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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hey There, How many of you would purchase a CD of the History Timeline Cards from VP if put to Chronological Order (according to Classical Conversations' order) I would like this regardless of CC..... If you have, say 5 friends who would too, let me know that also. Let's say it sold for $30.00 and would be available August 1st. Carrie:-)
  2. If you want a really great writing co-op, you could try the IEW site to see if they list coops going on....I really like IEW in a coop situation. The writing isn't perfect, but even my 11th grader has really enjoyed the process of going through IEW. She's a good writer, already, but says that IEW has given her points to think about in constructing her papers. Classical Conversations has a short time each week to converse about IEW/ writing. At least in our CC group, there are a majority of families who pursue academics in an organized fashion. Carrie:-)
  3. My mom did LCI and II with my girls, my mom's friend...and the friend's daughter. She stayed really up with where the class was. (They used the DVDs) and now with Henle....she is really diligent about staying up...and then a few lessons ahead. She spends about an hour or more each day on Latin. She's a good teacher:-) Carrie:-)
  4. Would you normally time out the child? I think I would say, at another time, "I didn't know if I was still suppose to time-out "Abby" or if you wanted to time-out her when you're here. Let's figure this out so that if it happens again, we'll both know what to expect. If she says that she's using a positive parenting approach, I'd explain that that's great! And at daycare, you use a "Love and Logic " approach, and that when the children hit or fight...that you do...(and then say what you do) I'd even have a book there to reference. Explain that since her child is so smart, that she's really old enough for it to work. (You know, people like to think about their child as smart) So, you hope that you can come to some resolution, because you don't want your children to hit hers...and you don't want her child to hit either....."Because, You are so right...hitting doesn't feel good to children." BTW, time out for hitting is for longer than a normal time-out. I would try to be that calm force that follows the time-out with modeling for what the mom should be doing. Ask her, "What do you need to do to make this as right as you can...."Apologize to the person I hurt." Right....now, how do you say you're sorry? "Look him in the eyes and say....I'm sorry, and I'll try not to hurt you again." I believe in Positive Discipline, too...just a different way of using the term. I want to make sure that the discipline makes the child Positive...that they don't want to do it again. Carrie:-)
  5. How will they be supervise the kids and will the be left alone at any point out of the room? Will they be instructed not to go out without an adult...and not to open if for anyone... Carrie:-)
  6. I'm not sure; what other subjects do they do together. How much money and time does it cost? Is the social interaction something you're really wanting? Are there more academic coops in the area? Is this the "best work" that they have, or could it be on the blog because of a specific assignment. I guess what I'm trying to say, it that they are cute paragraphs, kinda.... My daughter is 10 and is doing little paragraphs. I hope they are a bit better....Hmmm Carrie
  7. I'd go to a pawn shop and see what they had for the price that he can afford. We bought my rings for $1200 and they are pretty nice. They make people say....Ohhhh WooooW. It'd give you a place to start ....and the pawn shop charges less for doing stuff like this. Ours is a pawn shop, with a section for ...it's early...diamonds and such...some new...some old... If you were in Salem, OR... I'd have you go there. They have some incredible stuff!! Also, she might like the ring the way it is.... Carrie:-)
  8. wide eyes & laughter:-) CC is a "program" versus a "coop" For us, you don't have to agree with a certain denomination etc...you just have to understand that some of the material is from a conservative Christian perspective. I hear there are all kinds of people that participate in CC from faiths such as UU, JW, LDS, Buddists, etc....because of the educational advantages.... But, you sign up for the year.... Carrie:-)
  9. I'm coming to you, wise ones, asking what you think of referrals. I've been asked (no bashing, please:-) if I might offer referral $$$ for families who bring their friends to our program. If you say, "Yes" would you please comment what percentage of the total amount you get "off". If you haven't done a co-op or CC and found out about the fact that your joining the group brought $$$ to the family that brought you... how would you feel about it? I'm not greedy, but I'm wondering if this breaks the integrity of offering an educational choice. Wondering about how this would make families feel. Please Note That You May Choose Multiple Choices. I am now listening to your counsel :bigear:
  10. Mine would be with a friend that I forgot I lent it to.... Carrie:-)
