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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I was able to have 2 babies. I'm sorry for those who aren't.... I understand going to any length that is legal. If you can end a life, while it's inside you, then surely you should be able to start a life outside and have it introduced to your body. While some end in miscarrying, that's not the intent. Just like it's not the intent when you naturally get pregnant. Even when couples continually have miscarriages, there's still the hope of life that continues until a live birth. I get excited when couples want to have children, to have new life...and only sad when they end some of their babies lives...because they had too many inserted.... One of our very good friends had an iv baby. Very happy little girl...very happy mom and dad... Carrie:-)
  2. As someone that moved into my husband's house, I moved the picture that he still had up of his wife and him and their children, into his kid's room. I'd ask them about it. How about if we put this in your room? Which wall? I think that's kinda just fair to them. If they don't want it in their room, ask them if they'd like it in their closet...with a few things to think about her in it....Kinda like a little memorial. A long time ago, I nannied for a family whose dad had died of cancer. They had little pics of them with their mom and dad. Just because she eventually married again, didn't mean that their original family was "gone". I would save poems, and anything tangible that will mean something. Be sure to put something in the box to keep the moisture out. With my husband and his ex...it's kinda weird. Like one time when she needed a social security number...and I had to look in "their" old tax files....(like 10 years ago, files!) But, she's a part of their lives...and unlike me...you just deal with her ghost...and not her everyday presence. And, hopefully it's easier, since she didn't choose to divorce her family.... You sound thoughtful! Good for you and your family. They will appreciate this even more when they grow up! ( I constantly tell myself this one, about all my children!) Carrie:-)
  3. Here's the problem. Do I want to hear a speaker, or speakers, that represent an organization that wouldn't agree with how I want to teach? Many books that are incredible, especially as we enter Ancient History, are "secular". I would say that SWB's books could be considered neutral, or perhaps secular. Also, those books that I'm striving for my children to read are "secular." As I look over Omnibus and Classical Conversations and Veritas Press' line-ups for books, I see a ton of "secular". I can approach Math with God in Mind, because he is the Author of all Logic, but I'm fine using whatever Math book is best for my children. I don't need anything like a bible verse or moral lesson on the page. (World View of History is what I'm most concerned about.) Hmmmm...I'm wondering if they want me, a Conservative Christian..to feel excluded. (I'm a pro-life, young earth, did I say Conservative Christian.) I believe in Order of the family, Organic Living....etc.... I love Sonlight. I don't use it, but I know it would have been the best curriculum for me, when I was homeschooled in highschool. I don't mind reading books about Evolution and explaining what we believe...and explaining what those who don't believe in God believe....(Same about Old Earth versus New Earth..."This is what we believe" but...I know that however it happened matters...God made it happen that way(whatever God meant in Genesis is what I believe...I can just do so with my limited understanding)...SO, it's really not something to be upset about.) Carrie:-)
  4. I would suggest doing it in either 7 or 8 card increments. We do it in 8 card increments, but I hear that the number is 7 the "magic" memorizing number. It also makes it easier to recall. So, maybe just work 7 at a time through the cards. If you want to do it with the songs...VP geographical order makes sense. Otherwise, Classical Conversations...when we memorize them...we do it in a Geographical Order...similar...but a bit different. Carrie:-)
  5. Funny, this is another thread that makes me glad I'm trying to teach my son, cursive, first. I hear that Spencerian is what they use to teach children in school, first. And boy, they had beautiful handwriting! Carrie:-)
  6. I think your idea is great! I bet that a lot of good renters want to start credit checking their landlords. It makes sense...Either that, or permission to call the creditors each month to make sure that the mortgage is paid. Good Idea!
