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Celebrate with me!


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Celebrate with me!

I shared with you guys last summer about my job woes and leaving after a bait & switch, starting a job search that eventually netted a fairly good position close to home in AZ. Well, the ball began rolling with the job search where I had applied to some places out of state, too. One thing led to another, and today I'm sitting in a California hotel, starting my new job tomorrow. 

I won’t call it a dream job, but it is better than any position I would have imagined up for myself. I get to use my current skill set at the top of a great organization. They will be training me in additional duties that opens up 2 other avenues for advancement/future careers in this industry. I am considered management level, and I am a direct report to the CEO.

I'm super excited about all of this and its an amazing opportunity, one I wouldn't have thought possible last year, and I'm very grateful that I was able to open the door to it when it knocked. You guys know about the other parts of life that have taken unexpected turns; it feels like this is what I need to pull things together in this new reality.

I actually accepted the position last month, but with turning in a 4-week notice (Friday 10/27 was my last day), packing to move, prepping kid school stuff for this time, finding a short term rental, and the myriad of things that just come up in everyday life, I haven’t actually celebrated getting the job. Like, nothing.

Today is my last day of excitement before reality strikes, so to speak, lol, so I am taking the day to actually drink it in and enjoy the moment.


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