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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. What a dream! I'm happy for you and interested in how it starts to turn out. There's a private school in our town...and I always think about how neat it would be if it went classical. I'd maybe have our children there! But, our closest classical school is between 1/2-3/4 hr away. Carrie:-)
  2. I'd observe the next couple of times. My daughter LOVES her ballet teacher. Interesting things pop out when you're trying to motivate children who aren't concentrating. I've just talked to her ballet instructor about giving some last minute motivators to my daughter. "Listen from the beginning, Concentrate, try to be respectful of your teacher's time, act like you care, do you want to take ballet? prove it..." You can't get girls to really learn...if you have to warm them up every time! You shouldn't have to speak sharply before they listen. SO, I'm reminding my daughter, who LOVES ballet....to be on top of her lessons. I know her teacher is right on top of things, and sounds sharp.....BUT, I want them to listen...to do well....and to get my time and moneys worth.... Maybe some "Peacemakers" skills would come into play with finding a "win-win" situation. :-) The last few weeks are VERY stressful for studios..... Carrie:-)
  3. Coffee, Every morning.... 1-2 mugs:-) With Vanilla Creamer...or Chocolate Raspberry...or Peppermint Mochas at Starbuck's during Christmas. Yum.... In fact, my mom is just picking up my next big package at Costco's. Sumatra....it's a GREAT price:-) SO, even though she hates...hates...hates...coffee....she's gonna learn how to grind coffee today! Carrie:-)
  4. I agree with everything that's been said. I've seen my child be hit on...and I've seen my child be the instigator. He's...over the course of us visiting others....hit, kicked, spit on, shoved, bit (a big kid who he was trying to get another child away from in a kind of "save" game)...is that all you can do bad? My daughter never hurt anyone but her sisters...(and got in trouble, there, too) Anyway, boys are sometimes very physical. I am always right there, telling him that it's wrong to hurt others. When it's appropriate, I have him apologize to the child's mother, too, for hurting "her son"...as well as the child. It's one of the things, that if it's mean...we still spank him for. For most things, I get on my knees....look him in the eyes and just talk about what we need. For hurting others, though, I don't feel like it's enough. He's almost 6 (in July), so I'm hoping that he'll not hurt people for this next years coop. This was really the first year he's been around groups of kids. I'm trying to teach him, but he has no understanding of "people's bubbles". With boys, in playing...the bubble thing is harder to explain. Anyway, I'm going to try to do the Peacemakers for Kids thing with him..... SO, once you do address the issues...realize that some parents work really hard...and it's still not easy! Carrie:-)
  5. That's great.....and I'm sure you'll keep it.... Even though we're not Catholic, I wanted my husband's Christening gown for my son's dedication. I hope we have dibs on it for a keepsake, as he's the only grandchild who has used it. Of course, her daughter put my son's cousin in it for pictures, after I suggested that she at least take some pics of the "lil" one in it. I'm hoping to put it in a shadow box. I only wish I had added some little booties to it. Carrie:-)
  6. What about just memorizing the 2 letter phonograms? If you know "th" then you can easily sound out the words? (We have memorized most of the 2 letter phonograms, so far...and some of the 3) I really try everything to make sure that my son is NOT memorizing words, before he can easily sound them out. He's 5 and I'm not making him read a lot every day, but he almost silently sounds out the words and then says what they are. I also read ahead to make sure that he knows the phonograms that he'll be running into. If he doesn't know it well, then when we get there, I say...for instance.... "EA" says "E" and then he'll use that to sound out the word. I read lots of books that he doesn't know, so he's not just memorizing the words. Carrie:-)
  7. I love SOTW and it's what my daughter will listen to, until it's memorized! And, I love that all the "notes to parents" are read to my child...(with a preface of "note to parents" read by Weiss) SO, the notes are really pounded into her head. Thanks for talking about "errors". I've loved the books, but hadn't quite understood the dating part. So, I'm quite content that the dates with those explanations are fine. We are doing LCC and SOTW is done on her own time. I really feel that it helps round out her learning experience. I plan on having her "memorize" all 4 of them. So far she's done Volume 3. I'm hoping that this year I can get the Ancient book by SWB for adults. I wish that was on cd, too!! Carrie:-)
  8. I was not meaning to say that I know they would celebrate the holidays, but rather that they would be willing to acknowledge the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus. (Yeshua) Carrie:-)
  9. Ewww. I'm sorry for you! Let us know when you find out it's *Not* anything more than a nasty cold. Carrie:-)
  10. Pull herself up by her bootstraps and explain that he's still her responsibility. Just like she'd make decisions about anything else...education is how you learn what you need in life. Her decision...But, of course, he should get to have some control. But, I wouldn't just do what a 12 or 13 year old said...about anything. Now, of course, she should be trying to share the control of his day....but not give it all away. Maybe a co-op...some classes at school...etc. Carrie:-)
  11. I've only gotten about 1/2 way through, or so, and I've had it since November. Thanks for the reminder to dig in again! Carrie....
  12. The one from SWR?? Cursive First. It's only $13 and reproducible. :-) Carrie
  13. Just to let you know....my mom has been on a "Latin review" project...because I was getting the books...and having her review them. Wheelock's has an interesting spot in the front where they talk about language origin. They also have a workbook to go with the textbook. Wheelock's was made so that there would be a college level textbook. Faster paced...crazy for jr high. (Although the companion book is suppose to be made so that it can be used for younger students.) WHY USE IT? I wouldn't think of using it for students...unless you are so anti-Catholic that you can't pass over a few "Catholic" sayings. No problem for us! I appreciate that the Catholic church helped Latin survive. As I've stated before, my girls (from 16 , 13 and 10) have done great with Henle. And, I think it was your previous thread, where I stated that Seton has a great answer key...more complete than Henle's ...for the Henle's book. And a pronunciation cd for $5. Carrie:-) PS. If you can find a used copy, like I did, for $7....it's worth it to have Wheaton's as a resource...maybe...
