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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I have a timeline...and I'm the one who likes it. I don't think my kids every look at it.... Bummer! Carrie:-)
  2. Yup....that's right...only if you're part of a CC group, but I thought she meant that she was going to be part of a CC group.... I see now that you meant a co-op that uses some CC material. I think that the C3 was well worth the $6 I spent. My kids really liked playing the tutorial. You can also get the Memory Resource CD....which is different than the Memory Work cd... Carrie:-)
  3. Too young, you can get a britax that will fit for a long time. My son is 5 and just getting too big for it. It's a Marathon. My daughter's Dr said one thing that I agreed with, the whole time I took her there, which was...backwards...face them backwards...EVEN if their legs touch. Better to have broken legs (in the unlikely event that that happens) than a broken neck! Carrie
  4. I don't know, but I have 3 daughters, 16, 13, and 10. The oldest two are my step-daughters who we have half time. We were just talking yesterday about college and one of them was talking about what if they wanted to work and have children...at the same time. I realize that I haven't instilled a love of being home with my children....and it being a call of parents to actually parent their children. For most, this would mean the mother being home with them. I don't have a problem with moms doing some work....or taking turns with the dad being a stay at home parent. I do have sadness thinking that I've somehow developed that attitude in some of my children, that it's ok to have children and then allow others to raise them. Kinda sad.... and yes...I do expect my children to complete some form of the quadrivium that is recognized as a Secondary Institution.... SO, that if their husbands aren't able to work...that they wouldn't be left workinf at Mc Donalds. Carrie
  5. I'd purchase a set of some things for her to use in the kitchen with me. Real things...but ones that kids can use:-) And maybe some collections of items she'll need for cookies...muffins...whatever she likes:-) Carrie:-)
  6. Yup, this is right, too! I had a mom telling me the other day that if it's just going to make more work for her and her kids...because she has to have them learn all this information...that she didn't want to do it. I truly believe that if your children are learning...then they are memorizing! My children have the information in their little heads...and they can utilize what they've learned/memorized. The can bring it into conversation. ( I also try to make the information relevant.) I have the Charlotte Mason system for memorizing information, and we will continually go through all 3 cycles...so that we get it to our long term memory.... Really, a system of memory doesn't make it harder to learn...it makes it easier. Carrie:-)
  7. Yup, you're right. It does say that...and it may pan out that way. BUT, what I was talking about is not what is said or requested...but what is legal. Just like a company who says you can resell a book.... They can say it...but that may not be what's legally enforceable. I wouldn't do it for free....but I was just talking about what the legality of the situation might be. Just guessing:-) As a participant, it's worth the $$$. Carrie:-)
  8. As a director, I hope this isn't a problem in my group. I don't know of it, if it is. I would take over the mom's class for the day so she could shadow her daughter and nip it in the bud. There's also nothing saying that her daughter would remain in that class. At our group, she would either be reassigned to another class...including her mom's...or shape up. All children have the ability to be mean....but it shouldn't be tolerated. This year has been an incredible learning experience for me. The whole....you have two choices....1. Be nice (and let me see the other kids think you are being nice......) 2. Be in with your mom.... I would think that this would work great. No one wants to be moved... Sounds like the Director didn't know what to do...It's hard to try to decide what to do with children... Leading is a learning experience...and one I haven't mastered yet... I'm working on being effective...(with my own kids, too!) Carrie
  9. Yup....this is the way we do them too! Browned a bit in butter...and served with the sour cream! Yummy:-) They are just like a little yummy dumpling...So good!
  10. Let us know what's going on with some hopefully good news....soon! :grouphug: Carrie
  11. I suppose this is true, kinda like at any other situation where there is one person in charge of a group of "teachers". I don't hire tutors just so they can have their children in the program. I have 4 tutors and really they are just great! You watch them with their children and how they communicate...you see where their heart is...and then you offer lots of support during the day.... It's worked out GREAT for us. I really think that the group is worth it. I spend a lot of time getting everything together. My children love the classes...and their tutors. It gives us time to fellowship... and we keep on track. Carrie:-)
  12. I've received my new book and don't see that it's necessary. If starting new, then yes, but if not, just the book I had before would be fine. It has some mistakes, but it's not a huge deal. I took the info from the site and just made it the right font size and put it in my book with stick glue. It didn't take that long.
  13. There aren't charter Montessori's there, are there? I'm sure with your husband being in school and you working full time, daycare is out of the question? I would be tempted to see if there's room in the budget for daycare/ being in someone's homeschool for next year.... (Is that legal in CO?) Carrie:-)
  14. It seems like you're in the heart of CC communities...SO....I'm way too far away, but listing the state should get you some business:-) Carrie:-)
  15. You really have to only purchase a "starter kit" once, and then you purchase maybe $75 or so...each year...for 3 years (since there are 3 cycles) and then you're really done. Of course, like anything else..there's always something else that you can buy....but you don't have to.... Carrie:-)
  16. I think that you should ask g-parents if they want to stay at your house....and take daughter... And, You should go and have a great time! Carrie:-)
  17. When our dog died a couple of years ago, my husband made a little poster with pictures and such...of the kids and the dog.... His ex-wife actually had a memorial service for the dog. (She loved it so much...she left it...and took it out with her camping a couple of times a year.... oh well ......) Carrie:-)
  18. I pm'md you, but I forgot to say, last year when we first got our dog, he had to stay crated for periods of time throughout the day...for a few hours at a time. Also, of course, don't have blankets in his crate until he's past the chewing... About the cat, I was told to make our cat alpha, by doing things like feeding the cat first...greeting the cat first...etc. Whatever happened....worked. Our little 10lb cat, is in charge of when and how they play! Carrie:-)
  19. I purchased this program. I think it's really great! I haven't officially purchased it..... I would go for it if you want a program for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It teaches you how to visualize an abacus so that you can figure up things without actually touching an abacus...at the end...if it works... I suggest having one for each child you're teaching and purchasing an extra one for yourself. My husband sat down and went through the whole first book. He really liked it...(He's an engineer.) There are a couple of of threads on here that you can search for, too...(on here) Carrie:-)
  20. Katia, I'm sorry for you and your daughter. I wish that people thought of others. Sometimes it just seems like it'd be easier to lower the blinds and not come out. Hoping for some sunshine tomorrow for you! Carrie:-)
  21. This is unacceptable! Why is so hard to be considerate? I mean....I'd rather have cake in the park and nothing else...than to leave anyone out! I think of my child and how she's hurt about things...and then I realize ...big people and little people are just inconsiderate and rude. I sometimes wonder if there is a group of people in the world...that are kind to each other.
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