everything in one day or I'm too old to do it that way any more. My kids are big, we have no pets and the places stays pretty clean most days with regular cleaning and laundry. When mine were little...I needed to deep cleaning very often. I don't think I put the vac away many days.
  10. I often swing between feeling encouraged and stressed reading many threads, but the positive out shines the negative. I think some days, I'd crawl into a hole without the board.
  11. Our bank pays them on the day they are due...:glare:, and it makes me so stinking mad. Thank goodness they pay them though. I hope this works out for you.:grouphug:
  12. I'm glad you were able to reslove it. The policy was pretty far over the line, imo.
  13. I'm more cautious at night here, but pretty relaxed during the day. In DC...I was always very cautious.
  14. I've got a two; one is small/med and the other is big (with a insulated-carry case) for pot-lucks and big soup batches.
  15. :001_huh: I wouldn't be comfortable with him due to your local law men's attitude. You may want to document things just in case.
  16. I always went with dh. There were plenty of times we couldn't be together, I always went home then. There isn't a right or wrong answer.
  17. Your kids are beyond adorable.:grouphug: I’ll be sad once I’m a g-ma…if my g-kids don’t get excited to see me. PS...She sould leave the humor to the professionals; she wasn't witty or funny.
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