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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I like the Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. I thought about having all of the people I know order one of them and then we could all do an "lending library" trade thing. We also have SOTW III and will be getting SOTW I for this next year. I love 'em! Even my husband will listen to them on the way to work... Carrie:-0
  2. Of course, you can tell that Sara and I love CC, but really it's your group combined with your goals that makes or breaks the experiments. I look forward to hearing how it works out. BTW, I'm sure I've said it before....somewhere...but I use to live in Tulsa during my early teen years..... I'm not sure if it's still there...but Casa Bonita(sp?) was my favorite place in the world to eat.... Carrie:-)
  3. Have you tried dalies? It's about the same price....I think I used 1-800-contacts...but I'd try some from the Drs first. Also, I use to have a friend whose father made the solution for his contacts so he didn't have to have the preservatives...
  4. Don't forget that CC is 24 weeks, and usually you get all of December off...and you're done by the first of April....so that's over 10 weeks to put in extra material...That might help your spreadsheet;-)
  5. You may ask if there's a price to update to the new ones. Sometimes companies will allow you to send back material with a certain amount of $$$ and upgrade. Carrie:-)
  6. Hey Erica, Only you can tell if CC will be good for you. While I'm doing more of a relaxed LCC at home, CC fits with us because of the cumulative knowledge that my children have/will have. I'm not worried about them forgetting the info, partially because of our review system. Also, we might go longer each year because I direct and we don't necessarily get it all done each week. No problem, kids don't need to stop thinking about their work "school" for all summer. We love the families that are attracted to rigorous, planned academics. I don't think you'll be sorry if you do CC.... Carrie:-)
  7. I can't wait for this next year.. We'll start as soon as CC is over...and we're into Ancients. I'm kinda trying to do LCC at home, so we're on to Famous Men of Rome, SOTW I(mostly audio) and other fun projects. I think I'm gonna get the Evans-Moore projects for my kids.....I have a will be 6th and 1st grader I'll be doing it with. Carrie:-)
  8. I am bummed! I tried to watch the video and there was no sound coming out. I checked my speakers and everything. Looks fun though! Carrie
  9. And...remember that his money is your money until he's 18. I would have him give me his check....and give him back small amounts. Save the rest for whenever you want to give it to him. Of course, explain before about how it'll go. Also, explain that you work...or you work at home doing physical work..... (so he doesn't just "quit") Carrie PS, I've seen what happened to my friend's daughter when she worked, got the money....spent it on not ok stuff...and go the attitute of "it's my money and I can do as I please."
  10. Beer...no joke....they are some of the only whole wheat pancakes, that my mom who uses freshly ground ww for EVERYTHING...., that I like. And...if you can get Oat groats...you can use those for incredible crepes...with eggs, arrowroot powder...kefir...(or milk and some yogurt)...(of course, you grind the oat groats into oat flour) Carrie:-)
  11. :lurk5: So sorry! Hope your next week is GREAT! Carrie
  12. Aloe Vera Gel, each time you diaper change....Rinse area, pat dry, apply a decent film of it. ( I think I used Jason's...just one without perfume and colors...) and voila....it could work for you, too! And ...if it's yeast...then I'd be doing something else. I'd ask about over the counter yeast infection medicine. Just a bit...and see if it works.... I used that for my son's yeast infection when he was a baby....(on his little manhood parts:-)
  13. Yes! I agree! I'm sure SWB is fine with it, because it's good work and she seems to be confident... I was just...No...I stop...somehow I'm not wording things on this thread correctly... I love what SWB has done...I loved reading her books....I use her books....I want to meet her! Somehow, I've just messed up explaining what I mean on here. Perhaps I'm too sleep deprived... Carrie :leaving: Outa this thread......Sorry....
