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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I have to say I love Memoria Press' latin and think it's much better than many other latin courses. She is trying for a "Church Latin/Ecclesiastical" pronunciation. Perhaps you learned Classical? I know that it's just what you're use to that counts:-) I have to say that Latina Christiana I and II led nicely into Henle, and I've heard a bit about MP's First Form Latin being good. I would look at Martha Wilson's latin, if I was going to do another Latin. The only one I would NOT do is Latin's Not So Tough....which is...Tough:-) Carrie:-)
  2. http://www.kanoe.us/ or an Amby. My husband's ex has one of the kanoe's and just loves it. It's a very "cool" thing to have, which should help her love it. Also, Kellymom.com I think..for nursing and ideas... The Kanoe and Amby are baby hammocks and they are just great for getting baby into a good sleep. The Kanoe has a hook that you can get more than one of and you take the hammock around...from one spot to another. (naps down...and take it up....for bed time...etc...))
  3. I like my kids having phones. No sending pictures of each other. It's probably easiest if you just really stick to that, otherwise, what's appropriate?? (you might not want a teen to judge that) No bad language in texts. Remember it's "your" phone, but whenever I get bored, I might check through it. And, I can see how many texts your doing...and judge whether everything looks right. I check on a semi-regular basis...but not often enough that they're constantly expecting it. I want them to have a reason to think, "Mom might be looking at this". If I saw no texts when I looked, I'd have a talk.....(No texting while interacting with people that are standing in front of you:-) I saw one person who said she kept all chargers in her room....at a certain time each night, phones were connected....To keep those late night calls at bay... Carrie
  4. Hey Rosie, What's an electric jug? An electric teapot? For a juicer, we love the Champion Juicer...you can make juice, of course, but also a freeze fruit and do a sugarless...just fruit....sorbet:-) Carrie
  5. A really nice automatic grain mill, a Bosch mixer with blender, a great food dryer, an oven with a convection oven (electric) and a gas top. Cutco knives and an OXO can opener (no sharp edges after...) Carrie:-)
  6. I just LOVE them. I've never been able to find them at the Goodwill....(no fair...send them to me:-) I also like other books by the author, Cindy Neuschwander.....and Greg Tang's. Enjoy! Carrie PS. You might also enjoy the Living Math site http://www.livingmath.net
  7. I remember seeing a few when I was about 20 or so. I wish I had appreciated them more. I didn't really have the background for them, but I saw The Secret Garden, Miss Saigon, and a few more. You should see one! Carrie:-)
  8. I'd say that you decided you need the $$$ and you really need to sell them at the garage sale...And do it:-) Of course, I have no idea how much you spent on them...and how much you could get. Carrie:-)
  9. I have to say that I was babysitting at 12 and parents called me. I knew what my parents would say, and whether it was ok to be late or not. Of course, you know this now. I would go down with daughter and explain that your daughter loves these kids and wants to have the opportunity to sit for them, but her time limit is 10pm, with a "half of an hour" Late availability. (And kinda joke about ...of course you can walk down, but then you're looking at an adult watching your children....."that was about $15 an hour last time I looked into it"....) Also, I would just say "Daughter is needing to put her money in the bank, so I'd like it if you plan on running the money over the next day...if you forget it that night. Maybe some tough love the next time she wants her to sit...."Sure, she'd like to sit for you, but I told her that she needs to give me her money for the bank before that happens" Carrie:-)
  10. Well, I have to say that for Science...especially children the ages of yours, I'd agree with what I think I heard Leigh saying....Go outside. Enjoy Science! Carrie:-)
  11. Well, I Direct a CC program, so I'm biased. I enjoy having my children learn the material; I looked at the three years worth of memory material and for my children felt that it was an incredible amount of memory work. You can choose to either follow a totally different curriculum, try to find a curriculum that's around the same period (World History Overview for this year, Cycle 1) or just look at the curriculum, and pick books from the suggested Reading List. (That your Director will forward to you, just ask if she doesn't, for some reason.) Of course, you'll need to have whatever you want to use/do for math, and such. My daughter is older, so we're doing Famous Men of Rome, Famous Men of Greece, Henle Latin, some type of Math (not sure, yet), probably Essentials (grammar and IEW writing), and she listens to SOTW (so Ancient this year) and whatever other history cds (including Jim Weiss' other cds that happen during "Ancients"). My son is a "tag along" and will do math with an abacus, lots of living math books, Word Girl:-), history reading, SOTW cds, and continue learning to read including writing and more phonics and phonics rules... Carrie:-)
