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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. My best friend had a major life change last year and even though she lived in another state, I truly miss navigating this road together. I do still have my dh, but he goes off to work each day and unless I call for help isn't in the trenches with me. I don't know what I do without this board. A thousand thanks everyone!
  2. Be sure to measure the hole...They come in a number of different sizes;).
  3. :iagree: with the p/posters Get everything in writing. If you are a member of HSLDA, I'd give them a call. Heck, you might call them even if you aren't a member.
  4. :confused:Oh my...I hope you are taking them back for a refund.
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry, but so happy you kept your head with her.
  6. I can not believe he put the 4 month old baby down and left him...And then she accepted his marriage purposal after she called him back to pick them up. Oh.my.gosh...I hope she changes her mind.
  7. Classroom teachers have the same problem... So many students need you to watch them...You know the joke...She's got eyes in the back of her head:glare:.
  8. :grouphug: I'd be tempted to just call the repair guy myself.
  9. :grouphug:Oh my! :grouphug:Praying and sending hugs.
  10. You can wash the walls and windows. Febreez might work on the carpets & drapes. I'd wash all the curtains, bedding etc. Animals hate balloons & foil ; you might try those on the steps.
  11. Oh, he was weird alright. Imo, his continued attempts were creepy/bully. I'm so happy you didn't give in. So many people regret not saying no to so many things.
  12. :iagree: The adults should put a stop to it imo, and many choose to look the other way or even coach them along to bigger and better pranks. I did some lock-in-sleep-overs and pranks kept many of us awake.
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