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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I think an easy switch to make, if you're willing to help...would be Latina Christiana I and II or find out about Memoria Press' other Latin...and then straight into Henle. That's where Memoria Press was always headed, anyway! I think it's maybe $50 cheaper not to do Latin with Challenge, and that's a big help towards what Latina Christiana would cost (get the DVD) other that that...we've loved Challenge...We concur that LNST is horrid.
  2. This is why pouches, and 5mm....are better than roll lamination. I've really received an education in lamination....kinds of laminate, weights...etc. Roll lamination is usually done with light weight, here, and also when you cut the laminate, it sometimes breaks the seal...making it easier to start peeling. :-)
  3. Oregonlam.com you can order 6x9 pouches, rounded corners.... We used 5mm lamination and they are great! No cutting and the pouches just work out great. You just need to borrow someone's laminator. If you ask around, it's surprising how many people have them. You should be able to order a box for under $9 each (for each 100, so $20 total) Their shipping is a flat $5.95, so get someone to go in with you. Also, they have comb binding equipment. Lots of really good stuff at great prices. I also ordered pouches for different size projects. You can also get the rings at Flyboys.com, if you want the ones I got. I think they're called stationery rings??? Also, I punched mine at the bottom, so while using the cards, they just fall...instead of you having to "flip over" each card. Carrie:-)
  4. Ok, so, just for fun I'm gonna play here. Years ago, there was a private school, who made the kids take horseradish if they did "naughty" things with their mouth. Parents had to agree, first, and the school notified kids when they were served up horsey sauce. Mom took school to court, judge was an old judge. Said, if it stopped what he saw in school today, good riddance to any disagreeing with it. BTW, school proved that horseradish aids in digestion. I am someone who doesn't punitively correct for much, but rather talks about what ought to happen. BUT, abusive behaviour makes me think about something that will nip it in the bud. I wouldn't give apple cider vinegar to someone else's child....BUT, I would have the kid do something that would make them...never want to do it again. Since you can't put hot sauce, or anything else bad in their mouth...then having them do a hassle chore is what makes the most sense to me. I mean...in the real world, if you bite someone, you go to more than a class on self control... Carrie
  5. Kindergarten starts next year, if they'll be five. Do you have to say where? Carrie:-)
  6. I would take the puppy with me when i go places, unless it's too hot. I wouldn't just leave it to rome in the yard. Bad habit to have to break. Also, is your crate the right size and not too bug? With little ones who might have an accident, I suppose plastic is best; we have a wire crate. In the house, they'd be on the leash. (What's that leash that you can use that the company replaces them if the puppy chews it?) You keep them leashed, outside playing with you...or in a crate...until a certain age. Makes for a good dog, supposedly. I kept mine the same way when I adopted him, and it worked wonders. Carrie:-)
  7. That's fine. I would talk to the mom first anyway. I'm not saying that I would hide the fact that the inappropriate act needs to stop. I am HUGE on finding the reason that children are doing what they are doing. BUT, after watching children who hit/punched/spit.... I KNOW that sometimes they have good parents, a good daycare provider, lots of love and still just are "hurting others." (these were young children) I would not time out a child for that long in any other circumstance. AND, I have to say that it's what I was told to do.(When I called L&L) I just stopped doing childcare and started just being with my kids. Personally, I would have NO problem with my children doing little mundane things to curb behaviour. I mean, spitting in the sink is "NO fun" and yet it doesn't hurt anything. Working with the parents on some punishment type things might be nicer than making them find new childcare. I suppose even if I think that I am nice, I may just have a mean streak. Carrie
  8. When I called Love and Logic, they said 20 minutes time-out for hurting people. That was for a 3 year old. It's suppose to "hurt". Or, no movies at home that night... For my son his really bad "consequence" is no wii. It has to be something they care about. No dessert after lunch? If you don't already have treats you can pull, start some... Also, you can have them do hassle chores...cleaning baseboards with some water and a rag. Moving rocks for 15 minutes.... Explain to the mom that you need the child's hurting habits to stop. (and you don't want your children to start...say...biting in response...) Carrie
  9. My first thought would be a german shepherd from a reliable breeder. I guess short haired might be best...although look wise, I like long haired. Also, I'm not sure that you have to have it "dead" by 14 years. Why couldn't your son take him when he moves. Here in the US, at least, places have to let you take service dogs ...anywhere... Carrie:-)
  10. I almost always feel alone. I always feel SOOOOOO different. About everything... I am SOOOO conservative politically and with my Theology. I do believe that everyone should be able to own a gun (minus felons) *BUT, I won't agree for my husband to have one. I DO believe that everyone should be able to discipline their own children, but I don't want mine to have a memory of being spanked...thus, I really don't. My children aren't like the good ones whose parents have them under control... But *I* love them:-) I don't vaccinate...Drink raw milk (haven't we died, yet??) Used cloth diapers... Watch tv and movies... Try to do LLC but still memorize according to a "kids have big buckets to scoop up memory work....(CC:) thinking" Supported Bush...but wanted my brother and his friends home... Want to be Suzy Homemaker, but have no follow through.... Love homeschooling, but would send my daughter to a Classical School if I could afford it. (At least in another year, in 7th) Only birthed two...but wish I could have wanted to have..you know...that "typical" family of 8 kids... Ok...so...when I stop to think how different I am....I wonder who feels normal.... I just need some Starbuck's and dark chocolate right now! Carrie:-)
  11. Have you said, "No" to him when he starts to dig? This probably sounds crazy, but I thought that it was just something dogs do...until his cushy form to your body...$30 dog bed got a hole in it after a few? weeks. Next time he started, I said, "NO!" and he hasn't done that in his bed again.... Just a thought... Carrie:-0 PS...how old is he??
