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I'm thinking of starting to drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily....

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I've heard of people sipping cider vinegar (or lemon juice) in their water on an on going basis throughout the day & dentists say it damages teeth to constantly be sipping it. However, if you just take whatever dose all at once it shouldn't be that much of an issue. Articles I've looked at go back & forth as to whether it is all that beneficial.


You might want to check into pomegranate juice instead. I've been reading up on its benefits & it sounds very good, more so than cider vinegar. (More antioxidants, helps control cholesterol, cuts down on plaque build up in arteries, helps with osteoarthritis) I guess it depends on what you need though.



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My husband was doing this for about a year and then it started to upset his stomach so he stopped. During the time he took it he was very healthy and feeling great so I can't say what happened to all of a sudden upset his stomach but you might want to look out for that. Maybe the acidity just got to be too much? No clue.

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If you do this, get the organic cider vinegar with the mother (It's a white cloudy aspect of the vinegar, have no clue why it's called the mother). That's the most nutritious kind. And, be aware, it's going to burn like firewater going down. I'm told this sensation goes away, but I've never taken it long enough to find this out!

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If you do this, get the organic cider vinegar with the mother (It's a white cloudy aspect of the vinegar, have no clue why it's called the mother).


Yes, make sure it is organic and raw, not pasteurized. I take it off and on in the mornings with warm water. I don't mind the sour taste. It is supposed to create an alkaline ph, not an acidic one. Like lemons. I just read a book about all the wonderful things it is supposed to do for you. I feel better when I do ACV or lemon in warm water, but It is a general feeling and could just be because I think it is good for me.:) Anyway, 1tsp in water 30min before meals is for weight loss. It has pectin in it like an apple and is supposed to decrease your appetite. Let us know if it works. I can never remember to take it at the right time. :)

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Every morning I take 2 tsp. of organic apple cider vinegar (the kind with the mother in it, which as they said, is a very important distinction) and 2 tsp. of blackstrap molasses in about 4 oz. of whatever kind of tea I'm drinking that day. It's not fun, but I've gotten used to it, and the benefits far outweigh that less than one minute of unpleasantness. I have not gotten sick in years, it controls sugar cravings, and most of all, gives me energy to make it through the day without falling asleep during read alouds or needing to take a nap after lunch. I have arthritis and multiple foot problems (metartasalgia, Morton's neuroma, plantar fascitis) and it helps lessen the pain, too.


hth! google acv and you'll come up with loads of info.


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My friend insists it helps the immune response. She has her entire family do this when they've been exposed to a bug. She is especially diligent if there is a stomach bug going around.



I have found this to be true. Whenever I feel not right in my stomach, I take some and I have not been sick even when those around me are sick.

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a little less than one T RAW honey in about a cup of warm (not hot because that would kill the good enzymes in the raw honey) water, usually in the a.m. And yes, be sure it is the ACV with the mother-we use Bragg's. We seem to be sick MUCH less than our friends, but we also eat an all-natural, mostly organic diet, etc. I am sure the ACV helps though! (Not that you'd know it right now because we all have variations on scarlet fever and strep, but this is only the second time my dc have ever been on an antibiotic-the other time was for walking pneumonia!)

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So, what do you do exactly? Take it with a spoon? The thought of that totally grosses me out! Is there a more palatable way to take it?


I started taking it a couple of weeks ago. What I found suggested online was to take two Tbsp. three times a day in a "cocktail" sort of thing. Two Tbsp. honey with the cider vinegar in a glass of water. I chugged it back before each meal and whether it was the vinegar or the water, I began eating less (probably had more to do with the fact that my tummy was full of water.)

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What I've read is to take 2 TBS of organic ACV (Bragg's) in a shot-glass amount of grape juice. Some say it tastes like wine and is more palatable that way. I drink it with a straw (and drink water afterwards) so it doesn't affect my teeth too much.


It does give you energy and lessen sugar cravings. It boosts your immune system too.


I've also read that gargling with ACV will kill the strep germ that causes strep throat. Haven't tried THAT one yet as I can't imagine gargling the stuff! :eek:


I haven't done it in a while, but obviously need to, as I'm craving sugar like crazy!

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ward off bugs. I find it especially helps me, not get what the family gets. :D I don't take it daily, but at the first sign of a tickly throat, or whenever "Somethin" is going around. I take one teaspoon full two or three times a day.


My dr. suggest this and yogurt all the time. )NOT( together.:eek: My first does was the worst dose. Now I'm pretty used to it.

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:confused: What is the best dose? It doesn't sound like I want to take more than I need to because of the taste. :p


Well, I really like the taste! (Mixed in water.) I find it refreshing.


I use the Bragg's, about 1 tsp mixed in a cup of water. Any stronger and I don't like it much.

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