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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I told my Dad and he said something to the effect of... what translation of the KJV do they think is the "Authentic" one? And... "then they need to learn Hebrew and Greek" so they can read in the "Original" languages.... The don't sound like they're that educated, though!! Carrie
  2. So, for these subjects, what are you doing? Even though my daughter is only in 6th, I have been stressing over highschool since I thought of homeschooling:001_unsure: I just got Singapore for her (at the right level, I think) and I also got Algebra from Video Text.... I had public school at home, at private school (small... so both ways I just was suppose to "teach myself") and then at public school where the teacher was transferred cuz over half of his students were failing... and then last... at college where I sat in the front row, but couldn't hear because the Teacher couldn't make the students stop talking. UGH So, I did some basic Algebra, but truly am not good at it! So.. Algebra I'm learning... and my husband is an engineer... so I've got that covered... Science.... I was thinking of having her take at the PS. What are YOU doing for Science?? How are you making sure your kids really understand?? Carrie:bigear:
  3. I'm interested in what type of class you have:-) Carrie:-)
  4. Congrats! So happy to read something happy... I should now go to bed:-) I'm happy for your family... Carrie
  5. I just told my daughter to request Zingerman's (sp?)... it's a Jewish Deli and SO yummy!! ... probably not around where you are... Believe it or not... it's the one place I wanna go when I'm in MI. :-) What's the Pizza Place that's there... Oh yes... Cottage Inn:-) Carrie:-)
  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Let us know how it goes... Carrie
  7. Me too!! I actually remember discussing this with my mom when we were publishing things about Homeschooling:-) We decided that it was one word.... 'Course... that was in Oklahoma:-) ...and 24+ yrs ago:-) Carrie
  8. Maybe it's a bit like everything else to me. First, I think that either are personal decisions. One parent raises their voice more, one does more spanking, one does more time-outs.... And, I would NEVER think that my way would work for everyone else. I mean, I've seen kids that never need spanked... ones where they melt if you look at them harshly... and ones where you can spank and yell... and they just don't care. And, I've seen these kids in the same family, not because of environment only.. but because of their personality. To me, we should give each other breaks, realizing that are children are borne (or adopted to) us. WE are the parents... the ones to decide what is appropriate to our family. I nursed my children until they are older... wore them... cloth diapered them... didn't cut off any body parts... (of my son:-) and if you did exactly the opposite... that's your decision, and it's not my job to patrol you. SO... if your kid is naughty and you're yelling "DO good things!! Obey Mama etc...." then it's your right:-) Now... if you're yelling mean things... I might offer YOU a time out:-) and a coffee or candy bar:-) Carrie:-)
  9. But these are 5 year olds. Not guys on a football team. Crazy! But, I don't work well with school situations... Carrie:-)
  10. You just want a sample of the cd? To see if you like it?? First, did you check at your library? I have it....hmmm Carrie:-)
  11. My daughter shaves at 11. I think she started using my razor at 10.... and she thought it was on the sly:-) Carrie:-)
  12. My son doesn't have any lace shoes. But, my brother learned the way that someone has already mentioned. Two loops and then tuck one side under the other loop... and pull.. Well, she explained it in more detail. It works for little kids:-) And, my brother, at 32, still ties his shoes that way:-) Carrie:-)
  13. Sorry Pam:-) It'll get better fast, I hope:-) Carrie:-)
  14. So, when you have these vaccines, are you a carrier for a bit of time? (The live vaccine) Carrie:-)
  15. I always like to know what's out there:-) What do you have?? Carrie:-)
  16. There are actually patches that you apply... either 25 minutes... or 45 minutes before... can't remember. I purchased them once for my daughter..... Just curious... are you doing only a tetanus? Of...DPT?? Anyway.... that's what I did... you pick up the prescription... (of course, perhaps your dr has samples??) and then apply before the appt... The needle goes straight through the patch. Carrie:-)
  17. Before... someone was thinking "orng" (trying for 1 syllable:-) Carrie:-)
  18. I've had the dream where I get to start HS over... then College... and have a "degree". Now, that wouldn't be a bad reality. If only I knew then.....
  19. So... what was it? Or what was the question? Carrie:-)
  20. Orange... is two syllables, though... right??
  21. Scary that I have a good chance of being incorrect..... and perhaps your 5 yr old was right.... but Green? Carrie:-)
  22. We have both of our oldest (my step-daughters) half time. They are SOOOOO easy. The have maybe disobeyed 5 times or so in 8 years... (that's how long we've been married) My daughter.... crazy. About a week and a half ago... she was on a rampage. I yelled for 2 days straight it seems. I just yelled.... each and every time. I was just screaming.. that if she wanted to yell... it's one thing I can do louder and better than she can! If she wants to talk... great. Don't accuse me of things you lost.... don't tell me No... etc. The last week has been SOOOO much better. It's like a fresh start for her. I had been crackin' down for the last couple of months....or maybe 3... and the yelling... was just the "top it off" part. I just finally decided... however hard she pushed... to stop being so protective... and push harder. I couldn't imagine her living till 12 if it kept up. I finally feel like maybe it'll be more like dealing with the older 2. Civil, non-punitive, just normal talking things through... I'm wishing!! Carrie:-)
  23. You know... I've seen this thread for a while. I have a 6th grader, and I'm constantly trying to think of how to make her stretch. I don't wanna bend down to her level... I want her to rise about me:-) It's hard.... harder than I ever thought. She wants the ACE way... you know... fill in the blanks and you're done... I want the "Wanna think/talk about it" ... Carrie:-)
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