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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. That's funny....and my son won't remember us not having cell phones...and we don't have land lines inside.... I remember my dad calling our fridge an icebox. (He's 60) All of those things are so funny... And, not only do I remember the green or yellow IBMs...but the first portable computers that my dad could find to get.... Osborne I, Osborne IIs(these were the size of huge sewing machines)...and then he started on Macs... Carrie:-)
  2. Staying in a yurt was fun for us too! this works unless you have an animal with you. Carrie:-)
  3. So, if I were to by TOG, I would purchase everything for that history time period...and then it would be an open and go program? (minus math and such...) I'm thinking of 6th grade...next year...which I wanted to be an Ancient History year... Carrie:-)
  4. But, I've met the girl's family...all the girls are just so sweet. The did a speech contest ...and were incredible! They are part of a speech/debate or something group. Anyway, you look at them and they are just lovely...in and out... So, the movie may have been lacking, but their family just turns me to mush! Carrie:-)
  5. You can come to our Practicum in PDX OR in June (15,16,17) and hear Leigh speak:-) Carrie:-)
  6. Ok, Don't know if you want only hugs...or what worked for me... My 3 year old could converse well, and knew he was going to poop because he'd run and hide. One time as he needed changed, I looked at him and said, "When boys are 3, their moms stop buying wipes for them and wash them off with cold water." Ok, it was tepid...and took all of maybe 3 times. He stopped going in his pants.... Night time was different...He'll be wetting for a while... But, I was tired of 3 year old poop. He got sick the week after and said, "Sorry...I didn't mean to." I explained that being sick was different..and no problem... But..when you just don't want to take the time... it just doesn't work for me... Carrie:-) PS. I wasn't angry...just matter of fact. Just a .."This is what we do..."
  7. So, My daughter will be 17 in time for this coming school year. I'm thinking about her starting Community College this coming year. How many classes does a 17 year old usually start with? Carrie:-)
  8. My poor kids get to stay up with Latin and Math...and hopefully music. I'll be interested to hear what everyone else is doing. Carrie:-)
  9. Good about the length of time.... His was quite a few years ago... But I guess that some Drs still are on the short side for the antibiotics.... I'm glad they found out what it was! Carrie
  10. Have you read about how long you need to be on antibiotics? My cousin's son had it...and they didn't give it long enough and he has permanent issues.... They live in Colorado..and ended up going to CA for treatment...
  11. I have NO idea of how you would do this...with methods you would agree with...So...HOW ? :-) (I already kinda remember the Ezzo way, which...I never did...) Also, I nurse forever...wear my babies...sleep with them...I think I had a play yard for them to play in while I did things like dinner? Safety and sanity are important:-) Carrie:-)
  12. Hey There, We're doing a Classical Conversations group by us.....Even if you don't join, there are practicums coming up in areas across the US. I also like reading The Well Trained Mind, Bludorn's book, Latin Centered Curriculum, and I'm trying Climbing Parnassus Carrie:-)
  13. Don't forget about our Classical Conversations Social Group...right here on this board:-0
  14. Also, don't forget that Classical Conversations has a social group on here:-) Carrie:-)
  15. I don't ..but I worked at the Classical Conversations booth at the WA homeschool conference last year...the one with SWB and Pudewa. I met Pudewa...but didn't get to meet or hear SWB...what a shame, huh?? Anyway, it looks like there was a nice group starting back then. I know that one of the tutors is on here. Sara....are you here?? If not, lmk and I'll get you in touch with someone right away:-) Just pm me.... Carrie:-)
  16. We live close to Mt Angel...in OR. My mom has called a few times....The Monks and such study...and for religious studies...you can't beat their library! My dad is in book heaven there! But, I was thinking that at least in the Catholic world, you have a better chance of finding Latin classes. We aren't Catholic, although my husband was raised Catholic, but I can't wait until we get to hear Mass in Latin. There's a Church close to us that does all of their Mass in Latin...YAYAY! I'd ask the Priest if he knows Latin....Good chance that he would, right? Especially if he's older. OR, do you have retired Priests around you? It's great the way that when my mom has called, the person she's talked to...is always excited to hear of lay people studying Latin... Let me know what you hear....
  17. Could you see if CRTs would work for you? They are basically hard contact lenses that act like braces at night...straightening your eyes:-) You take them out in the morning... Just a thought.. Carrie:-)
  18. My mom did LCI and LCII with a friend, 4 children and the DVDs. She now spends an average of 1 hr a day studying Latin, with Henle. She also joined the Henle Yahoo group so she can ask questions. That's a great spot to ask anything you don't quite get. It sounds like you would be taking on the "Leader" part..... Don't forget that the Catholic Church has their latin classes being taught, at least here. My mom was talking to the teacher about taking there... Sounds Great:-) Carrie:-)
  19. My Uncle thought his secret to beating the cancer monsters, was fresh juice....And some more. Couldn't hurt energy levels, I wouldn't think. Prayers for your healing! Carrie:-)
  20. If you can get some gluten free oats, I have an amazing Crepe recipe...that's Oat groats ground to flour ...with yogurt/kefir...and arrowroot powder..... Carrie:-)
  21. I use to know someone who used something like the above recipe...but started off with Italian sausage... It was actually good... Carrie:-) (I don't think she used the extra spices..)
  22. SO, you're saying that some teachers did it with minors and some did it with University students, right? When we went to foster parenting classes, we watched the story of the Teacher who was trying to teach the children how it felt to be segregated due to race (AAs) and she used I think it was eye color to do it. There were serious problems for the students involved...and I think they teacher was fired... Bad idea when you're doing it with kids... Bad idea! Carrie
  23. At the risk of making you go crazy, why not just do some living math. Get a skip counting song.... Count using counting bears...cuisinaire rods...uni-cubes...etc. I bet by 2nd grade.. you'll be surprised:-) I'm eager to try the abacus from nurtureminds.com I got mine for just about $100. I was also playing with a Melissa and Doug abacus the other day, too. It's different...you could do the same thing with a bunch of beads. We were getting my daughter's hair cut. I put the ten beads and then he figured out all the ways to "make 10" so two beads and eight beads...etc... Anyway, real life math... is more appealing to me than just workbooks. BUT, you can use workbooks to do oral work...if you kinda want the scope and sequence part... :-) For just rote memory, we just practice out loud.... (my son's 5.5) 3 ones are 3...2 threes are 6...3 threes are 9... etc.... Or...2 plus 5 is 7..... etc... The only one I haven't touched is division... Just a thought... Carrie:-)
  24. You better be careful...I'm in Oregon...probably not too many hours away for a good dessert:-) Carrie:-)
  25. You have to think about it like a puzzle. Don't get scared, get happy! :-) Get a good book and start simple...Nouns and Verbs...go from there.... Are you using a grammar program? If so, which one?? Carrie:-)
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