  12. My brother's friend always wanted a gun. His dad worked during Vietnam as a "Secretary" because he couldn't bring himself to "do war". Well, when this child was a few years old, he started asking for a play gun. His parents were really against him having one. He finally asked if he was allowed to pray for a gun. They both said yes, that if he found a play gun, he could have it. A couple of weeks later they were cleaning under a bush, that they had cleaned out under many times...and ....guess what David found?? A gun.... And...well...he's still a nice guy....and all grown up now...but that's how he acquired a gun....25 + years ago! Carrie:-)
  13. Wow, that's exciting, if he's a good dad! Won't that be some precedent for him getting custody?? How old are the other children? You're taking on a ton:-) No advice about the schooling, I'd do whatever looks best for court. Friends don't divorce...and he needs to remember that.... Carrie
  14. Have you looked at Veritas Press for all of your curriculum? I really like what I see there. What about ...is it Noah's Plan? It's something like that and it's suppose to be very Biblical... Carrie:-)
  15. Wow, she's so sweet looking! I vote that you have an Oregon Field Trip:-) Don't you think you should share?? :-) Carrie
  16. I'd vote a Wheaten Terrier, if you're willing to train...low to no shedding (they have hair, not "fur") and the one I stuffed my face in...was cotton ball soft! Trainings the key....but they aren't small enough to be little dogs. Noting your children's ages...I wouldn't want little bitty size.... Our dog has lived, because he's big enough..(about 65 lbs) I would never pay to have a dog who is mixed...opens up a whole new set of problems...a Lagotto is a nice looking dog, similar to a Portuguese Water dog....if you are paying $$$ :-) Carrie
  17. I think I'd do this, and have her put in as much as you normally do, "to kinda make up for your other knowing." Punishment is not all it's made out to be. You can feel like wackin' but remember that even adults have a hard time not telling secrets. But, remind her about the fact that telling someone else's secrets is focusing on herself and how it made HER feel....and not how her sister feels about it. It's a selfish impulsive act, rather than a kind one. Maybe memorizing a couple of verses (Bible, or other ones) about being self-less....would be good. Carrie
  18. I believe in free will, within what God allows. SO, I can make choices...that are allowed. In other words, He's in control...of the choices...that I'm allowed to make. Kinda like...my child is allowed to make choices...from the choices that I've allowed. Carrie
  19. Just a thought about weight, I know that when I was trying to reduce my cat's weight, the vet said that wet is the way to go. It really was! I did wet...the kind that was with no gravy like substance. I can't remember the ratio to look for, but I had to look at the can and make sure that it was within the right ratios. It really made the weight fall off, and less water drinking...because the food was wet. Is he pretty active still? I had a cousin who had a run on her house so that the cats could go in the run and back in the house....(but now outside the run). BUT, in the end, if it's his time for whatever reasons....You just have'ta know that you've given him a nice life. Carrie
  20. What's going on in your life? Buy a new car or truck? My mom sent my Uncle...at My Aunts bidding, a letter from Ford talking about recalls for the New Truck they had just purchased...talking about how much $$$ they were going to spend, although Ford was going to be nice and pay for part...I think it was the Transmission that was going to be "going out". They wrote it on official looking paper...and he was at my aunt's office...where most everyone if not all....were in on the joke...
  21. We order ours through Vermont Nut Free Chocolate.... We haven't actually done the bunnies, but we did Santa. Also, I'm not sure if they were hollow or not, but they were good chocolates. All of their chocolates and jelly beans have been really good. Carrie
  22. No real other comments, except for I've read Love and Logic for parents of Teens. It kinda is a book about logical consequences and getting what you as a parents need, through encouraging your children in good choices... Carrie
  23. This is a CC group? I'd blow off today's class. I'd have parents next year sit with their students for at least the first hour, if not the first day. I'd go over a simple rule like, "You may do anything that is (fill in the blank)" For me, with junior high, the word may be "considerate". Then you just hold hard to the line. Learn some behavioural techniques, if they're not natural. I've just read the Love and Logic book for Teachers. First time may be "a look", second you may say a name, third they're out to talk with a parent. Fourth, you're really sorry, but it looks like they need to be excused for the day. Coops/CC/private schools...they're expensive and inconvenient. If parents have to deal with their children being out for the day, they will find a way to make them be cooperative. L&L has all kinds of "mini-talks" for suggestions in their book. Throwing the problem back on the student/family...to come up a solution to the problem. Hold hard and fast from the start.... I'm sure that you can nip it in the bud, next year....Teacher first, friend much later:-) Carrie
  24. If you want to use a white board, decide together on how big the "graph lines" on the white board should be and do it in permanent ink. You can get an extra board from Home Depot for not too much...and have that one only for math. Just a thought... Carrie
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