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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I love the look of Sonlight... I've heard their LA is horrible.... Maybe something else scheduled for that?? Shurley?That has a lot of it that all the kids can do... Carrie
  2. Classical Conversations has a decent transcript program that is free... and then when you want to print it off... it's $15, I think... Might be worth a thought:-)
  3. I like the series... What Your 1st grader should know.... or something similar by ED Hirsch. :-)
  4. Ok, So, I'm not sure if we'll have a Classical Conversations Program for Jr High or High School, this next year. I am interested in what people on here think the best co-op type curriculum is. I'm thinking.... One Mom/Dad or a collection (still not sure) taking turns either teaching subjects or weeks.... (not sure about the distribution of work load should work out) I'm interested in only one day, hopefully, although there is a slight chance I could use the building two days. The subjects I care about most are: (at Co-op) History, Science, Logic, Debate, Writing, and other jr high/highschool subjects... The subjects that I have covered are Math, and we do Latin by ourselves... although.... I could have her review Latin at "Co-op". I'd love to hear what the curriculum you use is... (Omnibus etc....) and how your co-op uses it/ divides responsibilities/ or how much you pay... How often you meet.... Everything you want to share, links, too:-) Thanks!! Carrie
  5. I lived in Texas... (Longview) and then Tulsa and then back to Garland. It was a long time ago, but I really liked it. I have friends that graduated HS in the Dallas Metro area.... but are still involved with HS. I think you'll find it a great spot to live and HS. I've been in Houston a few times... and think that minus the part about the weather... it's a nice spot. I went to my first "Missionary Baptist" church there... What fun!! I really liked the people and the way the congregation converses in response to the pastor (during the sermon, mind you)... Carrie:-)
  6. I'd feed it to my dog... Do you have a dog?? Otherwise, offer it to a friend like me. My pup gets everything a bit questionable..... and so I don't feel so bad about it. Carrie
  7. I think it was Arizona or New Mexico.... Hmmm:-) I'll ask my mom if I'm wrong about that...
  8. Beer...no joke.. My mom uses freshly ground whole wheat, and her beer pancakes are some of the only ones I've liked... that she made.... I like the health of WW pancakes... and the taste of white... Carrie
  9. Hey Laura, Can't you skip Latin? I'm planning on only doing the "Core 4" because she's going on with her Henle Latin... and the math she's doing will be different... Hmmm... Carrie:-)
  10. Hi Angela, So, do you all not do "snack" time? Or, do you just work it into your morning? I guess it's because several of our kids need a snack.. and restroom break... that we break for it. I thought I heard about it in training.. oh well. I have the GREATEST tutors:-) My ABCers tutor is leaving at the end of December... and if I can't find another... I'm it!! There's only one mom in the whole program that could tutor.... besides the ones who are... SO, I'll probably have moms on boards talking about me. :001_huh: I'm watching this thread thinking about how I'll need to be...:D Carrie
  11. Trying to imagine using something in a Co-op with my 7th grader next year. I'm thinking of having an Adult Led Co-op with something like TRISMS.... I looked at the lesson plans... and it looks like a once a week program may work. Can you imagine that it would work well?? Carrie:-)
  12. Hi There, I'm just wondering what you all are doing... if you don't have Challenge available? It's a bit early... but we have until the summer to decide. My daughter will be in 7th... and she doesn't need another year of F/E. Thanks! Carrie
  13. http://www.trisms.com/HM/Samplewk/lesson_plan.html Anyone do a Trism's Co-op? I'm looking for what I'll do with my daughter, next year. She'll be in 7th. Thanks! Carrie
  14. Really, This thread just makes me sad. Obviously, your tutor needs to talk with the Director to get some hints. If the Director doesn't step up right away, talk to the State Director for some help. If you're on the C3 community, there are great helps. If they don't give your children a break... that's a problem. Just let them know that to avert discipline problems, that you'll need to take a 15 minute break and want to take it at the best time for the group. Get to that point, and take a break. There's not a preschool in America (or kindergarten) that doesn't take a break. Carrie
  15. my friend's ex... Turns out his father abused his sister... the x abused the sister... and then he abused their daughter... UGH... nasty!! She has taken extreme action to make sure it doesn't get to her son... and that her daughter is "healed" through various ways.... (therapy etc...) Carrie
  16. Don't forget that when he gets remarried... any money extra will be a problem... So... Braces, Health care for your son, if your x doesn't have a job eyecare/ eyewear/ possible contacts childcare for all sorts of reasons (and if he's not there for it.. 1st right back to you??) Take care of flying and paying for tix now (in case he moves) Summer Camps The list is endless... Think of what you did as a teen and how you will need the $$$ to have yours do it. Remember that any money you have to submit to him... you have to collect... what a "PITA" and so.... try to make it so you don't have to go after him for little things :-) Carrie
