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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. If you can financially swing it, you could consider doing one of the "Stacations" or whatever. Visit all the places that you wish you could visit...but never get to... Check out books and good videos at the library. We have a play center here that we can purchase a membership for $99 a year and go play.... (indoors) I'd say only do the things that make life easy! And then remember to give yourself at least another week after you move back in... Yup on the art thing...is there a place you can do pottery? Or something else fun? Carrie:-)
  2. Who's used this? Did you take the whole 10-12 wks to do this, or did you kinda cram at all? I'm thinking of purchasing this for our homeschool group to view before we start classes. Has anyone used it in a group setting? Hints?? Would you say it's ok for junior high? Carrie:-)
  3. Hornblower, Thanks for sharing the links with us. Some people don't care about the life of the mom, though. I think that they same people who care about how the calfs for veal are raised...are the same people who would care about the facts that breeder pupppies can spend their lives in cages the size of rat cages...ok...maybe a little bigger. If you choose to watch the shows where the adults are sprayed down, in their cages...and those might be the lucky ones...you wouldn't be able to support that industry. If you're getting them from a Humane Society... that's one thing, but otherwise, I'd rather get dogs from someone that I can see the parents. And, of course, sorry...but pits wouldn't be on the list for me. If you have enough space, energy, and patience, I think that English Springer Spaniels are lovely. And I met one family that just swears by their Cavalier. They've had more than one and say it's incredible. It was smaller and calmer than other spaniels. BUT, Corgis seem like a wonderful family dog. They're such sweet puppies and I've watched a neighbor corgi get big. It seems like a lovely dog. Carrie:-)
  4. Don't dish the Latin:-) He's just starting to get to the point where it'll be fun, right? Hmmmm.... Where could he learn from a native speaker? That's where I'd have him take:-) I had fun the year I took Spanish, working at a grocery store where my friend and I were the only ones who spoke English as our mother tongue. So, while it didn't pay great, it let us practice Spanish with customers...Sorry to the ones behind the one I was speaking with... Horrible accent...but learned quite a bit.... And now, forgot it! Carrie:-)
  5. PS, I make something close to this...but add a ton of cheese and breadcrumbs on top...Yum:-) Carrie:-)
  6. I just smiled when I saw this...hot dish...reminds me of my husband from Minnesota. We always went back and forth when we just got married...Him saying hot dish...me saying casserole. Carrie:-)
  7. Sorry for you! I also kinda fear for our way smart...way not organized....student. BUT, she's almost an adult...she wants a job...it's easier to learn before it hits your wallet too hard, right? Also, was he always like this, or did you see a change in the last few years? Carrie
  8. I'd play play play with them:-) and read tons of book's from authors like Greg Tang and Cindy Neuschwander. I love having manipulatives like legos, cuisenaire rods, the little cubes that click together...unicubes?, We are part of a homeschool group called Classical Conversations, and even if we didn't do that, we'd still get the memory work cds....(my 5 year old knows them better than any of us.) And, I think every home with crazy little jumpers needs an exercise sized trampoline. Of course, ours needs replaces, so he just jumps on the couch when doing activities like reviewing phonics....He's just always moving unless he's sleeping. Carrie:-)
  9. Maybe my 5 year old would really take ballet, if he understood what he'd be surrounded by in a few years. Lucky for me, I think he'll be content to just play in the back yard with the dog... We really have asked him if he wants to do ballet like his big sis, since he has a body that is like elastic, and yet he's very strong.... Hmmm. Carrie:-)
  10. I'd say that if you're gonna eat donuts, make sure they're Krispy Kreme. And good for you that you can somewhat laugh at this... I think that most of the time when I stick my foot way back in my mouth....far enough that even <I> gag...it's because of the uncomfortableness that I feel. I'm not trying to be insensitive.. and while I try to dig myself out....I usually fall farther in... If more donuts worked... that'd be great, huh? Too bad it's not so simple. I tried not to get pregnant with my first....and tried for almost a year with my second.... I'm sorry that it hasn't happened again for you.. .Best wishes for many more happy healthy babies:-) Carrie:-)
  11. For us, we like Classical Conversations. I direct a program in Oregon, and while I can tell you that we need to supplement to give us a well rounded education, the Challenge programs (for grades about 7-12) are worth it for the interaction and friendships that my daughter has there. If I didn't want to do that, or if it's not available, I would check out a Omnibus Coop. I think I would be very happy with that, too! With both of these options, the tutor makes a lot of difference. That being said, even if I had to help the student along more than I wanted to...Challenge fills a slot for my daughter that other options do not. Carrie;-) PS. I think that Challenge is about $1200 a year + books. It runs once a week, all day, for 30 weeks. I saw on VP, at one point, that they had a spot for coops...Don't know it they still do.
