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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hi There, I have WRTR and I'm looking at SWR. I also am able to go to a mini SWR seminar. Can you please let me know which one you think is easiest to use? I have the revised WRTR just to let you know. My son is 6 and he knows all the single letter phonograms... but I haven't done it the "right" way... and his dexterity isn't great. I started him on reading because without words in sight... he had already started spelling out loud. He mom... did you know that you spell pants... "PANTS?" and he kinda quietly sounds out the letters. SO, I knew he could read words... if he could spell.. Anyway, I want to stick with one of these programs... markings of the words and all... and now's the time I feel like I have to commit to one of these ways... Carrie:-)
  2. I would keep all the stuff you have, and spread the "regular school" over the rest of the days. If you have about an hour or so of homework for the kids to do on Saturday... no harm done. To me... homework is fine to do with mom or by yourself... so... If you look at all of your stuff... and just go into next year... Or plan to do school Tues and Thurs in the summer. Do what you can... to enjoy school and not get burned out. 6th grade is when it gets serious to me.. except for writing and math. Carrie:-)
  3. I'm not sure I'd ex him from the class. If you can sit with him in there... or if he could sit by someone else. Of course, lying would be a problem. My idea before I had kids was to do what I read Susannah Wesley did... Don't lie... and punishment wouldn't be needed... (disciplined perhaps, but not "spanking" or such...) Kids lie... adults lie.... Maybe he just needed to know how to get out of it. Carrie
  4. Isn't it interesting that we are each given our individual children, and somehow...when we try...we usually do JUST what's right for them...even if it takes a few times? I can see each of the ideas as possible...and each of these solutions possible as a "solution" depending on the root of the problem. If like Laura's suggestion that it's that he needs to know he matters... Or, if it's total defiance... and he needs to be disciplined a different way... each way is discipline (Laura's way and the others.) Perhaps I'd try Laura's a couple of times, and then see if I needed to move to a "corrective/punitive" way... Carrie:-)
  5. :D:D:D I'd make sure to call him close for a last kiss..... and chop it off. Oops... Did I just say that?? And, I wouldn't spend the money early, but it'd be in a trust... and not be able to be used by him... Let him enjoy being green with his own money.... The guy isn't a good guy. (Since when does it matter what kind of wife she is?) And more...:lol:
  6. It's by school, here, I think. In our small town, we can take 1/2 days...full days... and in highschool, my step took 3 classes last year. (Band and two sciences..) Carrie;-)
  7. Yup... eggs are fine:-) I've given, scrambled, raw and boiled... with and without the shells. I wouldn't give eggs that had been on the counter ..say... overnight... Carrie:-)
  8. Ours did, we just said "pointer finger" and if he would forget...and we started to tell him "pointer finger" he'd say... Oh yeh.. pointer finger:-) Carrie:-)
  9. Conservative to the end. My poor daughter was asking how "ANYONE" could be a Christian and vote for Obama. I explained the different views and what's most important to you...She was dumbfounded. (And her dad is a huge liberal to his death...guy!) I am the .... get government something better to do than worry about my personal life.... I can raise my own kids..thanks! I love the person who has the signature that says, "I've seen the village, and I don't want it raising my children" And also... I think that they should have some school that's public... but not babysitting.... maybe grades 3-8 or so... moms or someone else for younger... and a college type thing for older... Carrie:-)
  10. That's a little crazy....cost wise. VP history timeline has 160 timeline cards.... (for $100) and if you order each set .... it's $25 per set.... (So, $125) BUT, that's for 160 cards... plus the cds... Carrie:-)
  11. I think at co-op it's best not to wear shirts that "say" anything:-) Just my 2 cents:-0 Carrie
  12. Ask if you can video them practicing, and perhaps have the teacher say the name... and what it means to do... so that your girls can "practice" at home. Also, if you have room, a bar to do exercises is a plus. Carrie:-)
  13. Here's the funny part.... you're right!! (at least for the first 3) I was born in Oregon...grew up in TX and when I nannied in NJ, people would look at me and say, "Your name isn't 'Kerry' it's 'Carrie' " Phonetically, they were right. I loved it that the baby I nannied... said "orange" like me...instead of the NJ "awr ang" anyway...it's different...and I taught her the word:-) Carrie:-)
  14. http://www.tobinslab.com/ If you wanna support a Homeschool Family:-) Carrie