  12. There are tons of threads about "CC" or "Classical Conversations"....Go to "Search this Thread" and then look at "Advanced Search" and look it up. I'd be happy to answer more questions...if you have them. We're in the Oregon area. Carrie:-)
  13. I have to say that I kinda did the same, because I wanted some of the same look for when my house was getting painted...and looking at getting new windows. Carrie
  14. McClaren! The only thing that's bugged me is that the "umbrella" part on mine was a little off center and wouldn't adjust and "stay put" So, if a bit more money would solve it...I'd pay extra. Great Stroller, though.. I've also looked at the Bill and Ted's and would have loved one of those. I topped out at $200, though. I love my Ergo, too! Carrie
  15. And don't forget that Math can be "living math" too. So, check out Greg Tang's books (you can purchase 5 of them from Scholastic's if you call for about $20) and the Sir Cumference series by Cindy Neuschwander (and she has other math books, too!) And, my son loves playing with his abacus (a Doug And Melissa one) and cubes and other things, that are helping to set math up in his head. Carrie:-)
  16. I think relaxed until 10 is fine, unless there are developmental issues. AND, if you have taught work ethic and obedience. Otherwise, when you need him to stop working as hard about playing and chores and start working harder on writing and such....You will have a problem. Carrie:-)
  17. Well, we all lack judgement, sometimes. I'm not sure that I think she should be fired. I do think she needs some more classes on how to handle children and what is appropriate. You know, this all comes back to unions and such. Her principal should be able to go in and "see" her heart. "See" if she's loving on those children; fire her if she's not, and keep her if she is. Is she a teacher I'd want my children to have? Probably not, but maybe if she has a couple more hours in how to deal with kids, I'd rather have her than some of the teachers that don't control their classes...at all. She made a STUPID, inconsiderate and BAD choice. But, maybe she can still teach well. It's hard to be able to tell without seeing her interact with her students. Carrie
  18. Wow, congrats! Much of our vans "owies" are on the outside. Including where my now 6 year old, at about 3, did "art work" on my car....TWICE in one week. And, I had my first accident...pulling into a parking space of all places! Anyway, I do know how it feels to get all the gum scraped off. Carrie:-)
  19. The only thing I think would be much better about installed is the way you have to LISTEN to their movie...because it's on the back of your headrest. If you could run sound through your speakers, it'd be better. The screen on our portable is bigger. Of course, ours also jumps when we hit a bump in the road, and when we stop the car...to come back and start it again is a pain. Carrie
  20. So Rosie, are you saying you'd be ok with this? I'm curious:001_smile: I'd say that they've done enough to laugh about...and now they're "caught". As far as what I'd let our daughters do, it's absolutely nothing. They just aren't allowed to date. They are not ready emotionally ,or any other way, to be involved in dating...until they would be ready to purchase their own dwelling. Not that when they are dating they have to move out, just that they have to be ready. I think it's respectful to cherish the relationships of girl/boy (really should be man/woman) and not allow them to make mistakes until they are theirs to make. It's kinda like....I wouldn't allow my child to smoke. It's not their decision. (Although, of course, marriage & families are good:)) But, I'm just saying that some decisions are just not children's to make. In my opinion, while you can still call your son or daughter "A child" they shouldn't be in a relationship that can turn into them having "children". If our daughters really felt like there was a "young man" that they wanted to pursue a relationship, we might agree to things such as family dinners and such. I've read at least one secular article about teens and them dating before their character and personality are fully developed and that if they date while still maturing, their personality is normall altered because of wanting to please their "partner". Carrie:-)
  21. I"m still thinking VideoText. For the test, you could use the dvd's counter to take part of the test at a time. I like the way VT presents the material, and I'll maybe get one other algebra course that would follow it. I like what I've heard about Lial's, Jacob's and a couple of others. I'm fine with needing to do it through the summer. I think math should be an ongoing class with only a small amount of breaks. I think I'll have her do Video Text, and have my husband work through a few similar problems with her each night...Just to make sure she's getting it. The guy selling it suggested that I review until somewhere in December and then start the first Algebra book in January. I'll try it and see how she's understanding it..and go from there:-) Carrie:-)
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