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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. SO, skip being green....after you check where ever stuff could be stuck....(in mine...a front loader....socks and such can be stuck in between the tub and plastic liner in the front...) poor hottish water in all of the openings (maybe with some vinegar...) and then do a bleach cycle. (Fan on...doors open....you on a walk??) Then do a load like white towels that you can do on hot..... Also, check your dryer. I soaked my towel in vinegar....wrung it out...wiped around the whole dryer tub...and dried till very dry... Carrie:-)
  2. Hey There Bill, When I read what you're doing, I realized that I needed to warn you! You're gonna end up with a whole little group of kids dropped off for you to do Math and other subjects with...if you don't watch it! You're always so excited to try new things with your child....that it sort of makes me sorry for our little one who gets the last of my energy. (Takes most of my energy to peel him off the ceiling.) Anyway, I can see you having math groups.... Carrie:-)
  3. I'm glad that someone else is reading the myths to their little ones. My husband, because I bought it for them to read...., is reading the D'Aulaire's Myths...and I was wondering if they were a bit too morbid for a 5 year old. He seems to love them! Also, I have Jim Weiss' cds for my kids to listen to....all the ones from SOTW I to SOTW II, except for the Henty cds. Carrie:-)
  4. I can't remember if you're a Christian, but we love the http://www.songsforsaplings.com/ (Questions and Answers) It's a sort of catechism and it's wonderful. You can see the words on the site; even my husband and I go around singing the songs... http://www.exodusbooks.com/category.aspx?id=7054 (small Homeschool bookstore) http://www.familychristian.com/shop/product.asp?prodID=19099 (review and interview) The cds are pretty much whole chapters of Psalms and such.... Also, magnetic boards with magnets to place. Car bingo...(you can make your own to match your children's skills) Carrie:-)
  5. Chris, How long did you take antibiotics? I know that the length matters, right? My cousin got it and his DR didn't give him the correct number of doses/days. That's the only thing that I would make extra sure of...and I'd want to start today... Carrie
  6. There's a Public Charter starting 15 minutes from me. I don't know for sure that I'd send my children, but I put in a form for it. They are using some of the "Core Knowledge" curriculum for 6th-8th grade and modeling after a school in Colorado. For 9-12 grade, they are doing a "Classical Curriculum" although they haven't picked one out yet. (They said that they'd be developing it.) I love the thought of my daughter being able to be involved in a small group of students that are disciplined. I would hope that they'd have dramas about different history subjects...chant in unison....do art together. I think by her 7th grade year (which is the year it'll start, for her...) she'll be ready. Of course, I'm not sure we'll be picked, as we're out of district. Carrie:-)
  7. Look at some cultures....slings, mai teis, some sort of wraps that hold baby to mama (or other caring person) look at us...plastic... I slung my babies...or Ergo'd them until they were 3-4. I was looking at my 5 year old...in our bed last night...and my husband...who had just come home...said, "I like him here". He sleeps with us for 2 weeks and then when his sisters come for 2 weeks...he sleeps with the 13 year old...(and runs to our bed in the am, sometimes). He really just likes the touch aspect. I believe it's healing...of all the days up and downs. It's only in Countries that people think of themselves as "progressive" that bars are for children. (Now, yes...I used them too sometimes:-) I think nursing(even with a bottle) are all part of the good life for children. Carrie:-)
  8. You can tell if someone's texting by looking at the bill and seeing when the phone is used...calls....texting...it's there... I like what you all are saying about phones in the backseat, that way it's not tempting. Our first (my step) daughter has her permit. She's just not ready to drive...at least with me. I told her to let me know when her mom is letting her drive. She'll be 17 in a couple of weeks, she's just so focused....on things like....signs...I can see her reading a billboard and crashing into the back of someone's car...or worse. My second (step) daughter will want to drive the first day she legally can....(and her mom will take her) ....but we won't fully participate... My bio daughter will be allowed to have a driver's license when she shows maturity.... perhaps permit at 16....and license at 17. I read a Reader's Digest article about children driving. They recommended no radio, or adjusting anything while driving. That's what I think, too. You just get too distracted. My mom signed me up for driver's permit before I even asked... I've been careful...made a few mistakes...but only one accident that was my fault. (I was trying to park....and instead of parallel parking...which I'm actually decent at...since I drove in NY city...I tried to cheat and just pull in....only $350 worth of damage...lucky me!) Carrie
  9. I like our CC group. I make the memory work somewhat relevant. I haven't heard the "keep your child at their grade level for math" and I wouldn't choose to do that...if I disagreed.... I like the IEW portion of Essentials best, and choose for our study of Latin to be what we do for Grammar. I really like all of our families:-) Carrie
  10. Wow, this sounds great! I'll be interested to hear how people like it..... The charter school that I'm looking at for my daughter is modeling after another Charter that uses Wheelock's. For us, it doesn't matter much, as it will be her 5th year of Latin. (She'll be done with Henle I and hopefully starting Henle II??) But, she may start whatever they're doing, because we've been doing Ecclesiastical and they'll be using Classical. Anyone heard of Ecclesiastical in a Public Charter? Since it's closer to Spanish(right??) then it seems like it'd be possible.... Carrie:-)
