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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Ok, I'm more relaxed than a lot of people. I tend to like Bluedorn's Teaching The Trivium. So, my suggestion would be, get up tomorrow, take your kids to somewhere like McDonald's tomorrow....and just let them play. Join a Science Discovery Museum....put your baby in an Ergo or other carrier...and just let them run. Get some skip counting songs (we do Classical Conversations, which is a once a week Christian based homeschooling get together group...and so we use theirs...but any would work) Get some cuisenaire rods....maybe some Legos and just play for a couple of months. Listen to really good cds....Jim Weiss telling different stories....(check for him at your library) We listened to ones like Abraham Lincoln...& Thomas Jefferson... In other words, just have fun with them. Work on cooperation and listening skills....Take nature walks.... Anything that's cool for them to sing..that has significance....is really nice as a pat on the back...and letting you feel that they're learning...:-) Don't stress...enjoy this age...stressing is for when they're in Junior High:-) Carrie
  2. Hillsdale (is that what it's called? The one where the man who write Climbing Parnassus teaches? Or Saint Andrews....(a Reformed school) sound great to me! Carrie:-)
  3. I'd have my husband smoke some of them with his new Traeger. :-) Other than that, if you're not ultra concerned with calories, I love them kinda pounded a little, cut in strips, dipped in flour and kinda fried in butter. Lovely memories from childhood. Then you make a white gravy sauce with pepper...and kinda dip....Yumm.....better than Dairy Queen's chicken strips.... Yum:-) The chicken parmesan is lovely, too. I also love chicken divan with broccoli. I'd probably do nothing but strip them and freeze separately ...then bag em and use in stir frys and such... Carrie
  4. I get an itchy throat and mouth if I eat certain things,and they change, when I was younger....it was bananas...then almonds, avocados, raw nuts, carrots, peaches, nectarings, apples.... (you get the picture) I'm fine if I cook them...or if they're in a smoothie.... usually fine with apples in say..fondue.... There was an allergy pamphlet at Kaiser Insurance that someone picked up for me...I finally feel validated! Carrie
  5. Don't get rid of Playmobile:-) I made the rule that Playmobile toys stay in the back room on the table..... It's working better. My son is also going to be getting that cool Lego sorter that I saw on here.... Carrie:-)
  6. I have to say that we like Flonase (prescription nose spray) and there's a homeopathic nose spray you can get, too. Much easier to take than pills.... Carrie
  7. Yup, I agree...when I said we were leaving....and that was the park thing...we did leave. I wouldn't offer that up, if it was say....a three hour drive to get to my friends....that's what I meant:-) Park day was only 10 minutes from home... Carrie:-)
  8. Hey There, Confession time, I suppose. My son has only bitten twice, at the same park....the older children. (He's now almost 6) The first time, I explained about biting. The second time we went, I warned on the way to the park...Remember all the fun things you get to do at the park?? Remember that we need to be kind??...and he still bit...so we left...went home and then he got spanked. He tends to be very hyper and rough. He loves running and tagging and wrestling and just really different things than say my three girls. My son has a great...very present...father. (and we're married...so they live in the same house:-) He's just always been a "climber of the walls". He's also got a very sensitive side. I would tell the boys next time they played, "Remember, we don't hurt others. If anyone forgets, we're gonna pack up and leave." (Of course, prep your boys before you get there....) And then do it. I don't always leave, depending on how far I traveled and what the situation is. I do take hurting others seriously and there's some consequence. I also think that some of the problem is when adults get together and leave children who don't play often...off in another room. Even if hitting is normal, you don't want for your boys to get hit. Maybe if you're not able/willing to leave, you can suggest that your boys do a "time-in". I don't know...kids who hit, shove, whatever...and just get to leave the room for a minute...just doesn't seem like that works..... How would your friend like it if YOU hit HER? It's just not nice:-( Carrie
  9. Gosh, Thanks for recommending us! We started selling Klean Kanteens because I love them so much. Glad that you like the "kustom Kolors":-) Whoever said that the buttons on the totes break... don't work...well..we don't unsnap them...so that they don't break. You can kinda turn them down. I do like the totes for going out, but around home...and before they had totes, I use to take a clean sock that I had lost the match to...and cut off the bottom...and slip it over the bottle. I used the 12 ounce bottles all the time when my son was little.... and you can use the sippies with those...or the Avent Bottle nipples, too. Thanks Again! Carrie:-)
  10. I had my daughter listen to Volume 3 and now we're back to Ancients. We'll do Volume 4 the second time around. I also have her her listen to SOTW volumes on cd...and we'll be doing Famous Men of.....for history. (So, SOTW is her free time. ) She really like SOTW and had it almost memorized. I feel like it gave her a really decent grasp of the material, and FMO series....is great for some Latin exposure....(on top of her Latin studies) and also for vocabulary and such. There are four parts...so reading the stories and doing one activity a day is a good start for that series..for us. She'll do some through the summer and then do FMO Greece after that. We have 2 summers (this and next) and the year in between to work through at least 2 FMO books. I'm really excited! Carrie:-)
  11. I like beans in burritos two ways: Fried potatos with pintos in a tortilla...with sour cream...whatever else you like... I also like them like you would with hamburger (which I don't like) pinto beans, tomatoes (chopped), sour cream, sliced olives....yum! Carrie:-)
