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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'd see if there was a spot she could do a 3-D sonogram. Is that what it's called? There are SO many people who would love to raise the child. Maybe if she felt like someone she knew would raise it? Or, when she saw the picture of the baby, she'd at least give it a chance?? Carrie
  2. Hey there:-) Would you mind what you didn't like about the first one? and how the second one was different?? I'm trying to figure out what I need to do to make ours the most attractive it could be! Thanks! Carrie:-)
  3. But, they have NO medical background. They have done a TON of damage. I really find NO good in their book. And this is from a person who can read the Pearl's book and smile at some of the sweet stories. Leave feeding and sleeping infants to those who know them best. Their mamas! The Ezzo's book it....well....not good. And, I'd leave a church if they did a class on it after being warned. Carrie:-)
  4. Maybe instead of calling it "AP" you could not refer to it as anything. Maybe instead of "nurse on demand" it would be called "nursed when the baby's tummy was empty." I wouldn't be quiet, but that may be my problem. I don't see that Mary had a watch.... to watch! How would she know he was hungry? When he started moving around, and her mama instinct told her to put him to the breast, I bet that's just what she did.... And, if seems too much to use Jesus as an example.....you can use his siblings. How did the siblings know when they were hungry, needed their diaper changed, etc?? Mary either looked, heard, smelled:-), etc.... No need to watch a clock or ask someone else. Attachment Parenting has a bad rap for families who are into their children not demanding. I nursed on request, if that's a better term. When my children fussed, it was my job to find out why?? Why were they fussing?? I believe that Ezzo babies have that spark when you walk in the room (see the book...at least the Ezzo one I read) because they are still hopeful that there are open arms to hold them, warm br**asts to snuggle up to...and lovely mamas or gentle papas to coo to them. Carrie:-)
  5. I didn't know that was crazy! I carried my kitty around all over! Carrie:-) PS And now, she doesn't ever get out of our face!
  6. I actually like the Pearls and I think that many of their stories in the magazine resemble a Charlotte Mason type "work with mama as she's sweeping" type thing. The whole, spend time with the child as you "live" together. Spend lots of time outside. There are two stories in the book that I don't agree with. I believe you could use many of the principles and never spank. I like the fact that their family seems very close. On the other hand, none of the Ezzo stuff makes me have warm fuzzies. Course, i can read any book and pick out the good:-) I like Waldorf for their rhythm, Montessori, Pearls, Love and Logic, I believe that for a Christian Family, the Teaching the Trivium by the Bludorn's is the greatest "How to Organize your Family" book....I just love it!! Carrie:-)
  7. I'd have to say...I'd let it stay...at least I think I would.... I was just like that when I was younger! Carrie
  8. My son started having people ask him, towards the end of this last year "So, you're in kindergarten??" The first couple of times he just looked at me funny. I told him, you're 5 and you're in kindergarten. Next year you'll being 1st grade. It's mostly people wanting to know how old you are. He asked me, "What did I do in kindergarten?" and so I told him some things. He just looked at me and kinda gave me an "ok" look. He won't be reading fluently and I could care less. Of course, it's fun, but there are other cool things he can do:-) You know....legos...explaining skip counting...spelling words... Who cares if he can cut a straight line. Now, when he's in "6th grade" I'll have to see if he's ready for the next level. Carrie;-)
  9. It's fun to read and see some different views about puppy raising. It's easiest to not "allow" accidents rather that to try to "stop" them. Puppy in crate or on leash for a couple of weeks (while inside) will lend to you having them outside for going "peepee" and such... And, if you take them out to a special spot, you may be able to have only one part of the yard be the "potty" area. Carrie:-)
  10. Well, that's just what our trainer said. No blankets till at least 2. If you'll wake up when/if he starts to chew it.... then maybe that's fine. If I was leaving, I wouldn't leave a blanket in it. Probably for the night, a big storage bin would work out... :-)
  11. Let him sleep in your room right by your bed. I'd give him some puppy formula for a while, but that's just me:-) That poor mama who's having her puppies taken all at once. :-( But, puppy in crate in your room. Wire crate is what we use...if it's too big, you'll want to make it..."just the right size" and no blankets until it's older...or until you know it won't chew. (that can end up in the puppies tummy) Carrie
  12. Even though I'm still interested in any other opinions and don't want to kill the thread if anyone has more comments, I just wanted to say a big "Thanks!" for all these hints!! Carrie
  13. So, if you had a daughter in 11th, would you suggest the SAT Subject Test or the NLE Latin Test. Also, how far did your student go in Latin before taking the test....(and which one did they take?) and what curriculum did you end up using for most of your Latin studies? Did they find Latin Vocabulary to be what they expected? Any Hints? And what Roman History did they study? Thanks for any Hints... (She'll be through Henle Book I and studying further...before she takes it) Thanks, Carrie
  14. Even if it's private, you can't say that it's change the??? what was the word they used? Something about the mix of kids....(the color of them) If it's a numbers thing..fine....if it's a color thing...huh?? What year is this?? Carrie
  15. Have a Turkey Leg there, it's the best...and the rest of it is fun, too!! Carrie
  16. The spool knitter is cool. Children that young might enjoy finger knitting, too. It's very Waldorfy:-) It's great for the hand/eye coordination. I learned to crochet for crocheting "soakers" for my son's cloth diapers. Carrie:-)
  17. This has you use picture association...kinda looks like some of the books that I looked at for US Geography. BUT, it's a full thing and...well, it mentions the Geography Bee, so it has to be good, right? I think that CC used the one with Sing around the World, or something?? Carrie
  18. I'm in Oregon, my son was JUST saying that he needs a pet. Too bad you're not here. Don't you have to keep the 2 guineas separated when one of them is pregnant to avoid munching of the babies?? Carrie
  19. http://nurtureminds.com/ We have this Japanese (modern Japanese) abacus. I like it. We haven't used it a lot, there's a learning curve for how to use this type of abacus, although I believe that it'll be worth it and something my son will enjoy! Carrie
  20. http://www.visualizeworldgeography.com/catalog.html?Vl=1&Tp=2 Has anyone used this?? I'd like to buy it for my homeschool group, if you've found that it's good. Also, how long does each "lesson" take? And, the package for Geography Bees. Has anyone used this?? Any info would be Great!! Thanks! Carrie
  21. Where do you all look for a horse chiro?? I really think my dog would benefit from a doggy chiro... Carrie... (I "paid" about $100 to "adopt" my dog...it was the cheap end of the deal!!)
  22. i use dogpile.com Why? because that's what my friend showed me....12 yrs ago:-) Carrie
  23. When I first read the post that this was referencing...and thought..."Oh my gosh....is she serious?" And then I saw the smilies. Smilies...they make ALL the difference:D
  24. I don't know what group I remember her from. I would have loved to look at her blog! I feel really bad for them, how awful to be separated. On a happier note, things can be expedited, and so hopefully they'll be able to meet up with him quickly!! We have passports for my daughter and a passport card....in case she loses one of them.... She'll carry the card and keep the passport in the safe... Carrie
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