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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hey There, Just a nod that with the next, there's hope. My midwife did some serious stretching with my second baby (looked like she was trying to get me ready for a rectangular box to come out...no finger stretches here) and when I finally stood up...(after hours) one contraction and his head was out. Then, down I went to the floor and a nurse lunged from the top of my stomach to push him out. Even with all of this, I had no tearing, due to the stretching and the standing to get him out. He was 10lbs 3oz. (and 23 1/4 inches) With my daughter, same midwife...no stretching, I had internal and external tearing. (and she weighed 1 lb less) I am a pretty small person....and babies just don't like to come out.... BUT, I can say that the small pain of having her whole hands stretching me, was way less than pain than the tearing and stitches and the pain of the needle. Carrie...
  2. SO, I didn't want to spoil my "find" but I received my SOTW read by Barbara Alan Johnson, today. I paid $17 for each Volume (I and II) and am SOSOSOSO excited. I started the thread to see if there are glaring mistakes that SWB corrected.... It seems that there aren't so....I'm good to go, I guess:-) Carrie:-)
  3. Funny you'd mention Tonga! It has a King, they still walk backwards when leaving his presence. The kingdom went to?? can't remember who... after the king died at 90+ within the last couple of years. It was going to go to his son, I believe, but some wreckless (drunk?) person killed him while he was driving with his wife.,...I think it was...in maybe California?? Anyway, the whole middle and maybe more...was burned down in revolt. The poor people are seriously POOR and the rich are rich....The schools are terrible. The missionaries started a somewhat Classical school...don't know if it's still going. BUT, there is incredible papaya, mango and other such great food. The people are relaxed! There's almost no such thing as time... You have to fly or boat over from Figi (sp) when you want to go. I think the plane goes maybe a couple of times a week or so... Anyway, my father has been able to go several times and I'd love to visit there...but not live. Carrie
  4. In Washington, somewhere, many years ago....(ok...about 7) we had a creme brulee sampler of plain, chocolate and the last one orange? It was just..."the best"! And, of course, for my poor sweet daughter...I'm always asking..."Do you know if there's a good chance that she'd be ok if she ate this? She's allergic to peanuts..." SO, if you know there's no cross contamination...that's cool:-) She's so into cooking/baking shows..and so not able to eat most desserts! Also, about 20 years ago, I ate at a "crab feast" and they had this flavored chocolate mousse. I confess, that very discreetly, I was trying to get the last bit out of the glass...with my finger. (And I usually have such nice manners...no finger lickin' here....) Carrie:-)
  5. I always thought that some of the reason you're asked if your children are vaccinated, was so that they can contact you if there's a measles outbreak...or whatever else. I've always been asked if my children are or not...and then answered. Of course, I'm more worried about my child who's allergic to peanuts and such.... About Tetanus, I've always figured that between my child's ability and the nurses, that any sores will be cleaned out well. Carrie:-)
  6. We met her when we lived in Oklahoma, years ago. I remember the first KONOS book... I ate a million of her peanut butter balls at the Homeschool Conference ..wow....25 or so years ago Praying for a full recovery... Carrie:-)
  7. I'm so sorry! I have no ideas for you, except punished by God isn't what's happening. Bad things happen to good NO, !GREAT! people. I am SO SO SO SO sorry for you! If you were here, my husband would offer for you to move in...that's been his answer before......(although no one has taken us up on it.) We will pray for you, and you'll keep us informed...ok?? Carrie
  8. This will be interesting! There's a charter school in Eugene Oregon that I've looked at. We're not close enough, but it has Character themes and such...It's called Academy for Character Education...and it's a "homeschool"/Charter school.... I'm looking at a Charter school that's Classical and opening up in 2010 for my daughter. I'm not sure about it, as I'll have to see how it'll be run. They (will)use some Core Knowledge materials, but I think those only go to 8th grade...and the school will be going to 12th... Carrie:-)
  9. Anyone using Living Math from Julie? I'm thinking of using the one that corresponds to SOTW I. I hear that she's finishing her next set of units... I'm interested in either using it with just my kids or in a group setting. I'd love to hear your experiences... Carrie:-)
  10. Are there extensions for the hours? Courses you can do by mail? Teaching would maybe be a good job, as your summers are a bit freer. Of course, the first few years are extra hard, but you could do it! Does your husband pastor? I seem to remember ministry?? Could you get someone you trust to watch the children? Can your husband watch them for part of the time? Food is good to have! Rent has to be paid. Sometimes things aren't perfect, right? And, between staying home with littles and teens...it may be that teen years are more important.... And so...maybe it's not forever:-) Carrie:-)
