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Mine was while we read SOTW at the kitchen table. All three boys were coloring while I read. Baby Grace was in her highchair happily playing with toys. The boys asked lots of questions while we were reading, it was just a pleasant time. I just had to think "This is great! I'm so thankful to be homeschooling."

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My ds (11) woke up this morning and went straight to the computer and did his algebra without me!!! This meant that he was done with his schoolwork by noon and it made for a very smooth day all around. Usually he's the one who is upset because his schoolwork takes the longest.


I hope this is a trend that continues!!


Congrats on your "revelation" today!

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The children made some little houses in old tea boxes. They have tiny paper furniture, a tiny fireplace with tiny cats and even tinier kittens curled up by the fire-side. Inside the tiny houses there are also tiny 'Bella Sara' cards (a current obsession with dd).

We also curled up on the sofa and read David Attenborough's 'Life of Mammals' with lots of oohs and aahs.

I suspect the real highlight for us all however was some chocolate-coconutty brownie type cookies which we had this afternoon. Wednesday is our cake day.:)

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We did a "domestic education" day today b/c I was sick and tired of my basement (toy room) looking like a tornado blew through. Dh took my younger three to run errands and the older 3 and I cleaned. I feel much better. It's not perfect, but it's so much better. Dh is now putting a door on the boys bathroom downstairs (ask me how long I've been waiting for him to do that!) and I'm preparing to tackle the younger boys room.

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We started a biography on Columbus recently. It's not the most exciting thing to read, so I was slightly dreading reading it out loud today because I figured my ds would object. When he saw me grab it, he said, "Yes! I've been waiting for that one!" Just goes to show we never really know what will get our kids excited!

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On Wednesdays I get to hang out with about ten other homeschool moms while our 5-9 yr. olds enjoy a gym class at the local community center for an hour. Usually the moms banter topics about, kind of like this board, but today I got the treat of discussing JFK assassination conspiracy theories with one of my friend's 12 yr. old. He seems to be very well versed in it!

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Well, we were out of the house most of the day. Even though I don't like outside activities cutting into our time, I like the things my child gets to do as a result of those experiences, especially when he gets to experience neat cultural things.


So they had Spanish today. Two lovely ladies, a mother and daughter, who have THE MOST beautiful accents, are their instructors. Today, they were trying to teach them a song in Spanish, then they moved into teaching them to do some Latin dancing (we will have a fiesta at the end of the class). Even though the boys mostly belly-ached about it the entire time (and little actual Spanish speaking was going on, LOL), the moment we got out of class my son exclaimed, "That was pretty fun!"


Then several of us went to a nearby Greek and Lebanese restaurant for lunch (some of us have another class after lunch). Some had never eaten this type of food before. Everything was particularly good today and everyone enjoyed their lunch very much as we shared different foods with each other. I LOVE every chance we get to have a meal with others. It's so relaxing and makes eating so much more fulfilling for me. It's often the highlight of my day. I love being in a comfortable place within a community of other homeschoolers!



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We went on our first field trip with the new homeschooling group we just joined, and the moms were very welcoming and friendly. This trip was to the local skating rink and my ds6 was on ice skates for the very first time and he skated really well. It was a lovely morning.

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Sigh. It's sort of pathetic today. My favorite part was when a neighbor (who home schools three lovely girls) offered to come by and take my kids with them this afternoon and I got to rest more. After the kids came home, dd read out loud to me, and she didn't object when I fell asleep there on the couch beside her.


I did manage to unload and reload the dishwasher (which I hadn't been able to stand up long enough to do since Saturday), but then I had to have another nap... ;)


This bug will go away soon... right?!? right?!???

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Mine was while we read SOTW at the kitchen table. All three boys were coloring while I read. Baby Grace was in her highchair happily playing with toys. The boys asked lots of questions while we were reading, it was just a pleasant time. I just had to think "This is great! I'm so thankful to be homeschooling."


It's been a busy, rough day. One kid woke up deaf (or something akin to it - he hasn't heard a word I've said all day). Anther one awoke channeling Moussolini. We made it through lessons, errands, the library and getting gas on the way home.


They changed clothes and headed immediately for the dirt pile. I put the baby down for a nap I'll regret later, and then... mm-mmm, started supper. Somehow, the scents of freshly brewing coffee and seared pork roast filling the kitchen, mingled with the sounds of the children's laughter drifting up from the lower meadow made it *all better*.


I'm feeling rejuvenated and looking forward to the evening. :)

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Mine was while we read SOTW at the kitchen table. All three boys were coloring while I read. Baby Grace was in her highchair happily playing with toys. The boys asked lots of questions while we were reading, it was just a pleasant time. I just had to think "This is great! I'm so thankful to be homeschooling."


The good, tired feeling I had when I finished exercising for the day. Not during exercising. After exercising. :D

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I was just happy to be homeschooling. After I put the two year old down for his nap I had a couple of hours to homeschool quietly with my older three. Between the move, the renovations, and the flu it's been hard to get back into a routine. It felt so nice to just be working around the table with everyone today.

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We had a special guest today:D! I was trying to help my son, who loves to be silly, while I tend to just want to get my work done and play later.:o Anyway, I dressed up as Larry the Cable Guy and was their teacher for the morning. My son LOVED it!!! He played along and had a great time. We got school done in record time!!! He actually TRIED to do his best on his spelling quiz and math and didn't goof around. We had a blast! My dd wasn't quite so sure, but she's a whiz at school anyway, so it was more for ds, but after a while she warmed up to it and had fun too!

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In no particular order . . .


  • When my son insisted I snuggle on the couch with him this morning before breakfast.
  • When we found out that the person casting kids for the children's chorus in a local opera production wants my son to participate badly enough to let him miss a couple of rehearsals and do a private coaching session.
  • When my son and I spent half an hour chatting about the literary and mythological allusions in the books he's reading.
  • When my away-at-college daughter called and told me a funny story about the fact that the folks who run the bookstore near her campus know her by name.


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and my husband and I signed his certificate to frame on his bedroom wall.


"36 steps to learn how to read.

36 steps are just what I need ...

36 steps to read, write and spell,

eveyone's rejoicing because I'm readin' so well!"


When we started when he was 5 he had a little lisp and called it, "Sing Spell Stephen, Write" - for his name. He's so cute :) We still call it that.

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life never gets any better than that! Ahhhh.


Congratulations, again, Amy. Would love to hear how the delivery when -- know you waited a long time past the date and mentioned some bleeding after delivery. Glad all's well. Smelling that baby Julieanne Faith (I did remember that right, didn't I?) for me, would you? Ssssmmmmmm....aaaahhhh! :-)



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Yesterday just wasn't much to write home about. Well, we made chocolate chip cookies - that was nice - but my first thought in reply was that my favorite part of the day was the part when I was still asleep! :rolleyes:


TODAY....however....everyone in the house is fever free. Now, that's good news!!


Thanks for this uplifting post, KIN



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