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Everything posted by Jennay

  1. I LOVE our Odyssey. It's not a Touring, though. We had a 2010 Odyssey and we were in an accident in 2012 in which it was totalled. We were hit almost head-on (other driver's fault) and we all walked away with only cuts & bruises. We immediately replaced it with another Odyssey. We have four kids (at the moment) and I love that it's big enough for us to take a few of the kids' friends along to an activity plus tons of storage in the back Grandparents' have also been able to join us on a trip. We always buy our cars new and drive them into the ground if we can. It's more expensive at first, but less expensive per year in the long run. (You should see my DH's spreadsheets with all the data!)
  2. Thank you everyone for responding. For some reason I wasn't getting notifications that there were replies. Anyway, I'll be back to respond and follow-up.
  3. A little known aspect of Orthodoxy is that there is an approved Western Rite that is fully in communion with the rest of Orthodoxy. Often other Orthodox forget about us :) The theology is the same, but Western Rite parishes use a Western Liturgy. This is seen as a restoration of the time when the Church was one - both East and West - with the same beliefs but different Liturgies and some different practices. There are Western Rite parishes within the Antiochian Archdiocese and in ROCOR (Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia). Here is a wonderful article discussing the Western Rite by Bishop Basil. http://www.antiochian.org/node/18318 I converted to Orthodoxy in 2005, along with my DH. We didn't start out looking for a Western Rite parish, but it's where God placed us. We also love the Eastern Rite and enjoy attending services at Eastern Rite parishes when we are out of town or can't get to a Feast day service at out own parish. Our parish is made up of converts from all backgrounds (Anglican, RC, Baptist, Buddhist, etc) as well as cradle Eastern Rite Orthodox who visited our parish and decided to stay :) Orthodoxy is Orthodoxy regardless of the rite.
  4. I'll see if I can locate a copy of Wheelock's. How old is your son that just completed Latin 2? Thanks for the input :)
  5. Posting here because it's regarding high school level work.... I am trying to decide whether DS age 11 should continue with MP Form Series or switch over to Lukeion. A little background and random thoughts – DS has always been very verbal and academically accelerated. He started speaking real words at 9 months. He starting reading at age 2 and was fluent by age 3. I do not know Latin very well. I am on about a Latina Christina I level J He took some Latin classes from a fellow homeschooling friend of mine who was a classics major/teacher from about ages 5-8. When those classes ended due to scheduling difficulties I started him with the MP Form series. He has gone through the First Form and Second Form almost 100% independently. (Some days I have to remind him to get started on his Latin but I never have any complaints once he starts). He watches the DVD lesson, does each of the workbook pages (sometimes two in one sitting), corrects his own work using the answer key, and then tells me when it’s time for a quiz. I correct the quizzes and he rarely gets anything wrong. I ask him if he agrees or disagrees with the teacher’s guide about anything I have marked wrong. Sometimes he discovers errors in the answer key. Then he goes onto the next lesson. I don’t think he will major in the classics or Latin – his true love is Mathematics (that’s another thread). I can see him doing something that combines languages and STEM. I was also thinking that Latin might be a good SAT 2 test for him to take eventually. He is a good test taker. Should I just have him continue with Third Form and Fourth form at his own pace or switch him over to Lukeion? If he took one Lukeion level per year then he could conceivably be taking Latin 4 in 9th grade. He would also like to learn another language – possibly Greek or Russian. Maybe Arabic. The Lukeion classes could be a great way to develop accountability and time management skills with someone other than me. Would the Lukeion classes get him to a higher level sooner than continuing with MP? Of course, MP would be less expensive even with the DVDs. Oh, and he took the assessment test on the Lukeion site for Latin 1 and scored a 97%. I’d appreciate any wisdom!
  6. Well, in Atlantis there was that one episode where Sheppard gets stuck in that force field where time is moving faster.... and maybe some innuendo in the episode where McCay is hallucinating Carter...but I don't remember much else. I agree that the majority of the tea-making was in SG Universe. For the OP: In Stargate SG-1 watch out for: Season 1 - the pilot, Children of the Gods, part 1, The Broca Divide, and Brief Candle. Season 7 - Chimera Season 8 - Affinity, Prometheus Unbound, and Threads (minimal) might have some concerns for you. I don't remember seasons 9 & 10 very well - IMO "real" Stargate SG-1 basically ended at the end of Season 8. I think there might be concerns in Memento Mori & Unending. Don't start watching Atlantis until you get to the end of Season 7 in Stargate SG-1.
