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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I try to get the wheat kind... in case my dog (or in some of your cases children) get into it. He's allergic to wheat... but can't hurt him like some of the other litters.. Carrie:-)
  2. Cursive is easier, and should be what most students learn first.... (based on studies I believe...). Did she do any writing in Ethiopia? ...I have no idea what their "letters" are like..... but maybe try a simple cursive. From another recent post... put a computer mouse pad under her paper. Use a good pencil grip... Good Luck.. Carrie:-)
  3. Wow...I want some of this... and I like Rum better than wine. May I have some of yours, and I'll buy next time?? I also like sugar cookies, and can imagine that reindeer kisses would be good:-) My complaint is... I waited my whole life to have children. It's not what I expected. I expected being in love with my husband and my children. My two oldest are here half time... My daughter is affected by her bio dad.... He's a poo-ie. I've been a lazy tush today and watched tv all day... and my son has played more planet something on his facebook than I care to admit. My dog wants to go on a run. I think that would kill me. (could I sneak a sedative in his snack? my dog, that is.) :tongue_smilie:
  4. And, just remember about the one Little House that has a r*pe. (Well, remember not to watch it...) It's only parts of the movie... and doesn't actually show it... but it was scary as a kid.. Carrie
  5. Oops... guess that shows you what I know... I wouldn't think to pick up a calculator for fractions... Wouldn't that take the fun out of figuring the problem out? I was thinking over on the "how to fix PS" if we all went through the core knowledge series.... Parents and kids would learn SO much. I'd love to see if "assigned Family Time reading..." Carrie
  6. Hi There, I'm so excited!! I just purchased the 1A& 1B guides and textbooks. For these first few books, do I need the workbooks? My son is 6 and can figure out his multiplication tables (6*8=48) and is good at basic 1st grade math. (Mostly just by "living math" type stuff) I'm mostly wanting to go through these as review... and to learn the "Singapore Way" :-) I have Unifix cubes, and cuisinaire rods. I can make the cards with dots.. I think. I have a Melissa and Doug abacus and also a Japanese abacus. I have flashcards, although I've never used these with my 6 year old. What manipulatives do I need/ want?? Thanks!
  7. I'd like for my son to learn English (mother tongue) Latin, Chinese ( at least a few words to make it more possible for him to learn it when he gets older) and Spanish. Carrie:-)
  8. But, when the mandate was made "education" meant a very different thing. Many children already were reading and they went to a reduced school year. Discipline problems were partially avoided by going at a later age, right? (and also you had to obey at school, or be "ruled":-) Chanting together seems to be part of what school was, and learning basics seems to have occupied a majority of their time. Hard work/chores outside or in seems like it was a big part of days. And, in America, Church still was part of school. Morals were centered around "God's Law" Their understanding of Morals had to be different, since the Bible is part of what they were taught from. But, to answer the question of what I'd do.... I would start children in 2nd or 4rd grade. Before that, I'd offer a Montessori approach of "kindergarten" where literature would be read and acted out. I'd pass the responsibility back to the parents for the children's education before that, by explaining what students need to excel. (Something like "Core Education" recommendations... ED Hirsch) I'd be honest that k and 1st grades are used as babysitters and many kids have no need to be there. I'd start trying to have school time for true academics and not primarily worry about working parents.... (That consideration should be separate and discussed separately) I'd do less than 5 days.... year round. (Maybe if you were going to do younger... you could do those on T/TH and then the others on MWF.) I'd think outside of the box:-) And, I'd remember that....Children are parent's responsibilities. No amount of Government intervention is a substitute for parents. Oh ...yes... I'd privatize schools.... Competition is good for every business:-) Carrie
  9. I wanted Abrielle. But everyone thought it'd look like I forgot the "A". I would have pronounced it "Aubrey-elle". I like Caitlyn Elisabeth, too. (Caite, or Caitie.) Carrie
