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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. This is an interesting thread, for me, as I can see my youngest being ready to do more advanced work. Right now, he's not really reading. BUT, it's just around the corner. I am doing the LCC and just plan to plow through until we're at the end of "high school" and then he'll graduate. Hopefully that just means that he'll finish at maybe 16 or so and then start College Level work. By then (11 years or so) new doors will be open in the "higher learning" department anyway, right?? Carrie
  2. For our local public highschool, Latin isn't something that they are use to taking as credit. They are checking into it. BUT, at our local highschool, a foreign language is no longer required. Carrie
  3. My mom's "foamish" bed was one you could try for 90 days...they did and before the 90 days...she sent it back. I kinda thought I would have liked it! The bed I think I want is a rubber one....you can choose synthetic.....natural....or a mix. My very natural friend got one...and she loves it. She picked three layers or the rubber..then you put a cover over the whole thing....And, I'd want a wool cover placed on that. (Because wool is great for body liquids....urine....(ugh ...kids) sweat.....ect.... Then you can either wash...or let the wool pad air....) I've also looked at the wool mattresses because they are naturally flame retardant and I don't need any extra chemicals in my house. Carrie
  4. I have this on my feet. Not athlete's foot! :-) My feet crack and hurt really bad! I use a lotion that use to be prescription...but now is OTC. It has salicylic (sp?) acid in it...and if I use it nightly, when my feet just start to crack...it works. The other thing is when my hands use to bleed because they were so dry, I'd mix lecithin and a bit of oil....put it all over my hands...then plastic bags...and then socks.... It works... in the morning....baby soft:-) Carrie
  5. No Way...about the "my kids already have friends" comment. I'm sorry! Our group is really nice to each other, I think.... I'd think that being bi-racial, would actually be a benefit. I LOVED the fact that we weren't just a "Caucasian" coop. When I did have daycare, part of the reason I liked it...was because I didn't have to try to expose my daughter to other races in a fake way... (you know...buy dolls and such....cuz all she saw was "white") Carrie:-)
  6. If Memoria Press (MP) makes sense to you, then Latin Centered Curriculum(LCC) might, too! We're doing Famous Men of Rome first, as in MP, but otherwise...I'm trying to follow the LCC. I also do some other things like SOTW cds....etc...and memory work that's not really "the LCC way" but....I love the book....and I really liked the article in MP...so thought you'd want a whole book that addresses the history and more.. question... Carrie:-)
  7. I think that dogs outside are fine, if you're in the country...and you can train it to stay on your property. I'd get two so they have some companionship. In the city, it's fine to get a dog for outside, as long as you sleep with it:-) My dog would stay outside and bark and cry and get loose....and just be ready to be dead...if he were outside.... What is there to do in a place with fences and no people...and no other dogs...(and even with a friend..in the city...they just get into trouble together...) It's like a gerbil in a ball.....sad.... Carrie
  8. Hi There, I'm trying to figure out where to advertise our Homeschool Once a Week Program. I can't figure out the best places to hang flyers...SO, I thought I'd ask... "Where did you learn about your Homeschool Group? Coop? Alternative School?" I want the most bang for my flyers:-) Carrie (We're in Oregon)
  9. Yup, if you have your wood stove going:-) OR, right now, I'm trying what someone told me...and I put my oven on clean with my "new" iron skillet in it. Anyway, I'd just put it in the fire....let it cool...wash/rinse well (without soap...but until it's cleanish...) and warm it up again... a bit.... and lather it with Crisco:-) Carrie
  10. What I was told is that CC tries to be purely Chronological, while VP meant to be chronological within Geographical locations...so a different order.... Kathy Gentili's cd is by VP order. Carrie:-)
  11. Tulsa, Oklahoma was nice when we were there. Carrie:-)
  12. There are "green" drycleaners. That would be my first try. Otherwise, I'd get some Eucalan wool/delicate wash...and put it either on handwash in the washing machine...or take it into the cleaners and ask them for advice. If you have to wash it...you could do that in the bathtub.... Like the person above suggested...if you wash it in the bathtub...then take it to the washing machine to spin on delicate....and put out on something to dry...with a fan on it. To be honest, if I washed it at home, I would be careful that the colors wouldn't end up running...I'm a big vinegar person.... and the Eucalan is great because it's for delicates or wools...and you don't have to be careful to get it all out... Carrie:-)
  13. About the adoption thing, I'd say, "Yup, we hope to adopt at least a couple! Sounds like you might want to help, if we need Stateside help! Thanks!" You could have added, that when talking about adoption, it's not called "shipping and handling" but " ....." But...you know what he's trying to say....(Maybe he's a little like me...I honestly can't remember what it's called...if you have a child escorted here. AND, I read about adopting all the time.... It's a not so secret wish of mine.) I think you'll have a blast! And, this is the kind of thing that you'd regret if you didn't take the leap! Carrie
  14. I would, I'd wash it off...and put them outside with it. If they might fight, I'd cut it in two. Of course, I am in love with my dog....but he's gotten enough "no-no's" from places I won't speak about...that I think he has an iron stomach....And, if humans and dogs can get the same things....then I shouldn't be as careful about what our family eats.... CUZ, so far...my dog can eat anything....
