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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'm thinking of having my daughter tested with the thing that you're in the office in a controlled environment and see if they're truly allergic to the food. We've had the test on the back thing...and that says she's allergic to alot...but especially, peanuts, hazelnuts, shellfish...other nuts... And some other stuff. I watched a news show about false positives...I wish...it's hard to go anywhere with her! Poor baby...she's constantly excluded from food... Carrie:-)
  2. I did look for a homeschooler to take care of my child before I was married....while i was at work. I would have continued to have her there for school, but became married before she was school age. I think you talk with the person, whatever they use that you can deal with...just do it their way until you can get back to homeschooling. This way they'll be comfortable with schooling your daughter. If you go to PS you lose all choice in how they're schooled. Do everything like a business. The more you like them...the more clear you should be in the contract. AND, unlike the people I know who do this...pay them on time like you care. And, give them some compliments.:-) Carrie:-)
  3. Wow, what a fun question! I'd purchase organizing and cleaning help for the house. I'd purchase all the Henty books...and decide what cd set I want for them. I'd buy all the other Jim Weiss cds. I'd purchase all of the Teaching Textbooks materials, minus the math. (And, probably lots of other cds and dvds...and a great tv to view them on...) I'd send my children to Summit each year. I'd have foreign language and music and art classes for my children. I'd build a garage for my husband with an apt upstairs for my children as they get older. (can I squeeze that in, too?) I'd have my son take a martial arts course... I'd have a spot for all of our books and a great conference table to put all of our work on.... And of course, great computers with giant computer screens. And a little cabin to go stay at during some of our months in the summer...that they children could ride bikes at...swim in the lake...etc... Carrie:-)
  4. I'm not sure about the Lit guides...how informative they are, but I know you have to be part of the group to purchase a "Challenge guide." Starting this year, it's actually included in the tuition. Of course, you can purchase the books from CC. If I was going to do it, I would start as close as I could to 7th grade or so.... Carrie:-)
  5. I am using WRTR, new edition, because my mom taught my brother with it 25 years ago...and it's tradition:-) My mom took the course from a person that was only once removed from Mrs. Spalding, so if I have a questions, then I just have to pick up the phone and ask my mom:-) I use the phonograms that are from the WRTR and then the "Cursive First" that SWR recommends. So, he can recognize cursive and print. I'm trying to get him to write in Cursive, but that's kinda hard since he has 3 big sisters that print. Course, looking at their handwriting is a good reason to concentrate on cursive! Carrie:-)
  6. This is so totally true! "Done in private" is thought of by most that choose this, because they believe that nursing is something s*xual. I mean, who hides their cows when their calves are nursing? Who hides their dogs when their little ones are feeding? Or those huge hogs when their wee ones are clawing to get their milk? My br**sts were the only natural way for my little ones to drink/eat/comfort themselves. Why should they be locked in a closet to eat? Who else does that? Only naughty children/people eating substances that they shouldn't. I view babies/children nursing their mamas as something to commend, but even higher than that, I wish that it was as common as an unnatural rubber object sticking out of their mouth. I mean...wouldn't it be nice, if no one gave a second glance, except to notice how wonderful it is to have a happy baby? I could care less if people choose or have to because of choices outside their control, to give their children bottles and formulas, but I wish that those who do have the choice....could give their children milk out of their natural containers (br**sts) without other people becoming crazy. I am the most conservative Christian Mama, who wants others not to stumble, but I believe the real way to do this is to offer my child my milk in a natural way, to desensitize the lower half of the br**st as a s*x object. I mean, it's kinda funny that the top 3/4 can hang out...and not the bottom 1/4 when it's doing it's "job". Ok, I guess I just think it's beautiful that she helped to teach others what you are suppose to do when a baby is hungry! Carrie:-)
  7. I have a friend who knew that I'd just fix the carseats for her. She's come say "Hi" and I jumped in with a smile and a "I know you know I'm crazy about this" and fix them. Also, boosters aren't for a kid as soon as the age/weight says...That's a MINIMUM! not a maximum. I have my 5.5 year old in a Britax. He'll be in it forever... Right after I saw this thread...this morning....I saw a little bitty baby...face forward...what are they thinking??????? Carrie:-)
  8. I like the Veritas Press Readers:-) The pictures don't let you guess the words...at least that's my opinion so far. I'll look forward to hearing the replies about the Merrill Readers, though. Carrie:-)
  9. Thanks! Any other schedules? We meet once a week for 30 weeks, for 4 years. I'm trying to figure out our Latin schedule:-) Carrie:-)
  10. I think they do Henle over a four year period. Can you tell me how many lessons or how many exercises they schedule for each year? Or, I could use another four year schedule, too. I would really appreciate it. Thanks! Carrie
  11. Yup, I actually called about donating breast milk, but there was an over abundance of it as the place I called. With both my children, I had to cut down my milk supply... I just had a pouring supply! Carrie:-)
  12. I shower mine between every week or two. It helps his coat be nice and fluffy. After about a week it starts to get oily and seems to cause more itchiness. I also have a medicated shampoo that I sometimes use.(from the vet) Carrie:-)
  13. I think...human baby...human milk...so much better than formula (when it's possible...this isn't a formula -v- nursing thing.) Just saying it's species appropriate. I'd still nurse someone else's baby..if it was the right thing to do...I'd only be nervous about the disease thing..and then nursing my own baby. Carrie:-)