  10. I have to say that my son likes his leap pad.... I'm thinking that you could do phonics... just basics..... and some 2 and 3 letter phonics with her... let her play some phonics games on the leap pad.... (Some people don't even realize that letters "make sounds". My daughter... didn't read until 3rd grade, and she was in Public school..... and doing a phonics program. Yes, she could sound out words... but not read fluently..... Funny, Harry Potter is the book that made her want to read..... For math, I'd get some type of manipulatives... let her play with them... and then see if she can work on say.... all her ones at first.... then her 2's.... etc.... and then move on to subtraction... multiplication.. and division. If you make it fun...and try not to pressure her.... For math, if she likes to sing, you could get her math songs to sing...... How long does it look like you might get to have her? Carrie:-)
  11. I want one of these!! I can only imagine:-) Wish the room barriers would work for my dog, too!! Now... that would be something I'd insist on having:-) Carrie
  12. I wore my kitty in my sling:-) Best kitty ever:- (minus a few scratches...) Carrie:-)
  13. We sleep with our pup (actually dog) in our room, as long as he's not having an "itchy attack" :-) Course, I believe in co-sleeping.... it could be in a kids room... yours... and I don't think there's any problem... except if it's a seriously alpha breed... and then you have to ask someone else... Ours is a love:-) Carrie
  14. it could be the diapers. What are you using? Cloth from the diaper service is as cheap as disposables. Pure Aloe Vera Jell with no scent.... Or olive oil is what my midwife suggested. I'd also try coconut oil as it's anti whatever. I'd make a witches brew of olive and coconut oil and try that for a few days... and then go on:-) If you wanna use disposable... try Toys R Us.. they have quite a few... almost natural ones.... If you buy cloth diapers... buy diaper service quality. When my little one had a rash, I had her in my bed, with a cloth diaper... woke up for a couple of nights in a row... each time she ate.... pulled old diaper off.... put new diaper on... (She slept in a little Graco seat... with a little wet pad under neath... Wool works, too:-) Carrie
  15. :grouphug: Very soft group hug. I'm so sorry... more for the flashbacks than the burns, right? Praying for a little more healing if that's possible. SOOOOO sorry! And, sorry for your son, too. Carrie
  16. This is what I use for my cat. When I was at the petstore, since we're kinda broke right now... I thought... I don't need to be stuck up and get my cat the best.... so I compared price/size etc... and ended up getting it anyway.... It was less $$$ :-) (Of course, this cat is the one who goes over and sneaks the cat food that the neighbor lady lays out for all the neighborhood cats.... URGH!!) Carrie:-)
  17. Mention that one of you (which one:lol:???) has to get up and go to the restroom about every half hour... Carrie:D
  18. I like... Evangeline and "Eva" pronounced "Ayva" for a girl. I really don't care for William, too much. But, I love Liam. So, perhaps William but called Liam?? Names that are beautiful and somewhat normal. And, if you choose a name that would make many hide under a rock, when their name is called... at least be kind enough to make it something that they can get a nickname out of. I nannied for Gertrude.... no offense meant if your name is Gerty... I had an Aunt Gerty:-), but anyway... they nick named her "Goo Goo" no kidding... GOO GOO where are you?? I've said that the new way to know homeschoolers will not be our long dresses and uncut hair, but the radical names that people are digging up to use. I can think of a few big homeschooler's (famous) that have resurrected some seriously interesting names... Won't name them all... in case someone else already started the "copy trend" Carrie:-)
  19. Taste of the Wild is what I like, if you're feeding dry. Anything with little to no grain:-) And, might I add, seems about the same $$$ if you look at what you'll feed... Carrie
  20. :grouphug: I have no idea if it's normal. I would expect for it to be somewhat normal, as it's sometimes difficult with any "tragedy" or unexpected turn that others are experiencing... where you just don't know what to say. If it's kinda scary to others what your daughter has to deal with now... maybe they just don't know how to deal... Sorry!! Carrie
  21. Gas upper, with one of the burners having the fast boil burner.... and a electric oven with a convection fan. That's the dream. The bigger... the better:-)
  22. I have no idea if I could help with some CC rules.... But, there are some on the Director's Portal, and I'm the card system Mama:-) But, you have to keep on top of the kids no matter what you use. We're trying for a Love and Logic type of classroom... but use the cards, too. Also, Tutors usually want the Mama's help. If kids are acting up, a hand on their shoulder should quiet it down. Ask your Tutor how you can help. My tutor's love that. I am more of a Latin Centered Curriculum person, but with a twist of CC:-) Carrie:-) (PM me if I can help you more:-)
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