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I'll share a pregnancy story on the subject of fa@ting.


When I was pregnant I was in the store shopping for baby clothes.

While standing in line a silent one came out that was pretty strong, if you know what I mean. A little boy of about the age of 4 or so was nearby and said in a loud voice to his Mom "Mommy, that lady (while he was glaring at me) just pooped her pants." I suppose it was a good thing that I don't embarrass easily. :lol:

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words for fart


A family I know is so repulsed by the word FART they replace it with the word ----













wait for it ------------













you really will not believe this --------------



b/c it is just so wrong ---------------------






















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words for fart

A family I know is so repulsed by the word FART they replace it with the word ----

wait for it ------------

you really will not believe this --------------

b/c it is just so wrong ---------------------



Well, I certainly hope they caught on to why that was a bad idea and stopped using it as a replacement word. :001_huh:

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I think giving anyone a look and expecting them to respond is playing games.


welll, I disagree that it is "playing games" -- it's just one of many training techniques that MANY kids [who have been brought up w/ such a technique] are aware of. It is a quiet way to alert a child of appropriate age to correct themselves instead of vocally/publicly humiliating them into correction. ;) So i guess it depends on how you want to "play games" -- w/ either direct correction [giving them no opportunity to consider on their own the appropriate response], or indirect correction [which gives them some independence in practicing their responses to situations]. i can see pros and cons of both methods, and have used both methods depending on the child, age, and circumstance.


all that being said, farts just don't bother us either. Comments to lighten the mood are welcome.


BUT-- if you have the no-farting rule, then i think your action was absolutely spot on.


i can't access the euphemisms that were collected on the Old Board, but here's a list of them for you:


enjoy :)




1. Anal Salute

2. Beep your horn

3. Blast the chair

4. Blat

5. Blow Mud

6. Blow the big brown horn

7. Bottom blast

8. Bottom burp

9. Break wind

10. Butt burp

11. Butt trumpet

12. Butt tuba

13. Buttock bassoon

14. Cut a stinker

15. Cut the cheese

16. Cut the wind

17. Drop a bomb

18. Fart

19. Flatulate

20. Flatulence

21. Float an air biscuit

22. Funky rollers

23. Gaseous intestinal by-products

24. HUMrrhoids

25. Honk

26. Let a Beefer

27. Let each little bean be heard

28. Mating call of the barking spider

29. Mexican jet propulsion

30. One-gun salute

31. Pass gas

32. Pass wind

33. Poot

34. Puff, the Magic Dragon!

35. Rebuild the ozone layer one poof at a time

36. Rectal honk

37. Rectal shout

38. Ripple Fart

39. Shoot the cannon

40. Singe the [noun] (e.g. carpet)

41. Step on a duck

42. The colonic calliope

43. The gluteal tuba

44. Toot your own horn

45. Trouser cough

46. Trouser trumpet

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I can't say any of it would have bothered me. Fart humour is common at our table. Whatever it takes for family enjoyment I say. We all would have laughed. However if you had guests that would be a different matter, but I daresay he wouldn't have done it.

I think asking someone to eat in the bathroom is gross.


I was beginning to think I was the only one.;) This just would not be any sort of issue at all in my house. I would have just reminded the offender that's it's not polite to make the comment and the meal would just gone on as before.


Wow! I have never even considered this. How on earth did you train him not to do it in his sleep?


:lol:Exactly!! Heather, I just can't imagine your success. I don't think it's possible around here but I marvel at your ability!;)

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Perfect! He'll never forget it! Good job!


.... Did this humiliate your ds? If so (and I know it would our dc), I personally can't parent that way. You might "make your point" but at what cost?


I think there are better ways is all.


Share some better ways with us. I don't mean it sarcastically. . .I'd actually like to hear some better ways.

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I have been thinking about this thread. I am amazed that people don't allow themselves or their children to use the word "fart" , as if it is an offensive swear word.

