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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Excel?? :-) That's what I did for my every day calendar. I just did it in Excel, so I could give a line to each child, and my husband and me. Mine ended up being a two-page spread. Carrie:-)
  2. Wow, Math is my scariest subjects, because I want to make sure that she has a great base for "Higher Math." I've spent a lot of time looking at different math programs...and basically just feel stumped. I know that my math teachers in high-school and college weren't that great. Everything else I feel fine about...Math just isn't there. I know that my husband can step in if necessary...but the curriculum is what stumps me. I've had him look at some...but....The perfect math curriculum would be SO nice:-) Carrie:-)
  3. I'm wondering who's been able to attend a Classical Homeschoolers Convention. I was just thinking of how fun it would be to listen to all of the speakers the same week end. ()Ok, I'm not sure if I'll only type Classical...just my wish list:-) My list would be:-) SWB & Mom...and ...SWB's husband, too!(ok, her whole family...kids, too!) Bludorn's Andrew Pudewa, Drew Campbell Tracy Lee Simmons David Quine This is my start.... Does this exist somewhere? Am I just missing out?? I'd love to have it a mixture of Secular and Christian so everyone could come:-) Oh, and if you have something like this....Did you start it? OR, are you involved with running it?? Carrie:-)
  4. Can you imagine that my daughter is actually going to Italy with my dad in August? I'm so excited for them! SO, I guess that it'll be sort of covering Ancients, there....because that's why he's going. I'm trying not to be jealous:-) I'll be watching this thread to see what others say about it.... Carrie:-)
  5. I've heard that Shurley Grammar works well for Co-ops. I'm just thinking the Grammar part....(not the writing:-) The writing may be great, but I prefer IEW:-)
  6. Also, I'd like my daughter to wear basically "body tanks" if they had them. Like a leotard, with snaps below. It'd take care of "Plumber's Butt" that so many teens have. And the funny thing is...it's sooooo unattractive! Carrie:-)
  7. I'd have to say..changing a 2 year olds name that doesn't remember her old name anyway...shouldn't be that big of a deal. I'd say the bigger deal is explaining a name that you think it weird. I would think about keeping one name for the middle...or a combo of both first and middle. (And picking the first name you like) Having two names for forms...filling out other papers....Graduation (even homeschool:-) Say the name you want like she's graduating...and pick what sounds good to you:-) It's a gift...and if you're taking care of her...it's yours to give. (I might feel differently if her mom had been great...and say...got killed in a tragic accident.) Carrie:-)
  8. Just a thought, If you purchased the laptop with a Visa, you could see if there's anthing your credit card insures... Also, if he's deployed, I 'd ask for my deposit back. You may get it due to that! I'm really sorry for you both! Carrie
  9. I'd suggest lots of Teaching Company DVDs/CDs and lots of SWB/ and Jim Weiss. Lots of different "how to's" like the previous poster. A list of homeschooler's emails? The story time idea is GREAT! WOW! You should have fun with this... Oh yes, the math manipulatives in those little backpacks....(like they do for other activities...) and also Living Math books.... (Greg Tang's, Cindy Neuschwander's and such...) Carrie:-)
  10. Hi There, For next year, I want to have a few subjects that are "open and go" and I'm thinking that math will be one of them. I'm looking at CLE for math; I've had her start taking the diagnostic tests and I'm thinking that she'll be good at the 5th or maybe 6th grade level. I don't mind if she starts a year behind (she'll be in 6th, next year) because I make her do a lot of math...year round. So, by 7th, she would be back at grade level...either way. I'm also thinking of having her do their Bible studies this next year. What do you all think? Can you compare? She's actually fairly good at math, but she just got burned with me trying her on Saxon. SO, I'm thinking that a consumable book with a good foundation.... What do you think??
  11. Just get her a "church bag" with some sweet coloring pages and colors. Explain that there is a way church is done, Greeting, singing, praying (and what's expected...you know...quite:-)sermon, singing and such. I'd tell her that she can sing and such if she chooses, and when she doesn't want to participate, that she just needs to be respectfully quite. Carrie
  12. I feel for you! Yesterday, our just turned 14 year old came back from her mom's (we have her 1/2 time). I couldn't even wait to tell her not to wear her shirt at our house. EVER! It was showing the top half of her little developing body. Wow...she's getting curves...and such! Her dad noticed too, and she said...this is all I have..... He told her that she could wear a big t-shirt if that's the case! I'm ok with shirts that show some curves...but not the ones where you imagine it only on say..a Prom dress.... I told her...I could imagine being ok with what showed in a formal. I mean, if you look at some of the dresses for dances...a long time ago.... "Br**sts" were shown.... but not on my 14 year olds every day wear. AND, she's skinny, and so her shorts seems like they are saving on material...I mean...They aren't quite Daisy Duke's ...but they aren't what I'd call modest. Old Navy...gotta love it! (or hate it!!!!) Anyway, what happened to having shorts that aren't short shorts...and aren't ankle length....???