  12. So, I have a bright 10 year old. BUT, my problem is that she's not self motivated to finish her school work...so it's me kicking her over and over to finish. Since I can't follow behind her forever, I'm trying to think of motivators that will help her to develop some self motivation. Also, do most of you stay at the table with your children? She's usually in the front room which is a table and couches. Has anyone been able to give their children the big picture in life? I mean...since trivia information isn't valued, why do you tell your children they need to study? She does Henle Latin, math, SOTW cds, IEW (not well...it's hard to force writing, for me at least), presentations, and memory work. Her passion is ballet, and I really can't take it away...it's the bribe for homeschooling under the radar...and it's really good for her!! The only additional activity she has is Awanas. She is in 5th grade and she's actually on the young side, since her bd is in August...but she can do more work...she just doesn't feel any desire. How many hours do your 10 year olds spend on school? I want to transition her this next year to self motivated. I want her to start 6th and in that year...get ready for Junior High, which is when my other girls(in public school) started acting more responsible for their own work! Anyway, I need some motivation for her to study more out of self desire! And desire to achieve knowledge. I'm open to bribing:-) Any hints?? Carrie:-)
  13. It's not looking like a yeast infection, is it? If not...lots of Aloe Vera seems to help (No food coloring or scents..) THICK... and no baby wipes...just something else... I used to just rinse under sink when my babies had a rash...then pat..not rub...dry...and I bet that if need moisture...Crisco would work. Crisco..works great for excema...Hmmm Carrie:-)
  14. It's not really "goofing". My daughter is the youngest of the group. She's in 5th grade, and doing Henle I. If you're finishing LCI, then if you have a handle on that...you can go straight into Henle I and do the book in two years. Then you'll spend the next two years doing Henle II. Henle Book I is usually for Two Years.... SO, if you plug through Latina Christiana I, then if it were me...I'd start right away with Henle I to give some extra time....when it comes to some tough spots....Have you been doing Latin with him? He'll most likely need your help and teaching to get through Henle. (or any other Latin book that I know about...) Watch, because soon I'll post the info about the full Henle key(it comes with only part...) and full pronunciation cd......I'm getting the exact info soon.... We have the key and first cd now, but I'm in contact with the company... Carrie:-)
  15. And, my daughter started Latina Christiana was started by my 3rd grader. My mom...and other daughters started it with her. I wish that I had kept at it! It worked for them by making it a real class. They meet once a week on Mondays at a certain time. They've tried other days...but whichever day they settle on...they stick to it... After LCI they did LCII and now are plugging through Henle....It's been great! I wish I knew Latin.....BUT, I'll learn it with my son...He'll be starting in 2 years... Carrie:-)
  16. :grouphug: I'm sorry about this...Let us know when and how it works out! Carrie
  17. I think that the church could get the same with a radio. It's crazy...are the people at your church friendly? I believe that one of a pastor's jobs is to model Christian Living...how can you tell that they are modeling a Christian Life...if you never seen them live.... I'd say...the guy doesn't need to be a pastor...he needs to just be a speaker. Carrie
  18. Hey There, I wanted to point out a few things from a Director's perspective. I'm directing in Oregon and I work really hard for my group. I genuinely love all the families that we have. Some are more like me than others, but for our group, diversity is great! We have cultural and theological diversity. Tomorrow I start Info Meetings again. I'm a bit overwhelmed with all of the work that goes into it and can tell you that the prospect that one day...I'll make a bit of money sounds appealing. My parents, over 25 years ago, started a Homeschool Group, out of concern for others.