  7. That's TOO funny! Maybe I'll try it on my husband! Carrie:-)
  8. This is incredible! What state is this in? I think that this would work with the school set-up of having a spot for littles....and tables and such for other kids and moms... The schools with a middle pod and then classes around it....and a library off to one side....seem like they would be best. And, I love the whole writing class idea! Don't forget the insurance part, if you're putting it together....Expensive! I was just thinking about the play place that's in town. I bet we could do this at a place like this. One side has tables and such...and the other area is a big playplace to run around in.... Never thought of taking school for my older while my little one plays...Good idea...and I would love a play place/ resource center (with a laminator, comb binder....copy machine etc...) You should move here! Carrie:D
  9. My daughter is allergic (seriously) to peanuts...as well as many other true/ tree nuts. She's also supposedly allergic to shellfish... I am allergic to many fruits...and carrots...and allergic, although not seriously...to raw almonds, raw pecans and hazelnuts....and walnuts... Urgh.....not fun! Supposedly, according to Kaizer Insurance...it's because I'm allergic to pollens... Hmmm
  10. I have no idea...but remember to get your "teacher's discount"! :-)
  11. I have a five year old that we're "not doing any math with"; I did read the Bluedorn's book and agree with them. The way he's catching onto math is by life experiences and oral presentations. For example, he skip counts, and we read lots of Living Math books (By Greg Tang, and others like Cindy Neuschwander's Sir Cumference and others...) He plays with Legos and Cuisenaire rods and Unifex Cubes. I saw what my bright fifth grader did at the end of second grade...and what she's still doing in 5th grade...It's about the same. (She's at home full-time this year.) So, with my son, I won't do a formal program. We are going to start using the Abacus with a program I got from NurtureMinds.com that encourages "visualizing" the abacus in your mind as well as using one. I'm excited about this. We still won't do the writing part of the program... :-)
  12. We like Rainbow Light. They are really good whole food vitamins and we can get them from both of the co-ops we're in... (Azure and Frontier)
  13. Just to let you know, when you are multiplying something like 20 x 20, there are a few different fun ways to figure out the answer. You can check out youtube. (do this without your kids, first, so you can preview the ones you want your kids to watch. Some of them are "knock-offs" and have bad words...) Anyway, I like the ones where you draw out boxes and add diagonal lines in them...and then figure the answer. There's another one where you draw lines and then draw circles around...Tons of fun:-) Carrie:-)
  14. We have a 16 year old and a 13 year old (both with us for two weeks on and two weeks off....) They have some chore everyday, plenty of school work, and work between 3-6 hours every Saturday they're with us. (Some of the work is fairly hard.) Sometimes the have to do more.... (and 10 and 5 that work, too!) Carrie:-)
  15. I'd say that dead milk(pasturized and homogenized) doesn't have much calcium anyway. At least not calcium that can be utilized...So, whatever you're doing now, minus milk, would have about the same effect for your body. I'd guess that a good calcium supplement would be a start for "more." Carrie:-)
  16. I try to buy organic for oils, roots vegetables, raw milk, ( I can't afford organic butter, but I'd like to...) farm fresh eggs, and I'm going to try to buy meat organic if possible.... Also, for syrup to dip things in, I just bought dark agave syrup. He's very picky, but went for it. Carrie:-)
  17. http://www.cornerstonecurriculum.com/Curriculum/wvww/wvww.htm# Just curious if anyone has used his history program. I know that some are using his Making Math Meaningful program. Thanks! Carrie:)
  18. http://www.cornerstonecurriculum.com/Curriculum/wvww/wvww.htm I've always thought this looked interesting. It's David Quine's curriculum for History for older students... Carrie:-)
  19. Hi Dawn:-) When I married my ...now husband...we went through the whole..."Can I marry a divorced man?" and...I believe that we are within God's will of being married. His wife left him..and even when you are married to someone...and it's not based on Biblical reasons...when you have a new family...you repent...Thank God for what you have....and live.... At least that's what I believe the Bible teaches. Carrie;-)
  20. I say, give yourself a break. I was like an iv for my nursing baby for the first 1 1/2 yr. Then he still nursed through the nights. He just needed me; I really believe that while he could have survived without nursing all the time, it really helped him. As his little life has proven, needing his mama and daddy are just part of him. He's touchy feely. Even now he likes to touch while sleeping. We have half custody of our oldest two, and while she's here..he sleeps with her, while she's at her mom's...he sleeps with us. He'll grow up someday....and this time will be an even more precious memory than now!
  21. This is how I see us homeschooling; it's just been a while that we've full-time homeschooled, but I feel that he is 100% responsible, just like me. He talks with the children, examining their understanding of materials. More of a general way, since he's not getting out the notebooks. Hmmm.maybe he homeschools in a general dad/child- directed learning way, and I try to homeschool with a kinda classical bent. Either way, I am fine with my husband saying he's where the buck stops...The principal....and I'm the leader of the actual learning. (Would that be a teacher?) When our kids don't get their work done...it's dad getting them to in the mornings...or telling him that he can wake them up when he leaves for work (early) or working with them on Saturdays...all day....to help adjust attitudes. Yup, I'm ok with him saying, "We homeschool." I suppose that I'm lucky. I do know families where the dad doesn't take responsibility for their children....and then, I suppose....she homeschools! Carrie :D
  22. Heather, I've really like a lot of things you say; I just woke up from my afternoon nap and I'm kinda not thinking straight. Would you want to support the people that are making this decision from CHEC? (thus supporting speakers from their organization) Sorry for the fog from which I hope to wake:-)
  23. Are you serious? I look at Sonlight and see Christian all over it. This is a speaker (Kevin Swanson) we're having at our Conference in Oregon, this summer....
  24. I was gonna say, small portions of dinners. You could make one lasagna for him, and divide it into three of those little aluminum foil pans...Chicken Divan....(You just put on the top of the foil that you use to wrap it...what temp...and how long...) A few of the little pillsbury cookie rolls. A couple bags of those salad mixes. A sweet card that just says there are no words...But you're so sorry...An offer to pick up their daughter..if you know them that well...Practical...full of love...gifts... Carrie
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