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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hey there, I tried to look up "regrouping" since I already ordered Singapore. One of my friends learned like this.... This isn't "new math", is it? It's something different besides.... I never did this... Now, I did do "casting nines" :-) Carrie
  2. And I was thinking of a Diet... until I read these last posts.... steins of wine... and chocolate cake!! Carrie:-)
  3. Now THAT'S a homeschooler:-) I had a weird day, too! Sick naughty child...and older one that couldn't get going... Carrie:-)
  4. If you saw my VERY smart three girls and their handwriting.. you'd know... Cursive First. Yes my son wants to print, and right after he learns cursive ... he may! Kinda reverse of what they do in school in the US... where cursive is the "special" If you read the information about cursive, brain development... and then the Fact that France went back to cursive after manuscript failed... even if that's not true... Children revert to the FIRST way they're taught... you can see that proven with other things. Children need to learn to print when they do map work. Before that... they don't. I do Cursive First phonograms with my son... and also my set of WRTR with the manuscript. But, for writing, I just decided... it's cursive:-) Carrie:_)
  5. Some translations of the Bible are not what I believe God intended... some authors are off the mark.... some books I don't wanna share with anyone... but book burning? Burning normal translations of the Bible? Crazy!!
  6. Gotta Love Texas and the Texas sized paddles.... When I was in school, I had my school office look for the "do not paddle" paper... I had to go about 3 times before they "found" it. I was NOT going to be paddled.... But, I was sick, because they were endlessly painting... and I'm allergic to the fumes and such. Anyway, nurses office was outside the principal's office. I was SO tired of hearing "pow pow pow" or whatever sound the paddle makes... I was also glad I wasn't on the receiving end. I'd rather 2 hrs of daydreaming than even one swat! Carrie:-)
  7. THe anti-viral is most effective within 48 hrs of contracting the virus. What is anti-viral? The Dr gave it to my less than 2 year old when he had the chx pox and it went secondary... (which he could have given it to him earlier... ) The nurse said... that he could have the flu.... and she said, "next week you could come in for the flu shot..." hmmm Carrie
  8. Ok, so how does this work? Are you doing this? As a Homeschooler... how does it work? Thanks!! Carrie:-)
  9. Just stick with the age that he is... Isn't that the beauty of homeschooling? But, with testing and such... that's where I am stuck; my son's bd is July3. So, although I stick him with 1st grade...when I register him... I think I'll register him in the lowest grade available. I'm looking at the options though...if I put him back in school... I wouldn't want to have him as an 18yr old Senior! On another note, I have seen this... with our co-op... I've heard too much of the "I'm holding my child back... a year...." So, next year, I'm just putting ages and no grades. After all, if I don't.... I'll have a really bent out of shape 1st grade.... I mean... if it's because of not wanting to hold the bar up to grade level... my son would be behind... He's a wiggle squiggly little boy:-) Carrie:-)
  10. Here's the thing, even with LCC you have a ton of time to listen to SOTW. Last year, my daughter did other things, but listened to SOTW over and over until she had parts of it memorized. This year, she is listening to it as well. I also purchased the Jim Weiss CDs for this period. And, my daughters listen to them... over and over... For Science, nothing is saying you can't go through something like Apologia... which is what my daughter is doing... maybe not as much as some.. but some of it... Carrie:-)
  11. I know that you'll get lots of hints soon. Some I've heard is to check his reading with a specialist. Dyslexia... eyes?.... and then at 13, he should get LOTS of physical work to do. I can't remember what famous person said that school didn't look good until digging lines for a while. (This was a long time ago... someone famous:-) Chopping wood, moving stones or bricks... something to make him work up a sweat... If nothing is proven wrong, I'd run the family through "family phonics". (Like SWR or something systematic...) Carrie:-)
  12. Really? It's considered proper now, and I'd say... Daycare Sneezes please.. or at CC... CC sneezes please... or wherever you are... that's the sneeze I'd call it... and then remind them to wash their hands... and I'd say it to a 3 year old... or 80 year old.. with a smile:-) Carrie:-)
  13. No advise except...do you have Love and Logic for Teens? My two teens have been step... with us half time... and easy. It's my 11 year old that is trouble:-) Carrie
  14. Startwrite's Modern Cursive is almost exactly what Cursive First with SWR uses. I just made up trace sheets for all the phonograms and all the 2 and 3 letter phonograms a couple of days ago. But then.. I don't understand the tiles instead of writing/tracing. Could you use Scrabble letters? or does the AAS have the 2 larger phonograms on one tile? If so, you could make those, right? Carrie:-)
  15. What does this mean? Is she missing for real or just on here? Carrie
  16. Now's the best time to start looking into if you want to teach printing or cursive first. I believe that Cursive First makes the most sense, and wish that I could undo what was done with my oldest girls... Cursive First for my son! There are some great sites about it.. and the book I use is "Cursive First" and goes along with SWR, although I'm using it with WRTR. SWR is more popular... Spell to Write and Read by Wanda Sanseri.... she's going to be putting out a video for her seminar soon... and you may be able to get to a conference... By 4 or 5... my son knew all the sounds for the phonograms... and is starting to read at 6 (I didn't push him) Carrie:-)
  17. How bout "house rules are...if you say something mean about someone... that means you need a time-out" Kinda with a smile.... Carrie:-)
  18. How about pointing out that it's one year at a time, until you feel that you're not as smart as the grade you're suppose to be teaching? No worries MIL, I'm not committed forever, lets see what the scope and sequence is for kindergarten... yup... looks like I can handle numbers and letters... I'll look again next year to make sure I can teach first... And, Brian Ray's site is great about how children test in homeschooling and such... Carrie:-)
  19. I started our group in Oregon. Now is the perfect time to call about a group in your area. What state are you in? If you did it yourself, I'd recommend purchasing the Starter package, (about $150), the supplementals (under $100) the CC music for the grammar work ($30) and the memory work resource cd... which is almost what the C3 community is.... There is a public free side to the community, although not many post there... Carrie:-)
  20. Very Nice:-) Were any of the other pics from your personal collection? Congrats to your daughter, too:-) Carrie
  21. Make sure you let everyone know there is peanut oil in it... or use another oil:-) I would NEVER have thought to ask about peanut oil in chili... Carrie
  22. What are the big cats? M something... they were bred to hunt rodents... Carrie:-)
  23. My dad went to law school with him. He was one smart man! So sorry for his family. Carrie
  24. Waldorfy type materials are good. We've had ours for 7+ yrs and they are still good. I think they're worth it....for most of the supplies. I haven't purchased all of them, but they are worth it.... http://www.blueberryforest.com/art_soul_art_supplies/stockmar-crayons-beeswax.htm Lots of places to purchase them... but here's what I'm talking about.. They are NOTHING like coloring with crayola or brands like that:-) Carrie
  25. At ours, we can compromise and let them do art... choir.. etc. Do you have that choice? I don't think that HS for a student *needs* to be their choice. I suppose it depends on your view of parenting. Do you still view yourself as responsible for making those decisions? OR do you consider that teens are "more responsible" than ...at least you are... for "big life decisions". I know parents who believe that teens are MORE responsible than the parents at this stage of life.... Carrie:-)
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