  11. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:: Wow, I am SO sorry that you're having to deal with this. I don't even know what else to say. :grouphug: Carrie:crying:
  12. I'm curious which history timeline you and your children study or memorize. Which timeline...and do you just reference it...or memorize it? Thanks! Carrie :bigear:
  13. Who does the One hour family time...reading out loud time.... And, what do you read...How long have you done it...and how old are your children? Carrie:bigear:
  14. We love 'em. My son has the castle. IT's a bit hard to get to stay together...It's scaled pretty small. I'd try to get it on sale...I can do that here with teacher discounts and such... Carrie:-)
  15. Yup, we're going with Koine because it's enough of a challenge to learn. My highest goal for my daughter is to be fluent with her Greek and be able to read as my father does...straight from it at church and other studies. She's learning Latin now, will learn Greek starting next year, and I hope to add Hebrew (Ancient??) by 10th grade....probably just getting her started enough that if she likes it, she can continue with Hebrew through college. Carrie:-)
  16. Hey There, We have a very old manual that my mom used with WRTR from 25 years ago, and I purchased a new WRTR to see the difference. I have the phonograms from WRTR and really like the cards from the Cursive First. (SWR offers these) My son started doing phonograms late last year...not every day...but once or twice a week. We do both sets (manuscript and cursive) and he was 5 1/2 in January. He can read all words with one letter phonograms (the ones we've studied most) and words with "sh" and "ck" and ee. What I do, is if we're reading, I read the two letter phonograms...and then he says it...and then starts in with the word. LIKE...if he saw the word "ship" (before he knew the "sh" sound) I'd say..."sh" and then he'd finish with saying the word..."sh...i..p" He's actually very fast at sounding out the word...so I can't even hear him...and saying the word. For us, it's working. A little at a time. Next year, I'll have him start doing more of the written work. He's not really ready to write a ton... So..we've modified it to fit us where we are.
  17. WOW, these look great! I'll have to see how I could get them. Thanks! Carrie:-) Still looking for others ::-):
  18. At Macy's, if Credit Cards aren't out of your comfort zone, you can get the salesperson to tell you the best ever sales...and when they happen...and use a credit card, too....and end up saving a HUGE amount. I bought my flatware(silverware) and cookware all at the same time. Ask a couple of salespeople that look smart what sales they have, what sets are best...and what customers return most often.... When I worked at Meier and Frank (now a Macy's store) I was more than willing to help customers purchase the best sets....and give them the best deals...although...if they got someone who didn't care....they just got whatever...or worse yet...they relied on Consumer Reports which isn't always right. Carrie:-)
  19. Hi There, I have an 11 year old that LOVES SOTW 3 cds and I plan to purchase her the SOTW Ancient CDs and some other CDs to go with ancient. We'll also be studying Famous Men of Rome... I'm not great enough at History to pick out "accurate". We're Christian, but it doesn't have to be Christian...if it's not somehow "Anti-Christian". I also have a first grader that might want to listen in...but doesn't have to. Please...Give me your favorites,,, And, if there are great books to go with them...or something you think I have to get....Let me know! Carrie:-)
  20. AudioMemory... Our family friends Fred & Sarah have a homeschooling site.... http://singnlearn.com/ that has a ton of great audio learning cds etc... Carrie:-)
  21. Ok, I'm gonna say this because of MY experience with my daughter. First...before you kill the woman and man....ask your daughter... calmly....how she feels about it. Look at the studio...see if you think the end product is good... see the friends that your daughter has made/not made. I love our studio. The teacher does get exasperated...the students do respond with a clap and hug at the end... It's a Royal Academy of Dance. For us...I wouldn't go to any studio that's not RAD. We did go to "just a dance studio" the first year. It's the same price...and so totally worth it. For us...it's only just over 5 minutes away...but if it ever closes...I'll be driving 45 minutes each way to the other one... There is another ballet known that has studios...it started from a Russian guy, I think.....his last name might start with a "T". Carrie
  22. Teaching the Trivium, WTM, and even Leigh Bortin's is good. (ClassicalConversations.com) You can read it online for free...or download and print... I LOVE Latin Centered Curriculum... Those four are my top...for a beginner right now... I think the Leigh Bortin's one is the easiest, most concise one...and the Teaching the Trivium would be my second...and then the LLC and WTM just to see what fits your family/child best. Carrie:-)
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