  14. Depends on what your goals are for him. It may be that he's not going to ever want to know about history until it's something he feels that he's missing out on when others bring it up in conversation. IF he's willing to do the memorizing thing, you might want to think about having him memorize VP materials, either with the VP cds or with Classical Conversations'. We do Classical Conversations, partly because when I was going through it and looked at the cumulative amount of information that they can attain in 3 years, I decided that it was at least enough information that when people were talking about different subjects, they would be able to follow along and offer some of their own insight. My oldest (16) is in public& homeschooled(each half time) my next(13) is all ps and my 10yr and 5yr olds do Classical Conversations & are homeschooled. We just went through all the information for the last 18 weeks, and ALL of them knew at least 75% of the info...and the rest knew more...depending on which one. The 5 year old did best on the History:-) SO, just with cds studying in the car, in three years, they'll know over 70 weeks worth of facts in Latin, History, Science, Math and English and Geography. As they get older, they can flesh out more facts as they desire. Of course, we also listen to SOTW and Jim Weiss has some really good cds to listen to about specific people and events. My daughter really likes to listen to cds and then I get out the book and ask some questions...She knits and crochets. Is there something your son could do while listening? Drawing? Or any quiet activity. Also, for general knowledge, you have him see if he'd listen to or read GA Henty books. We are having our children memorize the VP history cards. I know one mom who is paying her kids to "work" at memorizing the timeline. Then you have 160 facts that you drill into your mind. Nothing says it all happens in the next couple years....Set out the 3 or 4 year plan. I find that school looks best, when it's school or chores... Carrie:-)
  15. I don't know where you live, but I'm wondering if some Temples would allow you to learn greek at Temple. My mom was looking into studying Latin at from the Guy who teaches for the men studying to be Priests... in town... It'd be cool to study with other serious students... Of course, at Temple....maybe your kids could start with the other little kids....I'm not Jewish...but I'd check into it. I use to nanny for a Jewish family and I can imagine that it might happen. I loved learning about Jewish history...I loved the kids doing things like hearing the story of Esther and how Haman was bad...etc. Carrie
  16. Incredible! This would be wonderful! I can see getting either a catechism that you agree on...or something like this...to do, as well. I actually can see memorizing the VP cards with all of the Bible Cards memorized, too. (Just the part that says... "Creation, Fall in the Garden...etc) Because, knowing the order of history...bible and other...is so important to seeing God's hand in things! Also, someone on here, there's a thread about the books of the Bible where you can kinda chant the main emphasis of the book....SO that when someone mentions Genesis, for example, you would remember something about "Creation" or Psalms..."Wisdom" etc..... Carrie:-)
  17. Hey there, My mom had some serious bone loss. She was about 50 when it started. The Drs had her on some strong meds that had possible horrible side effects. She has found a calcium supplement that has greatly increased her bone density. (verified through bone density tests, before and after with the same tests and same machines so everything is accurate) She receives it through a distributor in TX, Larry@ezorbcalcium.com or call 432.689.7272 . You can google for info about E Z orb, manufactured by Elixir Industry. If you want to talk with my mom, email me and I'll give you her email address. I would have a Naturopathic type Dr look at her, but if I was to give a Calcium supplement, I would give the one I've mentioned. Also, I wouldn't be relying on milk for calcium, as by the time it's safe to drink, it's also a dead product and just more of another drink..not necessarily able to be used by the body. But, Don't worry...my mom's not crazy like me...and she's the one that found this Calcium:-)
  18. I'd like to know, as a group starter if I can reverse the order of the messages in my group. And, as a groupee, if I can reverse the order that I'm receiving the messages from other groups. Thanks! Carrie:-)
  19. I'm giving up driving in traffic, dealing with bosses, gossip about everyone, lunches and coffee out, and of course the "check/direct deposit" that has my name on it. I'm giving up ...by homeschooling...if I didn't work...more trips to volunteer...cuz you're always the one that "Can" talks with the public school about what classes I don't want my children taking.... Bad attitudes that are so contagious... Hmm..I think I can have it all if I just get some Bon Bons for my next TV show. BTW, what are Bon Bons? Carrie:-)
  20. I suppose that I was thinking of our last pastor (our present one...I don't know, yet) and while I could anonymously tell CSD, he would keep my words in confidence, but it would give him a head up. I would tell him, but ask that he not break confidence... Of course, I'm sure it depends on how everything works at your church. Does this mean that if I report something at say..a daycare that i work at, that I wouldn't tell my boss? If so, maybe it's true that you shouldn't tell anyone...Of course, I feel more responsible to my Pastor and I also feel like he holds my words well. I feel that there might be some "Biblical Order of confronting" in this too, because it's happening between 2 Christians. Even if it's just having the guts to say, "I'm sorry but I have to let CSD know as this I am a court-mandated reporter" of this. Does Biblical Confrontation not enter into this equation? What does your husband say? Also, I might actually ask to talk to THEIR social worker. That way he/she could look into it... I know that when my Aunt fostered...years ago..but while it was still against the rules to spank...that she straight up told the workers that she spanked...and if they wanted the kids to be with her...that's how it would go. She gave the kids a great country farm to play on....horses to ride..Lassie to love...and spanked 'em. Her Social Workers looked the other way cuz she loved them crazy and gave them a great country life...And, they knew that she was safe and the kids would come out of it whole and loved.) And, even when they were over 18 and in trouble, they'd still come back to her for help and she would!) Yup, it's different now... But, I have to say the "Love em crazy" is still the most important. I know that most of you disagree with me...and that's ok! I just don't always agree with being legal, I suppose. Carrie
  21. I'd say Henle. If you want to do it, I have a source for a full key to the book, also the book being pronounced on CD. It was meant for Highschool, a limited amount of vocabulary words so you can really dig in and start to do some translation. If you want to do Latin starting now, you could do Latina Christiana I and jump from there to Henle... Carrie:-)
  22. Me too! I'd love to hear reviews and if it follows exactly...and kinda what they sound like. And...where the music for the songs came from...Is the music historically based...?? Carrie:-)
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