  7. Stargate SG-1 and then Stargate Atlantis (started during Season 8 of Stargate SG-1) There might be a few episodes you'd want to preview but 90% I think are fine for young teenagers and I am fairly conservative. There are two versions of the pilot episode (one was originally on Showtime and has full frontal female nudity but they made a version taking that out. Not sure what version Netflix has). If you need more info about any of the episodes that might need prior viewing, PM me and I'd be happy to help. Huge Stargate fan here - I've watched each season multiple times :) Getting ready to introduce my boys, who are 10 and 11, to the series.
  8. I find that my "state of rest" includes using a SL core as my base and adding in documentaries, field trips, more non-fiction books, and a couple hands-on projects here and there. When I am not so worried about what other methods I should be discovering, better books they (or I) should be reading, or superior philosophies I should be implementing I find I actually have the mental energy to really interact with my children on a deeper level over the books I already have on my shelves.
  9. Do you use the DVDs for First Form? I have found them invaluable for Latina Christiana I, First Form, and now Second Form. I don't think my boys would be learning Latin without them.
  10. Yes, there is a preschool class at our co-op. Priority goes to siblings of older students but two weeks before classes start any open spots can be filled by families who only have younger children. Preference goes to those who plan to continue homeschooling.
  11. I would like to have some but my cat would eat them (he's a strange cat). Also, it seems that if something doesn't cry, ask, or meow to be fed it doesn't get fed.
  12. Generally, I don't mind them. I pass by at least 5 on a daily basis, one at the entrance to our neighborhood. A young man drove into a tree on New Year's Day and died. It was a sober way to begin the year. Often the memorials remind me to pray for the soul of the person who died and for their family.
  13. DD6 is getting 18" doll case/carrier slippers Spirograph Stocking - prairie bonnet, CD, ornament, comb, toothbrush, chap stick She also went to see the Nutcracker today and we spent a second night at Great Wolf Lodge instead of just one when we went at the beginning of Dec. She know that these were part of her Christmas presents. She'll also receive some gifts from grandparents, aunts, & uncles.
  14. http://keepinitkind.com/cheesy-maple-roasted-brussels-sprouts-broccoli/ Just came across this one and hoping to try it.
  15. Oh, another thing. I am glad that my mother did not make me a scrapbook of my schoolwork. Because then I would feel guilty about throwing it out and it would be another piece of clutter in the house. Do you wish you had samples of YOUR old schoolwork?
  16. Just toss it. I am struggling with the same thing..why do I need to keep DS11's HWT Pre-K book? Or endless pages of math worksheets. I have a summary of each semester that I take to my review with the county and that is what I am going to save. And possibly some writing samples. That's it. I'll toss if you toss.
  17. I'm wondering if I should pay our cat-sitter more. She is a friend of the family, lives nearby, and usually spend the night here because one of my cats needs meds in the morning and is high maintenance. I just paid her $50 (in advance) for a Sunday evening through Tuesday morning. 4 meals, scooping 2 litter boxes 4 times each. I don't mind giving a generous amount because I want her to want to come back! Good pet sitters that you trust in your house are hard to find.
  18. This grain free granola with full fat coconut milk - http://paleoparents.com/2011/grain-free-granola
  19. This is exactly what I was going to say! Open air lobby in Hawaii - bliss.
  20. I also have a fantastic document on Keeping a Response Journal that I think was posted here or maybe on the SL forms. I can PM it to you if you would like (I'm sure I can post it publicly...)
  21. Sonlight is what you, the teacher, make it to be. It can be rushed and superficial or it can be deep and engaging. We have used SL for years. A couple things - I don't stick to the schedule day by day - I like to give us room at the end of a book or period of history to reflect a bit before moving on to the next one. I often read more than one day's scheduled readings in a sitting. We regularly take field trips or schedule projects that coordinate with what we are reading. I add in many of the Eyewitness nonfiction books that coordinate with the readers and read-alouds. I add in videos. I don't try to fit a SL core in a 36 week school year. Grammar, math, spelling, Latin, etc. may go on the back burner during the summers but we can continue to suck the marrow out of each Core. Teaching the Classics is a great literature course that can be applied to any SL book.
  22. I have a 10 year old ds and an 11 year old Ds - I am thinking about - balloon & snowball launcher - http://www.jmcremps.com/3-Person-Balloon-Launcher/productinfo/11235/#.UpjuKtwo5dg And from the same site - whittling supplies - http://www.jmcremps.com/Woodworking-Building-and-Leathercraft/products/30/
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