  11. Well, Steiner has many secular views, but I like the way story telling is done (at a younger level) and I love their arts and music. I purchased beeswax colors for my children because of what I saw. I purchased them through a co-op and while they were expensive(we purchased three varieties) they have lasted 5+ years. I keep them together and take them to places like church and such....and my children can use them at home...but I take responsibility for making sure that they're put away. The way that they introduce history is interesting.... They are totally secular...but they introduce Bible as history and tell things from their mind instead of using a book.(at least on the site that I read) I've mostly read about younger years.... BUT, that's the reason I started looking at OM and while it's not thought of as authentically Waldorf...it's thought of as Waldorf inspired. I also looked at a couple of other curriculums that were thought of as more "authentic". I liked a lot of their ideas...and Montessori's and CM...and...and:-) I just love reading about different ideas... Carrie:-)
  12. My oldest<she was in 9th>, when she was learning Latin with my mom, had to have grammar explained. It's really something that they just don't touch at school..much...anymore. I think she maybe knew nouns and verbs...but not really anything beyond that. We live in a really good school system...and she qualifies for Honors courses... She'll catch up quickly...if you don't end up fighting, first:-) Start slowly...I started homeschooling in 6th grade....don't freak on her...and let her know how frustrated you are....My mom found out I didn't know alot of info....But..it'll get there fine if you're patient. I have to say that Classical Conversations' CD goes over much of the info you'd want her to know... 3 cycles would be a really good base. Or, Shurley Grammar, you can buy the cd seperately and have her just listen to the 6th or 7th grader jingles. (I'd burn a Classical Conversations cd...and insert the Shurley Grammar grammar right on where the parts of speech are on the CC cd...<instead of the CC definition>, or just burn the CC cd without the grammar portion...and just pick that up from Shurley's) I'd let her listen to it all summer....and then see where she is in a few months....(like mid August) Carrie:-)
  13. A used set of Latina Christiana I and then...maybe First Form??(is that what MP's new one is called?) My mom started with LCI with our girls...no Latin background...and it's amazing! The secret, I believe, is that they met as a "group" so that there was accountability and a predictable time to do class each week. Each year has been a bit different...as far as day and time...but each week is the same, once classes start. I'm also responsible for them to keep up with their studying during the summer...(but not as much as during the year.) Carrie:-)
  14. I think that you could do individual parts of OM for your student. I really loved the earthy part, but since I believe that you get SOME worldview with whatever you purchase...I want a Biblical worldview for Science and History. I remember the "Waldorfy" feeling of the arts and such...and don't they have Science that is "Waldorfy/CM?" In fact, if you like Oak Meadow, you are liking a part of Waldorf. While I wouldn't include some of the Rudolf Steiner/Waldorf aspects that are VERY secular, I do like their approach to many things. Maybe if/when you investigate Waldorf, you could use some of the aspects and keep some of the WTM/classical ones, too. Just a thought... (Or, do all of OM except the LA part...) Carrie:-)
  15. Have you actually seen this? I'm thinking that it's secular and I'm wondering if it would work for a Charter (public) school. I tried to figure out what level it starts at.... Carrie:-)
  16. Hey There, I wanted to suggest that you read Bluedorn's Teaching The Trivium. (At least the part about math) I love how they explain what children should do before 10. I don't do formal math with my son, at all. I have an abacus waiting, but so far only my husband and 17 year old have learned how to use it. I have cuisinaire rods, and unicubes for my son, we count things...and we read lots of living books (livingmath.net for ideas) I love the Greg Tang's books and Cindy Neuschwander. We skip count and I've explained multiplication. We've only practiced orally. He loves to walk around saying 2=2 is 4...4+4 is 8 (on up) Children can do more orally, usually, than writing. There's also less to get confused. We also practice spelling and such...orally. He likes to write, but only when it's him copying his older sisters. Like someone mentioned before, this is a great time to memorize poetry, Bible chapters....etc. AND, play with math manipulatives...and such..with no pressure. You can be in the car and ask, "If I gave you 5 apples and then you gave your sister 2 apples, how many would you have left?" and it's great for their memory and math skills... Just a thought...maybe you don't need another math curriculum:-) Carrie:-)
  17. Wow, So I listened to the hour of it today. Is she still living? This was an amazing reminder of who we are and who God is. Carrie
  18. Thanks Heather:-) It's funny but I Livonia is actually one of the places in Michigan that I've visited. My parents first lived in Livonia and then in Canton....(which I stayed for a few months with them....11 years ago) Now we're all back on the West Coast.... But, I stayed in Michigan long enough to "get" my daughter. If I ever go back to visit... Your tutor program looks like one I'd like to see in action. SO, in total, about how much do you end up spending a "semester" or "year"? Carrie:-)
  19. Nicole, You might like the Living Math at http://livingmath.net/ There are many ideas there:-) The SOTW Unit Study looks incredible. Carrie:-)
  20. There are manufacture recommendations and I wouldn't have just grass under any playstructure. I actually wanted this rubber stuff, and thought about getting it...but it was really spendy. SO, we put thicker than we had to of the pea gravel. My husband put it in shovel full by shovel full...from where we had it dumped (the driveway). BUT, we feel it's as safe as possible, He put tie rails around the structure to keep the gravel in the area. (Leave a few inches so the gravel doesn't get kicked over as much) Carrie:-)
  21. Oops....It looked like I wanted to talk about chickens....I wanna talk about groups of children getting together:-) 1. I'd love to hear what types of co-ops everyone is involved in 2. How often they meet, 3. How many weeks and about how much they charge. 4. What ages does the co-op serve? If you're in charge..that'd be cool to know to:-) And, if there's a website to look at, I'd like that, too! :-) I've thought about some different kinds: A.... Veritas Press Co-op Omnibus for the olders with Veritas Press... Living Memory Co-op (LLC centered??) Living Math Co-op Living Science Co-op SOTW Co-op Social/Interactive Co-op (no...to almost no... academics) Thanks! Carrie:-) I'd love to hear about what you love/hate...
  22. I grew up in Texas and Oklahoma...but I'm now within 20 minutes of where I was born. Carrie:-)
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