  12. I saw on this forum the place to download MP3s of Our Story Hour.(very inexpensively). Our library has Jim Weiss' readings of different people in history, along with SOTW.... Remember that crayons melt in this weather:-) Stringing wood beads for younger ones. My daughter likes to crochet on trips...while listening to cds.... http://www.songsforsaplings.com/ has the best questions and answers cds.... Even my husband and I catch ourselves singing...when not listening to it! They are inexpensive... We especially like Volume 1. You can read the words to make sure you agree with it...they are pretty straight down the line. Really, the library has a ton of cds here...just remember to not get them taken...or left in the sun:-) Carrie:-)
  13. Oops... forgot to add that the boxes of just right sized pouches... ( I purchased rounded corners) are about $8.00 ... You'll need two boxes..... (So about $23 for the shipping and two boxes....) Carrie:-)
  14. I had a great laminator...my parent's....and I purchased the laminator pouches from Oregonlam.com They have flat shipping and have lots of office supplies. I laminate all kinds of things...phonics cards, all my CC stuff, VP cards, on and on and on. Depending on what size your laminator can handle, you can do placemates of things like US Maps....etc. I suggest using at least 3mm for most things...(or 5mm...either are fine) For the VP cards, I like pushing the top of the card all the way to where the pouch is already sealed, and then punching two holes on the bottom of the cards and using rings from flyboys.com Their rings don't "bite" the cards... Carrie:-)
  15. Ok, I know that there must be other families who would do the program I'm directing (Classical Conversations) if I could just let them know about it. It's fun for us, and we have a very diverse...accepting group. Where, oh where, did you learn about co-ops in your area?? I've listed it on the State Homeschooling site, and grocery store walls, emailed with churches, and hung signs at the library. I've saturated Yahoo groups and told everyone I know. I was thinking of putting a bumper sticker on my van....(Suppose that means I can't yell at the kids while sticking them in:-) Where would you recommend I list the group?? (We're in Salem, OR) Thanks! Carrie:-)
  16. I love to buy their boxes of Annie's Mac and Cheese:-) I also like things like seltzer or "more natural" soda. Veggies and such are good if you can get what you need. Electronics and such are usually decent. Snacks are usually less. (I like their fruit leather, no sugar) I always pick up pot stickers...(lots less expensive) If I'm buying lasagna, it's less...and really good. If you are into once a month shopping, it'll probably work out for you. (You only need to save $4 a month) My mom and I take turns calling each other when we go there. Also, here...they have fun food to eat for lunch...really inexpensive...AND, they give great samples...It's like sample city at lunch! OH, and their cheesecake is really good...and a great price...as well as their bakery...if you buy that stuff... Carrie:-)
  17. Yes!! That's the one! It is a REAL eye opener.... Seems like everyone wants a leader.... instead, we should keep our eyes on the true authority! Jesus Christ. Carrie:-)
  18. Oh...I see the name thing mentioned. Some of the Gothardites I knew changed one of their daughters names from Bethany to "Mary Beth" when she was like...7?? (Because of Gothard and meanings) I was like 17 and thought..."Why didn't they just change the spelling to "Beth Anne/Annie" so that her name's meaning was "more fitting" instead of the whole name! Carrie
  19. You've read the book about Gothard, right? I went to find it on amazon, but can't. It has a red cover, I think. Anyway, I would not say that someone with say...his Character Sketches, is a cultist. I WOULD say that it's interesting and important to note who wrote them....and what period of his life this was from....which,.....if I remember correctly....was when he was taking a break somewhere after some "problems in the office." I grew up in OK and TX and so I knew a lot of Gothard people. I told one lady that I use to babysit for...that I hoped he wasn't like say...Swaggart (sp?) and living a sinful life while making money. She called me later saying that she felt guilty that she hadn't defended him...after all...he was like their apostle...like in the Bible... Well, I've read enough about him lying and troubles in the office, to know he's not above reproach...and in my limited knowledge, believe he has NO business speaking to groups...especially without public confession of all the problems that he hid. I don't think he meant to become a cult...I just think he got "lucky". (And the list goes on about all of the things he's done/ seen done...and that what...'71 Corolla...does he still have that??) Carrie
  20. I like to make roast out of the Crockpot For Company cookbook. It's basically any roast with some sweet stuff...including things like smoke flavoring, brown sugar (I add some agave) and more...then you can put some really yummy veggies in/on it, too. I like green beans sizzled in butter. The original recipe calls for Spinach and julienned carrots and mushrooms to be added on top till tender. I also like chicken put on the night before, with barbeque sauce.... served on buns with veggies and/or salad. We like Reuben sandwiches, too. Easy if you have a pancake griddle:-) For dessert, I love strawberry rhubarb fruit crisp or apple fruit crisp...serverd with Vanilla ice cream:-) Carrie:-) Carrie:-)
  21. Don't you have to pay a monthly fee with a GPS though? I thought you did, so that would make mine within or less than others... :-)
  22. I have a gps on my phone. It's been the best deal ever! It does live traffic updates, I can take it when a friend is driving...easily...and it's only been a couple of miles off...once...and I think that's because the address wasn't registered properly?? It's great...and I call it my boyfriend...Dave:-) Carrie:-)
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