How can that be? It is a word that describes a bodily function that is natural and very ordinary, if sometimes offensive smelling and often better done in private just so as not to offend the nostrils of others! An act of courtesy, if you will, but not an act of morality, surely! I am surprised that people would taboo a word like that. Banning the use of a word, and therefore any discussion of a bodily function seems to me to be.....kind of Victorian or something. Like a kind of repression. I don't see the practical or even ethical function of such a ban.

Surely a sense of humour is a better way to go. Even the OP punished and shamed her son, who was enjoying his body, while posting a thread here and in the subject line wrote "LOL". Isn't that a double standard?

I am just musing, not taking it all too seriously, but I just see a strange set of behaviours- children and men who are actually enjoying their bodies and having a sense of humour around farting, and a set of women who decide to get offended by it. Is it that bad? Couldnt the world do with a bit more laughter and a bit less rigid morals about things that ultimalty dont matter? Why do we get hung up over things that really dont hurt anyone? Farts dont hurt anyone. In fact, they are a good thing.

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I have been thinking about this thread. I am amazed that people don't allow themselves or their children to use the word "fart" , as if it is an offensive swear word.

How can that be? It is a word that describes a bodily function that is natural and very ordinary, if sometimes offensive smelling and often better done in private just so as not to offend the nostrils of others! An act of courtesy, if you will, but not an act of morality, surely! I am surprised that people would taboo a word like that. Banning the use of a word, and therefore any discussion of a bodily function seems to me to be.....kind of Victorian or something. Like a kind of repression. I don't see the practical or even ethical function of such a ban.

Surely a sense of humour is a better way to go. Even the OP punished and shamed her son, who was enjoying his body, while posting a thread here and in the subject line wrote "LOL". Isn't that a double standard?

I am just musing, not taking it all too seriously, but I just see a strange set of behaviours- children and men who are actually enjoying their bodies and having a sense of humour around farting, and a set of women who decide to get offended by it. Is it that bad? Couldnt the world do with a bit more laughter and a bit less rigid morals about things that ultimalty dont matter? Why do we get hung up over things that really dont hurt anyone? Farts dont hurt anyone. In fact, they are a good thing.


I was one who wrote that that 'word' was not used in my house growing up. To this day, I have a problem using that word. Fart. There, I wrote it. Not that we don't do it. We do, and it's absolutely no big deal. We joke about it. Even growing up, the act of farting was fine, it was just the word that was considered crude and not refined. So, here I am, with this hang up. And, by the way, I'm the only one in my family now that has a problem with the word. My dh and kids are just fine with it. But, to humor mom, we flewff. Pretty crazy, huh. Threads like this make me realize I haven't shed all my old hang ups. You're right: farts don't hurt anyone, and certainly something the body needs to do.


My dh has gotten the biggest laugh out of this thread. He's just shaking his head.



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My DS (6) did this same thing at the table last night - DD (7) told him "You'd better watch out or Mom will make you eat dinner out in the dog yard." I almost laughed my head off since we'd never had an occasion to discuss an offense like that. This board thread was also never discussed. Obviously I love the OP's idea and clearly my kids have learned that grossness begets more clever grossness in our house. We had a good laugh over it and it's unlikely the kids will do it at the table again!

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To this day, I have a problem using that word. Fart. There, I wrote it. ..... So, here I am, with this hang up. And, by the way, I'm the only one in my family now that has a problem with the word. .... But, to humor mom, we flewff. Pretty crazy, huh. Threads like this make me realize I haven't shed all my old hang ups.




I believe we are each entitled to one irrational....fear/ hangup/ whatever.

mine is those nasty huge waterbug roaches.


i scream like a girl at the mere sight of them and run like crazy. it's pathetic, really. i can't even kill them. i have to get roach spray, aim blindly w/ my eyes closed from a ridiculous distance, and and spray futilely.


yours is the word f@rt. i think we're even ;)



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I believe we are each entitled to one irrational....fear/ hangup/ whatever.

mine is those nasty huge waterbug roaches.


i scream like a girl at the mere sight of them and run like crazy. it's pathetic, really. i can't even kill them. i have to get roach spray, aim blindly w/ my eyes closed from a ridiculous distance, and and spray futilely.


yours is the word f@rt. i think we're even ;)





And my ds, 8, who is uber-sensitive, cannot understand why I was so scared of spiders when I was little. Even now, although I'm good with little ones and can calmly watch a good sized one in a web outside, got nervous when I saw a wolf spider in the guest room at my parents' house last August, and had to remove it before I could go to sleep. Even though I know that there are no poisonous spiders there and I don't even know if they bite.