  14. Oh my gosh...This is just funny!!!! Poor kid! I'm sure I'd do fine with you for a friend..... I have a high voice when I'm excited...and I talk fast....Could we be friends?? Carrie:-)
  15. I'm wondering about the law, though. Are you sure, that if the other dogs are off-leash...that you would be responsible? Especially in the dog situation?? I think here, that it's the off-leash dog that gets "charged" because they aren't "under contol" I had this problem when I first got my dog...mine on leash...someone else's off leash....(actually, the first 2 months I had my dog...from the humane society... he got lunged at by one dog...and bitten by two others... I started to think that every time we went out....we'd have a problem!) Oh yes..about just saying something besides "They'll attack!" My trainer said to say something like "Leash your dogs!" or "Get your dogs" or something....to just put the responsibility on them...without admitting anything. Because...really...it's their dog that needs to be controlled...your's is on a leash... Carrie:-)
  16. If you do cast iron, you can sometimes get it at the Good Will or used stores...Look for Made in the USA. There are a couple of well known names.... G?? and W?? that's what I remember...others can tell you the whole name:-) I have muffin ones (with 11 muffin spots) and 4 other pans...and some other stuff. My mom just payed about $50 for one from ebay...She loves it. Just find out how to take care of it:-) Carrie:-)
  17. I'd have my children playing in the inner core of our house. I just let my 10 year old start riding her bike around.....but I've never heard of a crime around here, except driving drunk(at night) speeding (of course) and car break ins (at night) Best wishes on moving! Carrie
  18. Today I almost didn't want to look at the calendar....I finally did....we have a free day. This week was a play...and the dentist and then other "catch ups". I try to do all of my activities before my husband comes home...and the things that he ok'd for after...like my step-daughter doing her drama on Wednesday nights, t-ball on two nights...and Awana's keeps us not at home for these months. BUT, as a child who was homeschooled.... I can say...at a certain point, children do want to do some things. My idea of something to do ...is ballet during the day 2x a week (2 miles from our house) and our "coop" for once a week....24 times a year. That's all I willingly do..... and then there's that whole husband thing...who says yes to other things... Carrie
  19. I think that you can go right into Henle, if you want to study. You can get a nice complete answer key from Seton. They also have a cd to help pronounce Henle for $5. My 10 year old is almost through with Unit 3, after doing LCI and LCII the last two years. I think they are on a 3 year pace to get Henle Book I done, and hopefully go on to the other books after this. They are also going to start doing other translation work out of some supplemental books. (Also, if you don't lag too much between lessons, I hear that after Unit 7, I think, you can go into the second book. And, a benefit of doing into Henle after LC I and II...is that much of the first part is review.) Carrie:-)
  20. Hey There, About shingles....I have a cousin who recognized the symptoms that her husband was coming down with shingles.(she kinda reads a lot of medical books) Anyhow, she had him go to the DR the same day, get a course of the virus meds...and ...it took care of the shingles...before they went full bloom! Just a thought. Also, if you let your children get the chicken pox(or they just "catch" them) you can get the vaccine meds and they REALLY help. My son had a very bad case and they just weren't clearing up....meds taken...and POOF, they were gone.... Also, all sores/scabs...I did a mixture of many oils...and kept him oiled up. He has only a couple of little scars....(Jojoba, Lemon Grass EO, Lavendar EO, olive oil...Straight Neem oil....etc..) Carrie:-)
  21. I think that you should talk to the director. Ask for her/his opinion. Tell her that your daughter would like to progress, but that if it's not possible, it's best to let her know while she's still young. My daughter has been taking at a Royal Academy of Dance for 6 years, and if she stayed behind....I'm not sure she'd stay. She has had to work on "core" strength...but riding bikes..running around the yard...etc. RAD schools are great at technique...perhaps a different "serious" school would be better? OR, maybe it's not something your daughter will be able to progress at...and it's better for her to go put her efforts somewhere else. I'm sorry! I know my daughter would be devastated if she couldn't advance with her class! Carrie
  22. Sorry you're having a rough time! My mom swears that her low cholesterol is because of fresh whole wheat bread ...and basically no white... SO, maybe if you can only get it for just you...you could try that until you'd be willing to wean..and then have it tested again? Sorry...try to enjoy nursing...it flies by..... I'd try some natural helps before quitting .... Sorry... Carrie
  23. How Lucky! I really want to do this someday! I'd love for a Classical School to be open in the area we live in.... I tried to get the private Christian School in town to do Classical.... I'd look at doing some memory work like Classical Conversations. I love the History Sentences that my kids know because of CC. I think that you can do it in a private school classroom, if the teacher has a copy..... At least, in the old curriculum guide, you could. So, I'd do the CC sentences...and you could look at incorporating the other Memory Work.... (Some of the Memory work comes straight from the Scholastic Series of Books.....) You could also look at Drew Campbell's book...Living Memory... Also, if you're thinking "classical" you could look online at different classical schools....and their scope and sequence. Also, although we don't use VP's order of their History cards....it would be great to use in a school.... OR, something similar. VP has a 160 pt timeline card series.... I don't see if it's a Christian School...If it is, VP would be awesome. If not, you could make up your own timeline:-) I can see the kids working on these from K-12 :-) Carrie:-)
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