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Everything posted by Anne

  1. My only tip will make you laugh: Make sure he knows how to operate a locker!! One of my kids had never operated a combination lock when she attended a brick and mortar school for the first time!!! Oops! Anne
  2. I love the way you put this - Find a different set of boxes to check!! Anne
  3. THIS. Exactly. I homeschooled my children through high school. They got into good colleges and are intelligent, functioning adults who hold down good jobs - one is even a public school teacher!! And LaurieB is spot-on here. Focus on math & reading, use stories and books for history and don't stress yourself out! Anne
  4. I thought this was a great idea also until I ran into the website that would not allow duplicate answers to different questions...... :-( anne
  5. Anne


    I really like this!!!! Anne
  6. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Anne
  7. I am so sorry you had such a terrible experience with the lactation consultant = that sounds dreadful! I think you ought to interview lactation consultants *now* - you don't need one now, so not an emotional/stressful time for you, and you can see if you can find a good fit for you. Anne
  8. See a lawyer. Really. Going into business together has a high potential to damage your relationship. The best way to help prevent that is to put things in writing and make sure you both understand all the ins & outs. Signed, Someone whose dh has been in a long term business partnership (Anne)
  9. I am willing to try a rose - Bill, AnnE, can you share the ones you likeI? Thanks, Anne
  10. Like Tammy, we had a dedicated schoolroom which turned out to be primarily a materials storage area.... My kids also preferred the couch, and we did a lot of work at the dining room table. Anne
  11. I would probably allow my children to ask a couple of questions and then move them along "let's go, children, and let Mr. Smith get back to ____" This would allow Mr. Smith to say, oh, no, it's okay or just let us go on our way. I might attempt a conversation with him without the children - maybe start by apologizing for my children asking intrusive questions. This would allow him to say (or not say) that he doesn't mind, and you to state that you don't want your kids to be a bother, etc. Anne
  12. We paid for our children's cell phones (regular phones, no data) until they were financially able to manage it themselves. It was the last thing we paid for before they were completely independent. It was somewhat selfish of me - I wanted to be sure that I would still hear from them!!! :-) If they had run up big charges or something, we would have revisited the idea..... Anne
  13. I hate chopping onions, so if my dh isn't home to do it, I use frozen. If I'm really on my game, I have him chop several when he does it and then freeze those. Regarding the advance prep of chopping veggies - I don't really care whether or not it saves any actual time - for me, it's a mental thing - by the time dinner time rolls around, I just want to get 'er done! The faster the better, the fewer steps required, the better I feel about it! If all the veggies are already chopped, my attitude is 100% better! Anne
  14. My local music shop has a rent-to-own program which allows you to rent an instrument and then apply some specified portion of the rental to your purchase. I did this with both of the beginning instruments we have purchased and it worked out well. Anne
  15. Speaking as someone with a Christian conservative viewpoint, I would find any characterization of a marriage partner's behavior as "defiant" or "insubordinate" as abusive and condescending. Anne
  16. There's a time and a place for children/young people to sit in on adult conversations - and there's a time and a place for adults to converse without children!! I certainly did not grow up listening in on adult conversations unless invited - and I had no interest in doing so, either! Anne
  17. Praying this will go well for you! Anne
  18. Add me to the list of people recommending a place of your own while you're there. Or take a couple of days to go do something with just your family. Don't discuss it - just announce it. Schedule something most days *just for you* - a walk, a trip to the coffee shop (even if you don't drink coffee!!), whatever. Again, don't discuss it - just do it. Take your kids if you want. Don't call it a vacation - call it a trip - enjoy it for what it's worth - and schedule a real vacation - maybe even just a "stay-cation" when you get home. Anne
  19. How about a futon? Or a daybed so you can store one twin under the other. You can then use them separately or together to make a king size bed if you need it that way. Anne
  20. One of (but definitely not the only) reasons we opted for Scottish Highland dancing. :-) Anne
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