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children and men who are actually enjoying their bodies and having a sense of humour around farting, and a set of women who decide to get offended by it. Is it that bad? Couldnt the world do with a bit more laughter and a bit less rigid morals about things that ultimalty dont matter? Why do we get hung up over things that really dont hurt anyone? Farts dont hurt anyone. In fact, they are a good thing.



If the the smell didn't make me so sick, I'd agree with you. But that smell frequently gets me retching. Not mine, of course ;). It's the smell of others' farts that gives me the hang-up.

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A wolf spider? OMG! I have only seen one of those in my life and it was on my driveway. It was so big that I felt strange just stepping on it. I ended up taking a huge piece of plywood and letting it fall down over top of the spider and then jumping on the plywood. I screamed the entire time I was doing it too...like a little girl. When it was over, I would not even pick up the plywood. I made dh do it when he got home. You should have SEEN the mess that spider made. OMG...I get sick just recalling that incident.


Then there was the time I got my son to the doctor on to find a BLACK WIDOW hanging upside down in her web on his STROLLER in my trunk! I called dh who was an hour away at work at the time and made him come and kill it and then drive my car for a week because I was terrified that there were more and they would crawl into the back seat and kill the kids. :(

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I have been thinking about this thread. I am amazed that people don't allow themselves or their children to use the word "fart" , as if it is an offensive swear word.



I agree that it's not a big deal. But I think that maybe it's a cultural thing. When I was brought up, my mother tried to avoid the use of any slang terms for bodily functions. So yup, as a 3 year old I would go tell her I had to urinate. People couldn't believe it.

Anyway, we were also taught to refer to "farting" as "passing gas." "Fart" was considered to be crass. My husband wasn't really raised that way, and he uses the term "fart" more often than not. Our children do use that word, although I have also taught them to refer to it as passing gas.


Oh well. ;)

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i can't access the euphemisms that were collected on the Old Board, but here's a list of them for you:


enjoy :)


I have one! Hydraulic lift. As in the big fat 9 months pregnant lady got a hydraulic lift as she was getting out of her chair or bed.:lol: A semi-autobiographical example.;)


If the the smell didn't make me so sick, I'd agree with you. But that smell frequently gets me retching. Not mine, of course ;). It's the smell of others' farts that gives me the hang-up.


My dh says true love is when one of us toots and the other just notes the that the air smells of roses. possibly rotted and decaying, but it's the sentiment that counts.


This entire thread is absolutely hilarious.:D

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Guest Katia

Instead of "fart" perhaps the use of the word "flatulence" instead? The use of "passing gas" procures visions rather of gasoline flowing from the rectum,kwim?!


OP's son could have said: "Ah, nothing like some good flatulence in the afternoon."



who is also enjoying this thread much more than she should I expect

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A wolf spider? OMG! I have only seen one of those in my life and it was on my driveway. It was so big that I felt strange just stepping on it. I ended up taking a huge piece of plywood and letting it fall down over top of the spider and then jumping on the plywood. I screamed the entire time I was doing it too...like a little girl. When it was over, I would not even pick up the plywood. I made dh do it when he got home. You should have SEEN the mess that spider made. OMG...I get sick just recalling that incident.