  15. Ok, so with the responses I've read, I'm going to slightly disagree. Homeschooled children do tend to have an authority problem, sometimes. Children your kid's ages are usually too young for this to set in, but if you look at the problem that your mom had, you can just deal with that. Your children did as children sometimes do, they disobeyed. With my mom, I had to look at what my son was doing and think about how she needed him to behave at her house. I'm not saying that he's perfect, and I'm usually somewhat embarrassed because I know we fall below my mom's expectations. BUT, in her house he's not allowed to jump on the couch...to make this easier...I actually modified our rules at home. "No jumping on the couch". I really don't care....but this ultimately makes HIS life easier... Especially as he's gotten older and we are in other people's homes more. I would pass on the authority baton next time they're going to be with your mom (or with a babysitter).... Kids....I know you're gonna want to listen to G-ma while you're here today. Let's remember the rules. No jumping on furniture, no .....whatever......, remember to have lots of fun! You could sing that little song for her that you learned yesterday! Remember the treat that I'm bringing home for little kids that are good. (A pack of gum or something) And, then set up clear expectations with your mom.....Even ask her if the rules are the ones she needs most followed. Ok gma...we've talked about the No jumping on couches...and come when g-ma calls you... The kids have a song for you.... I know they're gonna try hard to listen today! See you later! I know that my mom puts my son in time-out without too much hesitation. AND, she's way different about it than I am...but...my son loves her...can't wait to go....even with her extra strictness. It works for them... Carrie:-)
  16. Here's my vote for Ecclesiastical Latin. It's easier for my kids.... we're not Catholic, but look forward to attending a couple of Mass' given in Latin. It's closer to Spanish... After studying Ecclesiastical (Church) Latin for a few years, if you want...you can have your child learn Classical pronunciation. I also plan to check out some of the Latin immersion weekends that I hear they have at a local college. As far as flashcards, ours are printed. I can't stand cards with messy handwriting. Also, my kids were supposed to write their vocabulary words out 3 times each week. Carrie:-)
  17. We are going to a PCA church....We don't believe in infant baptism, as we believe it's an act of obedience on the part new believer's part. BUT, our church doesn't mandate that you have your infants baptized as some Paedo believing churches do. We sing hymns, and have a couple of more chorus like music in the bulletin...but nothing too out there.... AND, they aren't sung over and over and over... We do family worship, although some take their children to the nursery...and stay with them... or walk them in the back. I would consider ours a family integrated church. Carrie:-)
  18. Yup, for my son, I'm going to put him in 1st grade at 7. That's when we have to enroll, if I do it the "right way". Right now, at 5, he's skip counting...some easy multiplication....spelling words out loud....(and I haven't really taught him...that's next year, I think).... He has a TON of things memorized...and is probably doing higher work, but why put him in a higher grade? This gives us one more year for testing and such... Now, for activities..I just keep him at age level...so wherever his friends are..that's where he is. I plan to homeschool all the way through...so we'll adjust as we go.... Grades are for public school anyway. Who else cares if my child knows some of his multiplication tables before he reads? Or, if he can tell you science facts that would surprise most, before he can write... BUT, I hate mandated testing...so for that...he'll be reported as a grade lower... Carrie:-)
  19. I think that Cycle 3 is the hardest, as it's so much coverage. I actually think that CC could/should maybe be broken into 4 cycles, as it would be able to more closely match something like...say WTM cycles... That being said, I'm doing The Latin Centered Curriculum, with modifications for my daughter, as we're "catching up" from her being in other schooling experiences. SO, we're starting Men of Rome now, and hopefully continuing Men of Greece....after... (and then continuing with the series) We're, of course, listening to the cd of SOTW. My daughter tends to memorize the cds, she listens to them so much! We're also getting some of the other great Weiss cds. He's great! As for more Ancient History, I want to get SWB's one for olders...., too! I'll be getting it sometime in the summer. I think with CC the secret is to use it like a sauce...liberally enjoy it... but don't get upset if it's too much trouble to line it up. Consider it an enrichment class. There are some line ups with SOTW....but really...next year...I'm just doing school on the other days without trying to match it up. I think what I'm doing is....plugging the sentences onto the timeline, and then when we get there in our reading, it'll be like...."See, we learned about that last month" or whatever... Carrie:-)
  20. I think that if you want to do something with Men of Rome, it's perfect, as it is very similar to the Memoria Press' Version. I just reviewed it. I do believe that some of the errors were changed.... You know that you can do the hard copy or cd version, right? I would not probably do it, just for the Latin...but...History and Latin Combo would appeal. Carrie:-)
  21. SO, For my rising 6th grader: Henle, starting in Unit 4 LCC for her grade, except starting with Rome right now, and continuing into Greece...if we can chug along. Memory Work out of Drew's book. Classical Conversations for Interaction, further memory work and Writing. SOTW Volume 1, (She listens to the Cds...over and over...in her free time) Supplementary Ancient History books, for her extra reading. Lial's Math, with some Living Math lessons, that correspond to SOTW Volume 1, (I hope...) Science, I'll give her books on her own, for her free time reading in the afternoons....(Free for me, I guess:-) Spelling, just the list from the back of the WRTR My rising 6 year old, Tag along for the above, phonics with WRTR Classical Conversations, listening to some of SOTW I (As soon as I make sure it's ok for him) Cursive First, for writing phonograms Abacas lessons (through Nurture Minds) Lots of reading books.... (hopefully "living" books) Carrie
  22. Wine was fermented, no way around it. Not having a place to keep juice cool, would cause it to be fermented. Strength etc is up for discussion... Carrie
  23. Funny, my dog can't handle the pills...I use the topical. It's pesticide, and I don't like that...BUT, I like it more than I like fleas. Carrie:-)
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