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Pop culture catch phrases

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Someone put the funniest tag on another thread


whatchu talkin bout Willis?


It cracked me up, but it also brought back really vivid, nostalgic memories of the era when that catch phrase was so popular.


What other pop culture catch phrases can you remember?


Big prize** for the one who can reach back furthest in time.


**Prize may be smaller than indicated -- miniscule even to the point of non-existant.

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Don't forget:


Tastes great! Less filling!


Oh, and what about:


I couldda had a V-8!


Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is!

My grandmother told me that in the 30s there was an ad for Life Bouy soap, which, I believe, was where the term B.O. was coined: "Now I know the awful truth. I have B.O." And the first part, about the awful truth, was very popular.

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My grandmother told me that in the 30s there was an ad for Life Bouy soap, which, I believe, was where the term B.O. was coined: "Now I know the awful truth. I have B.O." And the first part, about the awful truth, was very popular.


Is that anything like "Simple chronic halitosis"??


What product was associated with that? Scope?

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Well, that last one was just a tv commercial, but people said/sang it to each other all the time. It was McDonald's for those of you that didn't recognize it.


Other words/phrases that I've heard my grandparents use:








Both meaning great/cool/awesome

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Where's the beef?

(I worked at Wendy's when that was popular:tongue_smilie:)


I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV


Good night, Johnboy


Consume mass quantities

(DS watched The Coneheads this weekend and learned where one of my favorite phrases comes from.)


Let them eat cake



(my mom said that all the time)


Gag me with a spoon


I was trying to think of the so-you-can sleep medicine, one -- aching coughing sneezing dripping --whatever it is. I have a friend who uses that all the time.

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Two all beef patties

Special sauce, lettuce, cheese,

pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun. (sung quickly and to the proper tune)






Big Mac, fillet-o-fish, quarter pounder, french fries

Icey coke, thick shake, sundaes and apple pies


(also must be sung to the proper tune)

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Well, that last one was just a tv commercial, but people said/sang it to each other all the time. It was McDonald's for those of you that didn't recognize it.




Not only do I remember it, I can still sing it backwards!



How about:


Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, special orders don't upset us, all we ask is that you let us serve it your way...


have it your way, at Burger King

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Someone put the funniest tag on another thread


whatchu talkin bout Willis?


It cracked me up, but it also brought back really vivid, nostalgic memories of the era when that catch phrase was so popular.


What other pop culture catch phrases can you remember?


Big prize** for the one who can reach back furthest in time.


**Prize may be smaller than indicated -- miniscule even to the point of non-existant.

My husband used to say "whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?" all. the. time. And he even called our kids Willis. One time, he was throwing a ball around with them in a resort pool and he kept saying, "Here ya go, Willis!" and "Catch this one, Willis!" There was a kid in the pool that kept looking at my husband, so dh invited the kid to play with them. Come to find out, his name was Willis! I thought dh was going to drown, he was laughing so hard. "Your name really IS Willis???"


Oh, my.



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Live long and prosper


Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated


(Star Trek)


"Luke, I am your father"

(Star Wars)


You're fired! (Apprentice)



De Plane, boss, de plane!

(Fantasy Island)


They're baaaaaaaa-aaaaack!



It's not a tu-mah

kindergarten cop






Big bucks, big bucks, no whammies...

(game show)


Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!

Clap on clap off



Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars



There can be only one!



nanoo, nanoo

mork and mindy


someone's in trouuuubbllllleee (Tootie)

I've got another one of my *brilliant ideas* (Blair)

facts of life



survey says! (BEEEEP)

family feud


Could it be.... SATAN?

church lady skit on SNL


Yeah, that's the ticket

john lovitz SNL


You, you look mahvelous

billy crystal on SNL

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