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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I always feed my dog (68lbs) a banana or two when he eats wrappers or bad things. It always helps, especially when he eats paper towels. Carrie:-)
  2. When I checked out a ton of books during Christmas, the library was VERY grouchy about it. One of the librarians made a point of saying "Hi Carrie" when I came in...just to point out that she knew it...because of how many times she had placed books on the shelf for me.(up front, for when I order them from another branch) Oh well, it did dissuade me from ordering for a ...couple of weeks...now I just try to pace myself...But, come next school year, I'll be doing it again. That is, until they start charging per book...Then, maybe not..and I'll buy from one of the used places... Carrie
  3. My parents always had us wear dresses, nice pants and tops for my brother. It's a good memory. My dad's friend, when they were talking, said if you aren't wearing your nice clothes for God, then who are you saving them for? I know "nice" is obviously relative, but at least not your holy jeans. Carrie:-)
  4. Here's our favorite, painless way of memorizing catechism questions and answers.... http://www.songsforsaplings.com/cd_qavol1.php Questions with Answers Vol. 1: God and Creation Questions with Answers Vol. 2: The Fall and Salvation Questions with Answers Vol. 3: Christ and His Work This is taken from the Westminster Catechism (one of the ones for younger than Adults) You can download all the words for free from the site, to see if you like them. For us, it's perfect. With a couple times through, you could ask my son "Who is God" and get the paragraph of an answer, which includes the verse as well. You can understand the answer, which is different from the cd that I almost ordered from somewhere else. The first cd is really my favorite, but the Volumes II and III are good too! Carrie:-) (PS if you like them, and have friends to order, too, you just need 8 families who want a complete set, for the really great price!(I opened it up to my homeschooling group) Otherwise, they are still not too expensive.)
  5. I really don't think it'll be a problem. Especially if you're the teacher. I like Omnibus; I just may have my daughter start in Omni II and the go back to Omni I (Ancient) when she's older... :-)
  6. Maybe he has SOME negotiation power? The guy across the street works 10 hrs a week or something like that, and the company still pays for insurance. I'd be kindly asking what they want to do to help the transition...I'd be there bright and early! Carrie
  7. I would say, no...I have those cutting boards that look like a silpat, and that's what my children would think they had grabbed. Now, if you show him...and he does it again..then probably yes.. Carrie:-)
  8. Hey There, Anyone know how hard the OAKS test, or something like that, is to do well on? My daughter has been tested since 3rd grade with it, and her past principal is willing for her to test with it again. All of a sudden, I got nervous! What if she doesn't do well? At school, they get to test THREE times...we don't have time for that! This is the same child who conveniently "forgot" how to divide a few weeks ago. (She's in 5th) Carrie
  9. Don't have a lot of experience our girls haven't dated or courted, yet. It sounds lovely, though. It might be hard if they end up not working out, but it would be a wonderful start for a daughter-in-law. I know another homeschool family, where the girl learned everything from the woman(canning, baking, etc...), and then ended up marrying her son...It looks really good! Carrie:-)
  10. Maybe you could say that you're working on her doing.....(fill in the blank) and you decided that she'll stay with you or your husband today. It may be that there is a very innocent reason he's attracted to her. I would hope..... I wouldn't necessarily want to offend him, just have something already figured out to say.... Carrie:-)
  11. If they were people I liked to hang around with, I would have talked with them about plans...dissed school, and had fun. Carrie
  12. I hear that you can litter train dogs, which seems much more "normal" to me. Just a thought:-) Carrie
  13. First of all, not a lot that I know to say, except...I'd document it. I'd take pics and such and then figure out what else to document it. You can throw away the pics later, but you can't recapture the pics if you don't take them. In case you need to go after them later for medical expenses. I'd probably take him into the dentist to have it looked at.... Carrie (And, ok...I love People's Court...and there was just a case on there similar to yours....big problems....and the whole hitting in the privates ended up with bills, too!)
  14. I think it's better to ask that it's moved now, than later. My mom had her yard planted with trees and flowers, and the neighbors planted a tree that they said would be fine. It wasn't / isn't and now is surely right on my mom's property. SO, my mom chops the part on her property. And, the neighbors just kinda comment that they guess it's a little close. Carrie
  15. I'm wondering if you're in the States? This seems like it's not worth sending them to school. What about the children whose parents don't want them to watch movies? That's just crazy...and I love it...Math is at the end. I wonder how many times that gets bumped...all the real "academics" are in the afternoon...??? WOW! Carrie
  16. Don't let my daughter see this post! I have Latin, Math and History planned...all summer long! With one free day a week.... UGH.....field trips....Nature Walks? Carrie:-)
  17. Have someone good take them...and then trade with someone who can do Photoshop. My husband has done photoshop with our friend's daughter, and they look professional! Then, they ran them off at Walmart or something. They had to get a letter of release because they look so good. He's going to charge $30 for each photo to be retouched...around here that's a good price. I'd aim for one or two photos to be touched...and take the pics with a nice borrowed camera. Also, of course, you can try to aim for a few different poses and then choose the best one...as "the one". Carrie
  18. Have your husband call, too. They can't ma'am a sir:-) Seriously, men do take things like sports differently. I'm glad I have a husband to help me parent my son. My husband would be irate to hear a guy act like that. He would call the Y and write a letter, too. Carrie
  19. Yup, In a New York Minute! I would put lip stick kisses all lined up in a row...all 6 if them. The start explaining what it looks like...and start packing! Don't forget some bubbly. and books...and...oh anything else you like:-) When my kids were little...I could come back after 5 days and still nurse! And, my kids sleep with us, but at g-mas it's just different. Our little one (5.5) still sleeps with us or siblings...That's what having olders is good for... I say...have a GREAT time! (PS, for my mom...I'd offer a babysitter for one of the days...or something to give her a break...) Carrie
  20. Unless it's a seriously trusted DR, I wouldn't let my children go in by themselves until they were maybe 17? I want to be in there when they "educate" my children. Carrie
  21. Hi There, The answer is "yes", and I do have my children do it. Of course, for me it's like Math or History, it's just a "necessary" part of school. It's a "Logic" course...and one of the best things that I have for my (step) daughter that is still in school. They've just moved far enough in Unit 3 of Henle, that it's really going to start being more fun. Of course, being able to do it in a group is part of the reason it's worked. BUT, either way, they'd still have to do it. Are you doing it with him? My mom does it with my girls, and this year I've tried to be really consistent with them studying well. I plan to start taking LCI any day.(I have the dvds just waiting.) I think that if I can master those, I'll jump into Henle, as I've heard that you can do it. Especially with him wanting to go into Science, it's great to have Latin as a base. Can you take him to talk with a few scientists? Maybe at a University? If you can get him to a Classical College to talk with some Profs, that would be very good! Carrie
  22. Hey There, My husband took some Russian in college, but really became proficient in Russian, while living in Oregon. Of course, he was also doing some program that starts with a "P" (not powerglide) and I'll edit this later to put in which one. He is really good. Carrie
  23. I say that the dvds are GREAT and that they should be used. The accent...as in Southern is bothering you? If so, so will the DVDs, but maybe they can grow on your "soft spot" since they make it easier:-)
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