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Everything posted by Anne

  1. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this, Tap! Anne
  2. But isn't that the whole point - that people DON'T treat others with respect???? I don't understand your snark here. Anne
  3. Re: the video tapes/tiny tapes, etc. There are commercial services which will transfer those to a CD or to whatever is current. Anne
  4. We have had the same problem. The best advice I've seen for freezer meals is to look at what you are already eating. Are any of them good candidates for freezing? If not, look more closely at the components of the meals you like - for example, freezing quantities of cooked meat. I like to have cooked chicken in my freezer. I can have curried chicken on the table in 20 minutes if the chicken doesn't have to be cooked/chopped, etc. Anne
  5. In addition to the considerations listed above, Most teachers can't "just leave" (unless they've been taken to the ER by ambulance or something!)- often the work required to prepare a sub plan can make taking a sick day extremely difficult. Anne
  6. Curried anything. Seared scallops. Mmmmm. Anne
  7. We were in Thailand when my dc were small, and I once lost contact with one of them in a temple. I looked all over the place and was starting to get a little worried when I found her standing amidst a crowd of Asian (tourists? Locals? No idea). A second later, I realized that they were lining up to have their pictures taken - with her! So interesting!! Anne
  8. I understand all your reasons pro & con. I have a friend that I have traveled extensively with. Ahead of the trip we brainstorm what we'd like to do - each of us usually has a list. Then we spend a lot of time talking about which things we would like to do together and which we want to separate for. It's important to discuss how we will handle when one of us is *done* with a particular activity. For instance, one of us likes museums more than the other. When one is done, she has a plan - sit and read a book, depart for another activity, etc. Lots of communication!! I think your plan for telling your SIL upfront what you're interested in is great. Communicate, communicate, communicate!!! Anne
  9. My dh and I have two days in Philadelphia coming up - I have a long list of things to do and see (more than we will be able to accomplish!!), but - Any suggestions for where to stay and where to eat? We are looking for convenience in a hotel and good food in restaurants. :-) TIA!! Anne
  10. Another idea: My parents rent a motor home on the rare occasions that more of us visit than can be accommodated easily in the house, and park it in their driveway. Poof! Additional sleeping spaces AND another bathroom!! Anne
  11. Another idea is a big veggie soup - make it one day and eat it for 3-4 days. Anne
  12. Most of our money is invested with Vanguard. Anne
  13. We have an excellent local program - the kids get to learn SO much! As with any program like this, the most important thing is your local leaders - they can be fabulous....or not... Anne
  14. My adult daughter has been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. I am encouraging her to seek a second opinion as well as other treatment options. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good Crohn's/IBD clinic/specialist? This has been so, so difficult! Anne
  15. In addition to the great suggestions above, I always recommend exercise - they need some significant exercise most days of the week. I could always tell when mine weren't getting enough - yikes!!! Anne
  16. We have taken all of our pets to the vet and had them euthanized there - it was as good as such a thing can be. They have a special room for it and we were allowed to take as much time as we wanted/needed. We then had our pets cremated and the ashes were sprinkled on our property. Anne
  17. I wonder if you could contact the company that is currently servicing the tank (filling it and so forth) to find out if there are any issues. Also, would the tank status be included in a pre-purchase home inspection? I would definitely call a couple of local companies and ask what they know about oil tanks in that area. Anne
  18. September will be a re-set for me since the last five months have been absolutely dreadful. I am aiming for no sugar, no bread/pasta and no alcohol. I will allow myself one cheat SERVING if necessary. So basically I will be aiming for a strict paleo diet this month. Exercise - I am walking fairly regularly but need to incorporate some weight training and flexibility work. I will aim for 6X/week for those two, alternating days. I will be happy if I get 4! :-)
  19. Part of the equation regarding when/how often your tank needs to be pumped is the quality of your soil. Around here, you have to get a perk test done BEFORE you install a septic system. Our soils just barely met the criteria. We went 20+ years without pumping. I now pump every year because the typical life of a septic system around here is about 35 years and ours is now about that age, and I really, really don't want to have to replace it, because it will be $$$$$. Anne ETA: Nothing goes down the disposal, very rarely use bleach and certainly don't flush any feminine products.
  20. Do those of you who fast do this daily or twice a week or ????? Thanks! Anne
  21. If she likes Agatha Christie,most of her titles are on Audible. Anne
  22. Here are two things we did: First, we stopped eating more than one carb at a meal - bread OR pasta OR dessert - not all three which was what we used to do. Reduce dessert to twice a week rather than every day. JUst these two were relatively easy and made a lot of difference. From there, you can decide what, if any, changes need to be made. Anne
  23. Can anyone recommend any starter blogs or books on the ins and outs of eating keto? TIA, Anne
  24. I'm definitely not asking permission to buy clothing or anything else as long as I'm staying within our budget and buying limits (we have an agreed-upon amount that we don't exceed without checking with one another). However, there are things that I bring up in an informational kind of way, and then there are the things that just don't get mentioned....(like how many books I bought today....) Anne
  25. Does your insurance have one of those "call a nurse" services? If so, you could consult with them on speakerphone so that DH and DD could hear the recommendation from the nurse's mouth. I am entirely familiar with the phenomenon of my dh being sure that no health precautions are ever necessary....... Anne
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