(no $$$ for this, although the group treated us to a vacation) So, I've seen it both ways, even though they are a bit different. In our group, we also have field trips planned once a week after CC gets over...for quite a few weeks, at least. I hope that helps everyone stay connected, and new families feel welcomed! Break down the tuition and think about the hours it takes to put a program together. It's not a ton an hour. I've figured it out.... Also, there are unseen costs...Building, insurance...Those crazy whiteboard markers... And, here's the second thing, I explained to our group that while I do get to make $$$ that money should not be the reason that anyone decides to opt out this next year. Because..... Many hands makes the load light...ok, that may not be the exact quote...I'm sure someone can correct me:-) SO, if you wanna help me prepare and get things ready, I'll share the load of directing CC...and the $$$ back to you. I would rather have all our families and help...than just $$$ any day. And getting along with the parent company. Growing so fast might be hard, it's easiest to give others the benefit of the doubt. I do the best I can....and I expect the same. I looked at putting a group together, that would stay together after me...it's a ton of work, and work that I couldn't do and homeschool my children. I needed more of an open and go. Then, depending on personality, there is some wiggle room.... ALL memory work has to be reviewed. CC isn't perfect, but it's the highlight of my children's week. Something that my child wouldn't willingly give up for anything. Something that makes them (her) happy to homeschool. And then the Challenge program, not everything's perfect. I don't know that I'll want to do Math or Latin with it (she'll be too advanced for their Latin, anyway, since she's studied for 3 years already) BUT, it's great for friendship and a sharing of my oldest daughter's learning with others. Even though she's older...she loves the Logic, Debate, Current Events...and other subjects... It's not enough for her, and probably all my children will have to add to what CC studies....BUT, it's only 30 weeks...so there's room to add other learning. I want my children to fly:-) And, for us, Challenge can help them do that! Carrie:bigear:
  19. Heck, if you're in a Senior Community(Rv'rs)...you've got a wealth of possible tutors:-) I bet some of them would do art....English...etc...There have got to be some teachers in there...that still like teaching...but not the politics! Probably even some special ed ones:-) Maybe it could be good:-) Also, depending on how you like your judge, and their record, you might think about adding something in there about if your ex moves...that can be a tricky thing..Maybe others on here have more experience:-) Carrie:-)
  20. Also, remember...don't feed your dog food that you're allergic to...At least that's how the story goes:-) So, for us...no peanuts....etc. Carrie:-)
  21. There's a game called "Statetris" or something like that ..that you can play on the computer. It's not something to purchase. You just do a search for it. It's like Tetris. Carrie:-)
  22. You can do a search for "Cursive First" on here; it's the one that is suggested by SWR. I have it, and it comes with phonograms to study. I laminated them and we orally practice manuscript and cursive letters. I can't say it's been perfect...He's reading, but for writing he "draws" the letters he sees his sisters printing on the board. Of course, looking at his sister's handwriting is a good reason to teach cursive first! Carrie:-)
  23. You need to remember that while you might not have access to extra classes, now, you will/might in the future. Of course, I'm just happy to be lots of miles away...and be able to homeschool. I would definitely put the ability to homeschool, over the $$$. Maybe, Extra Curricular activities, including up to $1000 a year will be split between the two parties? Or something like that? Also, are you listing how school holidays will be decided? You've got a ton of things to think about! I'm happy for you...that for this...he's being ok with homeschooling! And, you might want to add that if private school is decided on by you at a later time, he's split the cost according to income..or whatever. Carrie
  24. Classical Conversations are starting their second year in Salem. We'd love to have you come to our Info Mtgs and we have 2 more Open Houses available. There is a Portland group that is hopefully starting this next year....If you're not around here...LMK if you want to find out about a group near you! (This is a group that is Christian in it's worldview, with programs for ages 4- grade 12) Feel free to PM me, if you'd like:-)
  25. Dawn, I don't mean that this is the only batch of important information to know. I understand that you can't know everything. I just don't want to have my children learn less than they are capable...because some of it might be considered "trivia." For that matter, my son wouldn't know what to say if made fun of when drawing flowers:-) (Except for, "I'm gonna tell my mama!" Carrie:-)
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