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Surgery Day!


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My gallbladder caused pancreatitis last week, and I’ve been in the hospital since Saturday. But today is surgery day - finally will be free of this troublesome gallbladder! 
I’m a bit nervous, but mostly excited to eat again and go home! (Hopefully discharged tomorrow!) 

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Thank you all! ❤️❤️❤️

my surgery was around 5 yesterday and I ended up staying the night. I was in pain and exhausted, and pretty much slept for 14-15 hours. I woke up a bit this morning, but it’s been slow, lots of dozing. So far I’ve had 2 meals today, so now I’m feeling much better. I’m hoping they can release me tonight, since I am more alert and have eaten. We will see! 

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Well, I am home! My kids were so excited! My teenagers sat in my room and talked to me for a couple hours and I was trying so hard to stay awake. Still in pain, but I’m a terrible patient that hates pain meds, so I suffer through it. At least I got some sleep in my own room without being bothered every couple hours. 
Most people have said this is an easy surgery to recover from, so I hope that is my experience.

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