  14. Hey All, Someone pm'md me to make me aware of my posts and how it represented what I thought about SWB's post, and that I was incorrect. If my posts looked like I thought SWB said anything inappropriate with her "knock it off" quote, I apologize! I meant that all of US should be nice. I'm sorry if I typed it incorrectly. More directly I agree, with Cafelattee, that it's incredibly rude to bash someone who hosts this for us. I find nothing wrong about pm'mng her(SWB) if you find an error, or even asking if a certain part it an error. BUT, those books are part of what helps this whole thing be paid for...and most of us treasure her books. Sorry, Carrie
  15. I just saw something about the ages that Reya has. Could it be the same person posting, with her oldest being 6? Maybe this is a bit like a mama with a 2month old giving parenting advice... a "wait and see" attitude by those with older children. I really can't believe that anyone who has a 6 year old... would speak of their child being so advanced. Wait for the 3rd grade leveling field. When a lot of kids just kinda level off. I mean, in 1st grade my child could explain multiplication...but she's not doing pre-calculus right now. Carrie
  16. You know what she should do? I hear that some authors of Christian magazines and such...have girls come live with them to help in the work of producing...cleaning...getting to live around a good brain for a while. I'm sure some young SWB fan would love to go see how the SWB family lives:-) Wouldn't that be fun.... NOW, instead of offering up yourselves...you can start offering your daughters:-) Carrie
  17. Lisa, Then you can put it on your computer, and just copy the timeline card part...and then burn a cd of that....and leave off ...or add on...the history songs. Or like I pm'md you... And, the when you purchase the cds with the package, I think it's a great price! I would happily pay $30...it's recorded nicely....but I just need the CC order. Urgh... Oh Well...I'll let the CC'ers on here know if I make any headway on this... Carrie
  18. Oh No Pam! Let us know (me!) how things are going...I'm still up!! Carrie
  19. Since my dad writes books, I'm pretty sure that all books can have a mistake here or there, but also that most books have friends pre-reading them....editors that check out facts. I'm wondering if the "errors" that Reya/people see are just a difference of opinion. If there are so many "errors" then where are they listed? :grouphug: I've never heard of an author so loved as SWB...... Can we hug you into more of your books for upper levels for SOTW 2-4?? Please :bigear:
  20. Maybe I shouldn't have asked it on here...or this way.... I KNOW families who do CC would like it. I know that VP didn't think of doing it...but that they might if there was a "demand" for it. I know that I and at least 5 of my friends would buy it in a heartbeat! I know that even some of my friends who don't do CC...would still purchase it. And, I know I could market it.....enough that it would be financially profitable for them:D Carrie:auto:
  21. :iagree: AND I hope that she has a "upper level" book for Volume II before we get back there. We're doing Ancient ,next year, so she's got a year:-) I can't wait to read the Ancient one for olders:-) Carrie:-)
  22. You know, I wouldn't say I'm the best historian. What I'd like is for someone who knows what errors are there would list them. That way I'd know if it's subjective or if they are true errors. My daughter just loves listening to SOTW III and for Ancient History, we're listening to SOTW I. She basically memorized the cds and I expect that she'll memorized SOTW I and I believe that her grasp of history will be pretty good if she's knowing the book. I suppose that all people will have some mistakes in their understanding of some events of history.... BUT, I feel like it's made history interesting and pleasant for her! Thanks Susan and Jim! (I'm sure glad I don't have to read them out loud...over and over! Carrie:-)
  23. I want them to... Right now, their cds are chronological within geographical areas. CC has it totally chronologically arranged. It's just a little different, but enough that you can't use CC order and VP songs. This would be mostly for people who use Classical Conversations or don't use VP but use something else and they want their children to memorize the timeline cards in a totally chronologically arranged order. I haven't seen the enhanced cds... I'm mostly just wanting my kids to have a cd singin' Creation...Fall in the Garden......:-) SO, in review...I don't want them to stop making it exactly the way they have it...I just want an additional cd for families like mine... Carrie:-)
  24. :lurk5: I am talking about one from VP, that goes through the timeline cards...in chronological order (that agrees with CC's) and also has the history cds that VP has on their original cds. As I understand it, the others ...including Kathy's are the VP order... I understand that some people have done their own. I want one of the quality that VP has on their cds.....and one that is "legal". Carrie:-)
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