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s/o done having children

Guest 4boys

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So here is my next question: Has anyone decided they were done and then not done anything permanent about it? And are not planning to in the future?

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we know we are done due to advanced maternal age and complicated pregnancies. Babies 2 & 3 were twins, so I have a vertical incision in my uterus, and dear baby #4 decided to lay transverse for a good bit of my pregnancy - not a good setup. Don't wanna do that again.


If we had started younger, I think I could have handled about 5 kids max, based on my personal temperament and energy level.


As far as permanent prevention, well.... since I've had two c-sections, a vaginal birth (with a, whaddayacallit, class 4 episiotomy?) as well as a miscarriage, I've let hubby know that I feel strongly it is *his* turn to take one for the team. So I don't personally plan to do anything about it. That said, I don't feel I can nag him into it. But it's been pretty boring around here lately, if you know what I mean...

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I can't say 100% that we're done... but we're not planning on anything permanent.... We are going to be a LOT more cautious though. DH has said that if I felt really strongly about it, he'd "take one for the team." But, I feel funny, being "this close" to a natural end to the cycle to go there now!

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I'm not 100% sure that I don't want any more kids, so we haven't done anything permenant, but I discussed it with dr. last year after my 4th miscarriage. I was really annoyed that he suggested that I should have a procedure instead of dh because a vas. could cause long term pain. I've had monthly pain for nearly 30 years. I had 4 full-term pregnancies, natural childbirth, with no meds for the last 3 deliveries, and 4 miscarriages, 2 of them requiring a d&c, 1 of those involving hemorraging, and 'I' should be the one to have major surgery instead of dh having outpatient because a vas. 'may' cause long-term pain. Hello! I still have menopause to look forward to! Boy, was I pissed off at that dr. when I left his office. At least it wasn't dh making that suggestion. I probably would have clobbered him.


Sorry. That was kind of off topic. I just had to vent.


Anyway, nothing permentant done so far, but still considering it in the back of my mind. I would, of course, go to a different dr. though!

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We would not ever do something permanent, as it is against our religion.

Same here. Our reasons for not desiring more children include fatigue, lack of energy, feeling overwhelmend, and, most importantly, health issues. We are, however, open to possibility of our situation changing (even though, at age 45, that window is getting smaller.)

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That's us!


With three younguns', we're tapped out :) Neither of us, however, are willing to undergo any procedures. It is even more complicated, because my mom had breast cancer with hormone receptors. IOW, she got breast cancer from taking estrogen. So! I don't take any pills or anything with hormones. Oh, and he's allergic to latex! Woohoo!


So, we don't plan on anymore, but the BC options in the house are severely limited and we aren't willing to get cut. Let's see how long this lasts!

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Well I'm 29 today and will be having our last in less than three weeks. We both KNOW we don't want to do this pregnancy thing again, but somehow the idea of disconnecting the system doesn't feel right. Dh sees it as unnecessary surgery. For me it's more of a feeling than a thought. I guess it's because I'm only 29 and really would like more kids. I just don't want to assemble them myself.



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We would not ever do something permanent, as it is against our religion. Also, since our reason for not having more could change (finances) we might at some future point decide that we would like to have more.


Same here, although finances isn't our reason. But like Cathmom, it's possible we could change our minds in the future.

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As we speak, I am recovering from emergency surgery to remove a ruptured ectopic conceived on the Mirena IUD.


We are 90% sure we don't want any more pregnancies. If we decide to adopt, we know we won't want any more pregnancies.


Still, we're not sure about sterilization. After 4 births and having one tube taken, *I* will not be messing around with my insides anymore. Dh is willing to do the vas, but I think we'll be waiting a few more years, just to make sure we don't change our minds. Because we HAVE changed our minds twice before!

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We both agree we don't want any more, but you never know what the future will bring. We have two boys and our little girl. Pregnancies have been very easy for me and I believe in natural childbirth. I have short labors too (I know you will all hate me for this--my sister does). But lack of financial resources, lack of energy, and the desire to be more mobile some day keep us repeating the mantra, "no more for us."


I will not do any surgeries to my body. My husband said that he would take on the responsibility when the time came, since I carried and delivered the babies, but we have yet to see that day. I think we'll wait another ten years to be really sure. For now, the IUD is a good choice. I don't do well on birth control, so mine doesn't have the hormones. Quick easy procedure. No extra schedules to worry about.

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I didn't write anything in the other thread, but I thought I was done having kids..

My husband and I hadn't be doing anything to prevent pregnancy for years and years so I just assumed we were done since it wasn't happening.

Low and behold we now have a 9 month old that is such a blessing to our family.

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We were done after our second. We had a boy and a girl. I was 35yo. We were done. But, we didn't "do" anything about it.


We sold all the baby stuff except the crib because I "knew" that if I got rid of the crib, I'd get pregnant.


Finally, six years later, when I was 41, I gave the crib to our niece. We were done, after all!


I was pregnant within a month!


We were blessed with our little bundle of joy when I was 42.


Last year, I did something about it (got an IUD).


Now, we're done. :)


Moral: If your done, do something about it. ;)

Edited by Suzanne in ABQ
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