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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'm sorry! I've had some minor issues with depression since I was about 14 or so. It doesn't just go away. I try to be thankful; being thankful helps to set your mood. As an adult, I know that money pressures and such are a problem for my outlook. Seriously good vitamins (whole food vitamins). I'm a Christian, so I pray about it. I also drink some coffee every morning. I find that just a bit really helps! The busier I am...the less I am depressed. If I had it to do again with my child (my mom didn't know) I would take them to something that could read their nutritional balance. I do believe that part of it could be food related, sometimes. I'm sorry for you! Carrie
  2. Wow, we don't have company, and I have no littles...and four kids. Just looking at your children's ages, I think maybe you're stretched too thin! I love being with friends, but if they're gonna be there, maybe you need to wrap them into your whole life...chores and everything. Carrie
  3. That's awesome! I just looked up a couple of friends from when I was younger...kinda fun! I don't know if they'll end up calling me...I'll see. But anyway, I'm excited for you! What fun! Carrie
  4. Hey There I was homeschooled in the Tulsa area from '83-'86. Anyone on here homeschooled in the Tulsa area, too? Just curious:-) Carrie
  5. I doubt that your husband/boyfriend had another family that he left for you...and just didn't bother to divorce. In other words, while I might not agree with living with a man before marriage, I really don't agree with living with a married man.... (and things like this do affect the children...) You, Peela, had a family. You were with each other... Isn't that different? (And no, I wouldn't want my children to say anything about an adult. I'd just tell them that what Auntie so and so is doing is wrong, but they are children and don't need to ask any questions about Big People topics)
  6. Oh Good! I'm sure you're a great Mama, and my kids have always tried to make me feel guilty for this. Carrie:-)
  7. Wow, 8 CC's in one spot....That's amazing...yes...it's a large area...but still...EIGHT?? I wonder if they're all gonna end up full? And if they have Challenge Courses?? Carrie
  8. Craziest Question, but why would you care? I had an old account and without even thinking about it, I could have had two. I know one person who said she was needing to get a new account because she found out someone was tracking her, and so she started a new account, and now she's banned. (well, that's what she said when i asked). My husband has account, that he started so he could see what's on here, what if someone thought that it was really my account? (I guess he started it at work????) No one can really see any of us...You just kinda have to trust, and not put too much personal info, right??? Carrie
  9. No library. Is there a secular person that might believe porn is bad?? Since he's not a Christian, that's not going to be something that persuades him. Is he in public school this coming year? Lots of physical labor that doesn't include being with guys who swear and curse.... On my computer, I can make it so that you can't use the computer after a certain hour. When I had a family member that was causing problems at home, I checked out an island that you can drop off teens. I'm starting to think that most teens should be dropped off at 15 and picked up at 20...off some island set up to protect their minds, and make them work all day...and they'd sleep all night:-) Sorry for what your family is dealing with...Action and Prayer.... Let us know how it's going... Carrie
  10. I was 155 when I got pregnant the first time, lost 7 lbs cuz I was sick and then gained back up to 163. I had a 9lb 2oz baby, and within two months was way below the 155. I nursed whenever she was hungry and was 130 lbs when she was a year. With my son I ended up doing about the same. No desire to eat when first pregnant. So, both times I lost a ton...too bad I can't be pregnant again! Take good vitamins, eat well, take walks, enjoy being pregnant! Nurse until they won't nurse any more! Carrie:-)
  11. I know you can do quite a bit of Shurley orally and also it has jingles that you can do with all of your children together...for the sentence structures and also for the grammar of English...(noun, verb...etc..) Carrie:-)
  12. Wow, I convinced my husband to take our almost 6 year old with my brother and his son...a "bonding" experience. Wow, no wonder he didn't tell me about it. We won't be adding it to our CD library, and hopefully much of the other stuff went over his head. The sad thing is, it should be so so so ok to see! Morally ok movies are proving that they can make money. Where are these companies heads?? If all of us can have logically thinking, decent kids grow up...maybe WE can be the ones deciding what movies contain. Carrie
  13. So, if you had a rising Senior, what are the 10 books you'd want them to read. My step-daughter lives with us half time, and won't be in public school next year. (She started home-educating last year, in November.) She might attend some college, but I can't see her having a job. So, she'll have at least half of her free reading time to read "approved" books. Because of her being my step, and not having much support, I haven't made her read extra books. (Although during school time, she's done school...) She's really into Science Fiction, and I'm sure she'll read those at her mom's house. Here, though, we've said no marshmallow books for her summer or Senior Year. We want her to read some "Educational and hopefully some edifying books." I'm open to books with and without a Christian World View. Thanks! Carrie