  13. Hey There, Bathing and then "towel pat" put Crisco on....and then allow to kinda just sit in something for a while...(watch a tv show or something) and then finally get dressed when you've kinda absorbed this. My mom made my daughter a pillow case type thing to sit in.... She's had it since she was just 2 months..... BUT, it is better now! Carrie:-) PS, coconut oil is drying, so good if you're trying for that....and also it's good if it's starting to look infected....
  14. You have a perfect out with the part about your husband. I'm sure Drs would agree that if you don't need to take the shots, it's better. "Gosh ____ stopped taking the allergy shots a few years ago, so we can't have any indoor dogs here. Think about whether it'd be easier to leave them home, or if you'd like the number that my friend Patty used for her dogs last month... It was a really nice place and her dogs seem to want to go back!" When I go places I take our dog and board them sometimes. That way they are close. But, if I could leave them home I would! My dog doesn't seem to mind being boarded...and excuse to run back and forth and bark. And, I had him exercized last time, for 1/2 hr a day or something...(so, interaction with a person) Carrie:-)
  15. I think that they are all coming back. (except a couple that I already knew about for reasons like private school next year.) They just opted to pay. Carrie:-)
  16. I have to say that our teens don't send that many messages...and many of them are two words or less. Carrie:-)
  17. Hi There, There are a huge amount of threads about CC. If you wanna check them out, do an "Advanced Search" for Classical Converations. Carrie:-)
  18. My 14 year old has a cell phone, and my daughter can have our house cell as hers when she needs it. They don't text all the time while with me, and I read a lot of their texts. I think you can have manners and still text. Of course, it's really hard to have friendships when your face is in the phone. Can you imagine when you were younger, if your family had company...being allowed to talk to someone else on the phone? Maybe we just need some old fashioned manners. Pay attention to the company at hand! Ignore the cell phone, they'll call you back later. (You're always available, anyway, right???) I would never allow my children to be constantly texting while company was over. Maybe to say, "have to talk to you later, companies here", or something...that's it. After that....you can wait! (You wouldn't have wanted them to talk too much to your "knock out" gorgeous daughter anyway, right??!!) Carrie:-)
  19. Well, if they offered up their registration fees, they could be a "real" CC group. Right?? Do they have and afternoon IEW and grammar group, too? I'd be curious to know if they operate like a co-op? Do they have the same director, each year? Here's something that might interest you. I offered, this last year, that anyone who wants to come this "coming year" ('09-'10) could help me and I would make it so that their CC $$ was paid for...basically...(in other words, their tuition...but not their registration) No one in our group took me up on it. I very much wanted $$$ to not be the reason someone had to not come back. The families that I expected to take me up on it, said that the work looked like more than the $$$. That's fine. I just never wanted it to be that someone couldn't be part of our group because of finances. There is SO much work to spread around, that I really feel...that I am happy to share $$$ for work...in proportion, of course. I don't know how many hours I spend between training and Info Mtgs and such...and divided out...the $$$ might surprise some. Of course, I am very fortunate to be able to make some $$$ and I do consider it worth my time...especially...everything considered. And, I can do this without feeling bad, because of my offer. Carrie:-)
  20. Can I just offer a Hug :grouphug: and then remind you that it's an opportunity to show love? Relationship is more important than the room...right? My mom and I were always at it about my room...and she's still right about it to this day. Although she was the one who was in charge, that didn't help me! I felt frustrated, sad, and not in charge of my own space, and say it like you will....it didn't make happy room memories. I'd suggest.....a clean the room party:-) But, go at it the positive way, if she'll let you. Maybe take a time when it can just be you two on the room (this is too much for just her) and set out a drink and snack for you both....and ask her the part that she'd like to start on. Maybe she'll want to pick up something fun for her walls...or do icecream after. Just looking at all I have to clean today...makes me want to cry!! If she has a bad attitude...(which she may) try to explain in a nice way...that you're available when she's ready....(until a certain time...) and then...well....I have to say, that last time...I just cleaned up my daughter's room. (And don't forget to try those Mr Clean erasers or whatever on the door) Sometimes when I get upset about those things (like rooms) I remember what I feel like when trying to clean....And it makes me a little nicer and more understanding. Sorry you're dealing with this...