  11. Wow, I had a good guess. (sting) Poor horse, and poor you having to fret about if your sweet horse would be ok. Glad it looks like everything will work out, though! Carrie:-)
  12. Hi Rebecca, Money really isn't the issue, right? If you look in your divorce/custody, you may legally have to give back a certain percentage if your child is there for more than a certain time. In my case, if my daughter's dad files his time, he gets half. Now, of course, I just have to ask for a review, and he'd be paying more...probably. Did you ask your son? My daughter loves flying and going to see her bio-Dad and little brother and sister... BUT 2 wks is her absolute maximum and she's been doing this for 7 years. She goes between 9 and 14 days...and she's ready to come home. After that, she says like she feels she's intruding on their space and time. This coming time, she'll be staying her longest at 16 days, including the 2 travel days. I really think that 3 weeks is too long for a 10 year old who doesn't visit regularly. Just because I think he'll be missing you too much. If he makes $200,000 a year... He can afford to have him on another week. Carrie:-)
  13. No fair..you MUST share:-) Pretty please! What is gooey butter cake?? And chocolate sounds like just what I need right now! Carrie
  14. I have to say, that I love my kids listening to cds that are good about history. We checked out many cds...and also listened to Jim Weiss' cds (and though I like SOTW cds by him.... I hear that his stories are a much easier listen!) I also had my daughter read and listen to books/cds about famous people in America... If I did it again, I'd check into the Memoria Press' Modern Men...(but it may not be the right time period) Here, they do American History for 2 years....4th and 5th grade. We're done with it...and moving on to Ancient:-) Carrie
  15. My first thought would be a sting...That got a reaction. SORRY! I know how it is to have a animal problem you don't know what to do with! Carrie
  16. Hey There, We do Classical Conversations in the Salem area, and I think it'd be great to have any of you who would like to be part of our larger "Classical Home Educator's Group" let me know...so I can add you to the "Field Trip" emails. Oregon seems to have a lot of Unschoolers....we are more of the "get some school" done type of group. I have a list of families who just want to hang out with families who do school.... If you'd like to be part of our group...and on the email list...pm me with your email address. :-) Field Trips like the Zoo, ballets, OMSI...etc.. Carrie:-)
  17. Also, Polly...you don't live around Salem, do you???? We do some field trips and other things.... (As a group....) Carrie:-)
  18. Hi Polly, I can't remember where you're located, but have you thought of taking college courses for Science. We live by Corban and I hear that Homeschoolers can take college there...for really inexpensive..(there are some strings) and I know that some of the State Universities offer courses, too.... Just a thought... Carrie:-)
  19. Really, the atmosphere of CC and Catholics is determined by who is involved. I've always believed that Christians are those who believe in Jesus alone for their atonement of sin. (Jesus who was born, died ....and rose again...) The conflict sometimes comes in understanding what Catholics believe about the rest of Christians. Usually, if you look at Church teachings, Catholics can't take communion with the rest of us.... SO, in my circle, it looks like Catholics who believe purely in coming to Christ through faith are considered Christians....but by Church teachings....I'm not a Christian. Now, if you ask my Catholic MIL if we're Christians...she'll say "Yes" but....I'm not sure the Church agrees with her... Now, about the Veritas Press Timeline cards, which is the only hard copy thing you might have a problem with. (that I can think of) The VP cards are from a "Reformed Press" which means that when dealing with a few things such as "The Reformation" you might prefer to think/refer to that as "The Rebellion". You have to decide what you think about the matter and if you can appreciate what the Reformation did for the common people. I would ask about group dynamics. Are there any Catholics that are part of the group? I direct a group here, and would feel comfortable with anyone attending... I'm just careful that parents who tutor can agree with the statement of faith....which you can find on the site. Feel free to ask more questions, if I might help:-) We really love our CC group. There are families from many different churches... etc... We all bring something to the group! Carrie:-)
  20. I'm interested to know what the name of the Curriculum was... Carrie:-)
  21. Hi Audrey... I'd love a s/o review of this...or here if it's proper:-) I think you're "secular" and I am coming from a "Christian World View" do you think it looks overwhelmingly one way? Or kinda down the middle? I've looked at OM forever! And we're doing Ancient next year...(With a 6th grader and a first grader) I'm looking for some add-ins to what we're doing. Carrie:-)
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