  14. I know this is not the point, but how did someone get those text messages?? And yes, her most important job should be her children. Shame on adults who can't keep their heads in charge of their bodies. You wouldn't have to say that you're sorry, if you thought with your brain! Carrie
  15. I would first ask what my insurance might cover, if you could figure out a way to do it for sleep apnea...or something like that. If it has nothing to do with bedwetting, I bet (hope) that you could get more paid for... And, really, anything but bed wetting is more of your problem. I know one person who wet their bed until adult hood (19) and then didn't ever wet the bed again. Carrie:-)
  16. We absolutely LOVE crepes. My husband even got me a crepe pan, because I love them so much. And you can do dinner crepes, too. Our recipe calls for 14 eggs and either keifer or kinda thinner yogurt than normal. Also, I like quiche with homemade pie crust. The Dutch babies are really super easy:-) You can do a Denny's slam? Is that what it's called? It's yummy omelette type things with eggs scrambled....and eggs on top. Carrie
  17. You can use the little things that they sell in the store that are kind like a three sided box. They are about $30. I did a crib along the bed, sometimes, with the side off. I made it so that it would stay even with the bed. It worked pretty well. Recently, I have seen another kind of baby hammock that's like an Amby. It's called http://www.kanoe.us/ If I were to have another baby...I'd get one. My husband's ex wife has one and it's great! Carrie:-)
  18. mini tramp with a bar. we got one that was meant for kids with a little turtle or something in the middle. it was a lifesaver for my couch jumping crazy boy. Carrie:-)
  19. Is she allergic to the metal in the ear ring? There are plastic covers and different metals that you can purchase... Carrie
  20. I did this for my kids when they were (2, 8,11,14) and we had the older two half time. SO, to be exact, I split all the big chores up for them over their weeks here.(They are here two weeks and gone two.) I felt a bit guilty, until I talked myself out of it. It really worked out great. My daughter that is here almost all of the time had most of the constants. She always took all the trash out. etc. If they were here all the time, it would still work out perfectly. Now, though, they switch every two weeks. Gotta get those chores out again for the summer. Now, I just write all the chores I want done on the white board. My rule is to start with common areas and then they need to do their personal chores. I expect a lot of chores/help. Oh well...it's what I need. My 17 year old didn't get a job, and I told her that during her time here, she'd need to work like a 40 hour week here...and she didn't even try for a job.(I thought that would be incentive to go get a job!) SO, I'm assuming that I'll be getting lots of help this summer. I have to admit...I had a job and was out by the time I was an early teen. No help for my mom. (Sorry mom!) Carrie
  21. The best time I did chores for the kids, I took the calendar with all of the chores that I should do (Motivated Moms??) and divided them up according to which child was best suited. This worked REALLY well. My husband did cute chore charts, separating their chores into "dailies" and "weeklies". I felt no guilt, as their are always extra chores for the mom. And, don't forget having kids help with cooking dinner and helping to clean up. When our dishwasher broke, and we had to do all the dishes by hand, I started helping to do dishes, and it was actually sweet to have that time with my daughter. Carrie:-)
  22. When I had littles, I made a "rule" for myself, that I always left the windows down enough for air exchange to happen. This way, forgetting would not mean certain death. I thought that it was a young person's issue, the thing about not realizing that a closed car is like steaming whatever's in it, UNTIL I had to go into a restaurant to get a couple because their dog was in the car panting hard..... When they came out, they looked at it and said something about "silly dog, you were suppose to stay in the shade" (they had left a towel hanging from one of the closed windows. Anyway, windows down is a great caution. I've heard of these all too often. In MI, 5 years ago, there were 5 stories...I think...ranging from mostly deaths...to one case where a dad who went on a drinking binge...led police back to his car where toddler was strapped in...lucky kid...he was ok. (I think car windows were down and he had parked under a carport type thing) Anyway.....It happens! Carrie
  23. I reviewed the curriculum and really liked it! If I was going to use it from the disc, I'd print off the whole thing and put it in a binder, because it'd be hard to not be able to "hold" it. Carrie:-)
  24. I have to say that I think you should listen to song school latin. I think some of it may drive you crazy:-) I don't know about the Classical Pronunciation, but the Ecclesiastical is a bit off compared to what you might expect:-) Carrie
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