We used to have the occasional wolf spider in our old house. One time, I was walking past ds's bedroom where my dh was sitting on the bed, and noticed a huge wolf spider on the wall above the bed! It was bad. everybody was screaming, dh screamed for a broom, I was running around like a chicken with it's head chopped off screaming, "Broom!". Total chaos followed. He killed it, finally. It didn't want to die the first time he whacked it with the broom. :glare: No one wanted to even go in that room for quite a while. :o


Then, a few weeks later, I found that spider's mother in the kid's bathroom. (It was actually bigger than the one in the bedroom, so I refer to it as the mother spider when telling my spider story.) I screamed, and screamed some more. I gathered up the courage to whack it to death with a shoe. Then I left it there till dh got home so he could dispose of the remains. :tongue_smilie:

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We used to have the occasional wolf spider in our old house. One time, I was walking past ds's bedroom where my dh was sitting on the bed, and noticed a huge wolf spider on the wall above the bed! It was bad. everybody was screaming, dh screamed for a broom, I was running around like a chicken with it's head chopped off screaming, "Broom!". Total chaos followed. He killed it, finally. It didn't want to die the first time he whacked it with the broom. :glare: No one wanted to even go in that room for quite a while. :o


Then, a few weeks later, I found that spider's mother in the kid's bathroom. (It was actually bigger than the one in the bedroom, so I refer to it as the mother spider when telling my spider story.) I screamed, and screamed some more. I gathered up the courage to whack it to death with a shoe. Then I left it there till dh got home so he could dispose of the remains. :tongue_smilie:


Awwwww.....poor little spider. :(. In our house we even take brown recluses outside. Wolf spiders, jumping spiders....those won't even hurt you!

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Guest Katia
Awwwww.....poor little spider. :(. In our house we even take brown recluses outside. Wolf spiders, jumping spiders....those won't even hurt you!


This would be my son. He loves to play with the jumping spiders; thinks they have a lot of personality. Then he lovingly carries said spider outside.




Me: I'm the one screaming and running around yelling, "Kill it! Kill it!" My favorite weapon-of-choice for the killing of spiders is the vacuum cleaner; it's quick, efficient, leaves no mess, I don't have to climb up on chairs to reach them AND I don't have to worry that it will somehow get away and come after me. I worry about that using shoes/slippers. I absolutely refuse to use tissues! However, I've been know to grab whatever is within reach when in desperate straights. :tongue_smilie:



wondering what spiders have to do with farts?

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Guest Katia


Put a warning on that, willya? I'm going to have nightmares! :tongue_smilie::D



My sentiments exactly!


And, that little baby spider in the palm of the hand.....no probs for my vacuum.


I sucked up a garden spider that was the size of my entire hand before! (and had nightmares for months that it came crawling back out.....)

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Guest Katia
:lol: Why, whatever do you mean? Surely you see the connection. LOL



Oh,.....um......yeah, sure.....I see now......:confused: It's so obvious! How could I have missed it before. :D

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Me: I'm the one screaming and running around yelling, "Kill it! Kill it!" My favorite weapon-of-choice for the killing of spiders is the vacuum cleaner; it's quick, efficient, leaves no mess, I don't have to climb up on chairs to reach them AND I don't have to worry that it will somehow get away and come after me. I worry about that using shoes/slippers. I absolutely refuse to use tissues! However, I've been know to grab whatever is within reach when in desperate straights. :tongue_smilie:



wondering what spiders have to do with farts?



I cannot tell my ds if I kill a spider, or he gets very upset.


Spiders have to do with farts what elephants have to do with dust. Nothing.


BACK to the subject at hand, I was telling dh about this thread and that apparently many men and boys enjoy farts and he said.


"Ah, the toothless wonder speaks." Now that definitely has to do with farts. And if you were to meet him, he appears so quiet, gentle and refined...

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Here is a bit of "passing gas" trivia for you.

I read that in Japan there are underware available that have been made to filter flatulence. These are sometimes worn by business men to prevent themselves from being embarrassed in business situations.

Sorry, I didn't find the article to link it.

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Here is a bit of "passing gas" trivia for you.

I read that in Japan there are underware available that have been made to filter flatulence. These are sometimes worn by business men to prevent themselves from being embarrassed in business situations.

Sorry, I didn't find the article to link it.



Yes, but do they filter the smell and sound? :lol:

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