  17. Ok, so I kept the parts that I wanted to talk about. Our littles sit in their chairs for geography. Besides that, they are walking around doing games... doing motions, sitting on carpet squares, getting up.... and we have a 15 minute (or just a bit shorter) break in the middle of the day... History this year... is the hardest of the 3 cycles. It's geographical.. instead of just purely chronological. Your children are little. Perhaps pick 6 sentences and study about those. Don't fret about trying to do too much. Also, I recommend that the parents in my group go over the sentences before class. Look at their mouths... see that they are saying the names/words correctly. Let them learn the motions and the songs at class... and then practice at home. (That's kinda the "treat" of going to class:-) I'd say.. up for everything that can be up and around.. and games and clapping... etc. If you want some more suggestions.. how to suggest... etc... Feel free to pm me... (Also tell me what week you're on) Carrie:-)
  18. If they're Christian, or wouldn't mind a Christian Program, I'd suggest looking into something like Classical Conversations.... It's a one a week program. They'd have to see if there's one with an opening.... and if the kids are like they were here... Really Nice and accepting! Also, he'd have to be a self motivator to have it work. My daughter enjoyed it last year... coming from a PS and not being Socially too advanced... Carrie:-)
  19. My mom use to use "non-instant" dry milk for thicker yogurt. Also, Amber.... do you buy malted milk in bulk over there?? I know what it is... I don't have any to look at the ingredients.... Is it just sugar and?? hmmm I don't really have a guess for the rest of the ingredients.. Sounds interesting:-) Carrie
  20. What I think about this... is.... I trained my dog for $100. Do you know how much everything I purchased for him was?? By the time I bought crates for the three places I needed them (our room, downstairs, van) That was $100. Dog food for him?? Lucky at $30-$40 a month (he's 65 lbs) Then leashes....etc. I mean... $100 and a person to train me how to train him.... was invaluable. And, I could probably train another dog, with what I learned. I've also shown two other people, that their dog can be walked with my collar. They were beside themselves with "crazy" dogs. I stuck the collar on... said... "Come on good dog" ... patted them.... Clicked their collar a couple of times.... Praised them... and they were walking at a heel. These were dogs that were pulling their " masters" down the street. Really, I think training was incredible! Carrie
  21. I have 2 step daughters 17 and 14... and my daughter is 11. (and a son 6). I think that "Teen" may be an unwise label to attach to the years. I prefer, young adult. There is no room to make stupid mistakes that affect the rest of your life. Trying new foods... staying up late... sleeping in late... etc.... these you can do. Me buying my child cigarettes... (WHAT!!) or anything harmful... NO Way!! I'll let my kids try wine or beer at home... (religious ceremonies, right??) BUT.. not drink "a lot".... I'll explain sex and the problems... I'll make sure to not have them in certain circumstances until they are 100% responsible for their own choices... but the responsibility is handed over to them in highschool. The get to decide... Live for God... or Self.... and purely Secular... Live for a Good Future?? Live for the Moment.... My teens have been great so far. My husband will not let a talk go down that doesn't get resolved. The love him.. sometimes I'm jealous that my daughter and our son... also seem closer to him than me... Oh well, he's a great dad... and they adore him. He cares too much to not keep them safe.... The transition period... at 18... like the total transition... will be hard.. Carrie
  22. I wasn't saying you are neglectful. I understand you are trying to figure out what to do. That's why I didn't suggest that you have to make it a full time.. inside... dog. The inside the crate thing.. is... dogs will sleep at night... and it's bonding time with them. When we leave, my dog who is an inside dog.... just goes crazy wanting to hop in the van with us. He doesn't know what to do... unless we put him in his crate. There, he calms down and realizes that he's ok. At night... they calm right down, and realize that all is well.. when they're in their crate with you. Then you can let them explore during the day. Of course, their favorite thing would be to follow their Alpha... their whole day.. .lying at your feet... and being petted throughout the day. BUT, this isn't always possible... so just that night bonding.. and perhaps a bit to lie down by the fire... And, just because I said I had a prong collar, doesn't mean that I didn't use a ton of food treats. No feeding them for a few hours before training. You train them... lots of eye contact.... and feed them lots... BUT, they need the security of a leader....* And lots of doggie massages... my husband and kids are jealous... (Reminds me... train my dog.... I have to really get back to that... it's a constant thing that I have to do.... :-) Carrie:-)
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