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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Wow..... I don't see why your 15 year old needs to go either. I do childcare and will come at a moments notice:-) Wait.... I have to get a new passport:-) Carrie:lol:
  2. Oh My!! Call it Death by Sodium Green Bean Casserole.... But, We may just try it:-) Carrie
  3. Not Sophie, but make sure you have the food you usually have him eat. Take a record of his shots. Make sure his collar fits with your cell number on his tags. (or two numbers if you can) It's great that it's in the winter and not the summer.... no worries about it being too hot. We travel with ours in a crate. That may be more of a personal preference. Maybe some toys for him? Has he traveled before? Is he ok in a car around town? We've traveled with our dog for long trips before, and it's been no problem. Heck, we traveled from Texas to Oregon with a crazy cat.... Just being prepared can make it easy. I actually prefer to travel with my dog... more than without. Carrie:-)
  4. Playing Legos:-) And.... anything else with little pieces.... My son is 6 though. He's just not independent, lucky for me I'm a slow Classical Mom:-) Right now, his job is playing:-) Carrie
  5. Oh...oops... I forgot to tell you... I promised Ralphie no quizzes today.. Just fun. Carrie:-)
  6. I like using frozen beans and cooking them till they are seriously done. I use Campbell's soup for it.... someday... but not this time... I may try making my own white sauce for it. Carrie
  7. This is what I was/am going to use... and .... my dad knew/knows him. How fun is that? I actually think he might have been the one who taught my dad Greek... :-) Carrie
  8. I think this is a bit overboard. We knew them years ago and I'm sure their present family is lovely. The whole degree thing, is true, as long as you're only working for yourself. You notice that the incentive for thinking the plan is good... is the instructor's degree:-) So, it goes overboard in thinking that their schooling plan is worthy? Perhaps. BUT, they really are very good people and I hate to see them torn apart by people that don't know them. And... Doug lived the part he preached about waiting till parent's were in agreement with their marriage.... Carrie
  9. Koine! And.. my dad would be so proud of you. When my dad is asked what translation he prefers, he points to his Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek... Bibles he had bound together... It's so sweet. One day, your kids may get to take theirs to church, too. It's a great way to stay reading it. Carrie:-)
  10. My husband is smoking our Turkey. I want one just like the one at the Ford Museum in Michigan. It was like ham. I really don't like baked turkey... Carrie:-)
  11. Yup, you're missing the Spanish Peanuts... and I can't stand cilantro. We eat all of that with pasta... kinda like at Thompson's Brew Pub... and I don't do any oil with it:-) I'd call what you're having... Black Bean Curry:-) Carrie
  12. Cleaning:-) That covers a lot, huh?? Carrie:-) PS... next time I'll put filing... then straightening... then well.... you get the idea:-)
  13. Did you read about the hammocks that are available? My husband's ex wife loves that for her baby. Carrie:-)
  14. Thanks!! I copied this... My goal is not just to dip my children's toes in latin, but to enable them to read original works.... Guess I should get studying:-) Carrie
  15. http://www.helding.net/greeklatinaudio/greek/ Someone asked for something like this... can't find the thread, though. Carrie
  16. Wow, Congrats, I hope... Where are you moving?? Carrie:-)
  17. Yayay!! I'm watching this.... My daughter will be in 7th and I am most worried about Literature/Writing!! Carrie
  18. One with no grain is what you want. Taste of the Wild.... I believe the one I get is Wellness.... Many have no grain. Last time I bought kitty food, I decided I would go cheap. I compared the prices... and the Wellness... gold package... was actually cheaper when you compared size of package...etc.. Carrie:-)
  19. I am doing a sort of "Ancient" period of study this last year. We're doing Classical Conversations, but I want a "history" curriculum for this next year, so I've looked at TOG. I have a 6 yr old and 6th grader.... Next year... 2nd grader and 7th.... So, I looked and it looked like we'd be somewhere in "Year2". Carrie:-)
  20. So, so far, I'm liking Singapore 5A with my daughter. We're behind, as she's in 6th grade.... but it's what I finally like.... She did some of Lial's and also LOF fractions and percents& decimals. After we get through with 6A and 6B... where would we go with Singapore?? Carrie....
  21. PS... Can I ask... If we didn't do Year 1... Do you think we'd be ok starting in the next year?? Carrie
  22. Hey Lucinda, Wish we were closer... I'd beg for my 11 year old to be "co-oping" with you in this.... I looked at your blog... SOOOO fun!! Carrie
  23. I don't know... wouldn't it be good to say... "I don't want to have to punish him.... I'd rather do what we know to be best... and only do one outing a day"... be ok.... If she wants to do an adult outing, could you have one special day for just the two of you? Carrie:-)
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