  15. My child has been sleeping on and off with us since birth. At this point, I don't know when he'll be by himself. He comes, toys and all, with us... although sometimes he sleeps with his sister. I mean...men are big boys:-) I can't imagine that my husband ever managed to sleep by himself. I think of the tribes, where babe sleeps in the middle, until the next child comes...and then the older child is popped beside...mom or dad... and it starts over. Of course, sometimes I'd like to believe in co-sleeping...and me personally sneak out... leaving son and dad.... to a full night where I can't hear snoring...don't get kicked... and don't crunch on toys.. Read about bonding... and what's recommended for some of the children whose issues are more pronounced... and co-sleeping is what they talk about... Carrie
  16. Hi There:-) Ok, so I've always been defensive. I try to breath, and take the same steps and angry person would be. I mull things over in my mind. I think about what I did that was wrong, or WHY I think I was right. Even if I was right, I'm not sure telling other people ever works. I have a combination of pride, defensiveness, and I'm a people-pleaser, too. How do you deal with it, when someone says something about you, that makes you feel that whole combo of sadness/defensiveness....etc. Anyone have ideas about how to let things go...and not be defensive?? (Or sad, or <insert here>??? Carrie:-)
  17. You could send out a general email to "friends" that "might have borrowed" the books, just asking if anyone finds them, could they pop the books back to you or drop them off? I might send it to a few friends...and just explain that you're looking for them:-) No accusing, just "lightly asking". Carrie:-)
  18. I'm going to start on the abacus.... from nurtureminds.com It should be fun... my husband enjoyed "pre-learning" it this last year. Took him a couple of hours to move through the book. My son also likes learning multiplying and he's talked about dividing/division. He's 6, like your son, so it'll be fun to see what you all do... Carrie:)
  19. The jewish family that I lived with, had them with tiny green onions and a sour cream flavor inside. Personally, I prefer then with sour cream and applesauce, even for dinner:-) Bacon, if you eat that...would be good... You can do them in little ones or huge. These are "latkes" (Lat-kuz) to me, and potato pancakes... to me... are with mashed potatoes... fried:-) Carrie:-)
  20. I've heard that silk or wool is the best. Ruskovilla is good, I've heard... Carrie
  21. Or, you could pick some Arabic books and have "Arabic days" on Tues/Thurs....just to keep some of it:-) My husband learned his Russian...through the language cds that start with "P" and he sounds like he's always spoken it. (or so the russian's here say) The only difference as far as how he speaks...is he doesn't use the "slang" he's more proper... So, hearing Arabic...might help keep it up. The way he learned ...was they said a sentence...and he repeated...or answered questions... You might be able to think of what to have someone record for you...and take a few cds with you. Just a thought:-) Carrie
  22. I put dates with permanent markers on my bulbs, just to see how long they lasted. My "green" bulb that's yellow:-) for the porch lasted almost 2years. We leave it on all day and night... Carrie:-)
  23. You might need to warm it up. I wouldn't give up on the chicken, as it's the best...at least for my dog...at the tartar. Mind you, I didn't say cook. And, if that doesn't work, warm up some chicken that is skinless. Cut the boneless skinless...slightly cooked chicken and feed it treat style... Then you should be able to work into the wing thing. It's new... kinda like a nursed baby being given a bottle. :-) Or, the fact that I can get a baby to take a pacifier... when others can't... cuz I try try try until they take it:-) Just a thought:-) I'm proud of you for trying:-) What kind of beef bones?? I don't know for a little dog...Hornblower is great at suggesting things:-) Carrie:-)
  24. Good time to can:-) The Good will has many canners, usually, and you can get a canner for not too much...either in a thrift store...or other spot. Make sure it's tall enough for the jars to go in, plus I think it's an inch or two about...of water... (I bought a tall one by luck, but my friends...was just too short..) Anyway, you can google for your county extension's number, and if you go in...they can usually tell you what variety things are... (I think) I canned for the first time this year, and it was awesome....many jars of pears and peaches and Italian Prunes. YAY. I feel so productive! (My mom and I did this) BTW, you can usually find Apple, peeler, corer slicers at the GoodWill or new... They are worth it cuz they'll zip right through getting the apples ready.. Also, my mom freezes her applesauce, puts them in bread pans, then she pops them out of the pan and uses a Food saver to keep it fresh. My favorite is canned.. but the frozen works too.. Also, you can freeze apple slices for pies...later... Carrie:-)
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