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Everything posted by Jennay

  1. One idea for your daughter & her violin is to do orchestra during the school year and private lessons during the summer. Part of the fun of playing an instrument is playing with others and orchestra would fill some of her social needs. Two of my kids (of four) take piano lessons from the same teacher. I am thinking about switching to a teacher that will travel to our house to save on time. They do not take piano lessons in the summer. My two oldest are in band (they both play brass instruments). I am there teaching at the same time so it is a family activity. When my youngers are old enough to chose an instrument it will be a band instrument. Then they will just fold into where my two oldest and I already go every week.
  2. My word is Simplify, but the goals are the same.
  3. I wish everyone didn't have to wait so long for information. I also go to a place where a radiologist reads the mammogram immediately. I think I waited less than 3 minutes are getting dressed again before the nurse/tech came back with the result. I am so grateful for that - I don't think I could handle the waiting. (((HUGS))) and prayers for everyone waiting.
  4. My first thought was "If these relatives are so selfish that they can't understand why she can't do Christmas shopping this year, then they don't even deserve a gift." Maybe that's not very charitable. I'm so sorry for your loss :(
  5. Our younger male (3 years old) does this to our elderly female (14 years) in the evenings. We have learned to just keep them separated at this time and other times of the day they get along fine.
  6. Sometimes I find it help to think "even if" when I am doubting a decision, especially if I am anxious about it. For example, "Even if it would have been nice for your DS to join your DH on the road trip, no harm was done by having him stay with you."
  7. LOL - I cried during James Herriot. I can't get through reading or listening to The Christmas Day Kitten or Blossom Come Home without tears!
  8. The female kittie could be Anise. Anise and Martouf :)
  9. Hmmm, well, some other Stargate possibilities- Marty (Martouf) Jake (Jacob) Bratac Mitchell Chevron (this is my favorite!)
  10. I was intrigued about Chinaberry book fairs, so I googled for more information. Alas, Chinaberry is no longer offering book fairs for financial reasons. :(
  11. I think Lie-ruh when I see Lyra. I think Leer-uh when I see Lira. So I voted something else.
  12. A friend of ours had a dream in which our whole family died in a car accident. She immediately got up and prayed fervently for us. A few months later we were in an almost head-on collision and none of us were seriously hurt although the vehicle was totaled.
  13. Not working for me either. Never had a problem with "new content" before on either my laptop or ipad.
  14. Rascal is set during WW1, although it doesn't have a lot to do with the war itself.
  15. We have used and enjoyed Memoria Press Latin with the DVD instruction - Prima Latina through Third Form Latin. However, the MP program does require a significant amount of writing if implemented according to the instructions.
  16. I was an elementary and middle school band director before my eldest was born and I decided to stay home with him. 12 years later, I have kept up some of my skills by teaching private lessons and teaching (volunteer) with a home school band program. My youngest is only in K so I have 13 years left if I homeschool her all the way through. I hope to rebuild my private studio (stopped teaching lessons when #4 was born - had too much going on) and teach more when I have less to teach at home. And I hope that my volunteering with the home school band will help to fill the gap in my resume if I ever want to teach in a school setting again.
  17. Fantastic! I will be doing some serious downloading and printing in the near future. Getting ready to go through Core B for the second time with my second "set" of kiddos.
  18. I am in Montgmery County. I ask for a certain reviewer and have always gotten who I have wanted for going on 7 years now. I have switched over to a digital portfolio where I take pictures of completed work and activities. All I take into my review now is the digital portfolio on my ipad. My reveiwer loves it. I try to include one dated sample from the beginning, middle, & end of each review period for each subject. Sometimes more for "English" since that has a lot of components. I've never had a problem.
  19. Another option along the same line are Christian Novel Studies Mini-guides http://www.christiannovelstudies.com/page1.html I have been looking into these.
  20. Of the two, Star Trek. But my top vote would be Stargate - the series, seasons 1-8
  21. We don't have a typical VBS. It's sponsored by one parish (Eastern Orthodox) and children from many different parishes attend - some parents drive an hour to come. Some children do bring friends. This year they learned about the Fruits of the Spirit. Morning prayer together in the chapel, followed by 3 rotations - arts & crafts, activities (games), and lesson time (with a priest). Lunch is also served which is nice, especially for those who drive a long distance to get there. Since Orthodox believe we are all being continually converted throughout our lives there's no push for kids "to be saved" or altar calls or anything like that. It is often loud and crazy just due to all the little ones, but overall I think it is valuable. My kids look forward to going to VCS (Vacation Church School) and now my older ones look forward to helping.
  22. I have two children with birthdays in Oct. DS will be 12 this year and will be in 6th. When my dd turns 12 she will most likely be in 7th. Her birthday is early in Oct. and fell within the "early enrollment" period for our county/state. She was more than ready to start "officially."
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