  21. Hey Beth, We did CC last year, and we're doing it again this coming year. (and I direct a program) To me, for our family...I look at it like this. I like coffee and I bread. I can enjoy them separately or together...BUT, together I feel like I've had a "meal". They complement each other, although they are different. With CC, the cycle that you'd probably be doing this year...is Cycle 1. It's a "World History Overview" using geography as the core for the history. (At least that's my interpretation...it's not the "official CC" definition of Cycle 1) There are good things and bad things about every opportunity. For us, without a doubt, the good outweigh the negative. It is a lot of money, but not more expensive than say...ballet...or drama, or any other activity. I have no idea how long you'd have to work to tutor, but most of it is open and go. My tutors spend enough time to go over each weeks material, and have some supplemental pictures...do a bit of study about the history and science sentences, and then tutor meetings every few weeks. They also attend tutor training. BUT, I consider this time well spent, as it enhances our children's world. My son was 5 when we started, which was a good age for him! Before that, I think he would have gone bonkers! This year, I look forward to his maturation that has happened over the last few months...to kick in...and allow him to breath out.:-) He's a bit hyper. Last year he made it until about 11:30 and then came to find me, if I wasn't in class with him. He remembers almost ALL the material from last year, and can recall it when applicable. He relates it to subjects that he comes in contact with on a weekly, at least, basis. Now, I didn't stay just on what we were studying at CC, but I did try to explain much of it at home. I didn't find it necessary to stick to a CC order or be confined to staying with their timeline. BUT, I did try to explain the sentence, and often times he had a little book about the history sentence. With this said, it's exciting to see how much he retained! His favorite history sentence, at the moment, is about Pearl Harbor. (And we haven't listened to the cd since April) How much did we study at home, to remember the information? Well, my children weren't trying to be memory masters, so we listened to the cd...through the last week we had studied...about 2 or 3 times a week. I did have something that I tried to do, and am hoping to be even more successful at next year, which was to introduce all the material at home. This allows me to hear if my son is pronouncing everything correctly (because once he "learns" it...that's the way he's gonna say it.) Also, there's some evidence that material learned by orally saying it, is stored in the brain in a different spot that where music is.... Anyway, that being said, I think you'd enjoy tutoring and being involved...and Cycle 1 is a great cycle to jump in! Carrie:-)
  22. When my brother was younger, he was able to have David Quine as a Math teacher in a homeschool group. :-) SO, I've been attracted to his math program, and I'm also interested in his highschool material. I started a thread on here about it, but I never got a great feel for it. We're doing Classical Conversations, but if we don't have Challenge, I need to choose between something like Quine's or Omnibus.....These are what I'd really like to see at homeschool conferences!!! I'd like to really experience what all of the highschool curriculums like these are really like...and how the are to be taught! (And even the Hewitt stuff!) Carrie:-)
  23. We had our daughter attend the Summit Ministries in Colorado last summer. We can't do it every year, but we plan on doing it with each child at least once. It was wonderful. She fit in, played cards, listened to lectures, came back knowing the material, and got some recreation in, too. She was also able, in one spot, to hear many adult speakers that most of us would love to hear. If she was our only child, we'd probably send her every year. I consider it more than worth the monetary cost! It was better than "summer camps" by far, and works out...per day...to less expensive than the camp most Christians attend, around here. That said, my dad speaks at Summit for a session or two each year. BUT, we paid for ours to go...:-) Carrie:-)
  24. Can you borrow a food dryer? Dried Nectarines are the very best out of all the fruits!!!! I'd slice them in four horizontal pieces so that they won't take too long to dry...and then dry away:-) I've heard that you can even dry things in the oven on really low....probably especially if you have a convection oven. I don't know if they freeze like peaches. The easiest way to freeze peaches, is whole in a black plastic bag. Then you take them out and run tepid water...and the skin just falls off...Slice and use. Carrie:-)
  25. I say change it....Is her first name a name you've EVER heard before?? Do you consider it a gift or a curse?? Is there a shorter name for it? And, when they visit her, they need to stick with her name.....or just "baby girl"...eventually they'll remember and see what a great job you're doing. Names are gifts:) Carrie
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