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Do you know people who believe US astronauts never landed on the moon?


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1 minute ago, Idalou said:

Do people see how a certain poster uses the same type comments about this as they did with the Holocaust remark? If only we'd open our eyes, if only...

This is a classic chicken-poop answer. They have no real answers, they will include no specific examples, they only splash what they think are intelligent words grouped together in a pretentious attempt at ???  

Too bad we don't have an emoji of a tiny troll, sitting in a recliner,  smoking a cigar while staring at themselves in a mirror.


I wish I had a cigar and a mirror:) I think you just described my twenties.

I do have a bonnie wee bairn sleeping on my chest 🥰, whilst another is reading Wind in the Willows. So, nope, not nearly as noir as you had imagined 😉

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To answer original question, I worked for large mainframe computer company with a young man in late 1980 who was convinced the moon landing was a hoax filmed in a field in middle of nowhere.  Someone mentioned religious fundamentalism in earlier; he was a  particularly zealous Jehovah’s Witness adherent who was an eager proselytizer.  He was in his mid 20s at the time.  Hope he came to his senses re conspiracy theories.  He is only person I have known who thought moon landing was hoax.

Edited by annandatje
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Nope. Never heard anyone say they believe this. However I wouldn’t be surprised if my dad does. He suffered a severe brain injury many years ago and has gone very far down the CT rabbit hole in the last few years. I try to keep the conversation on neutral things when we speak. 


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32 minutes ago, KidsHappen said:

Ok, so I am currently watching the Mythbuster's episode on the moon landing and they said that 20% of American believe it was a hoax. I am not sure where they got that statistic but I believe them. 

That episode came out about 15 years ago--here's something from 2019 which seems to say that it's somewhere between 5-22% and probably more like 5-11%.

I do think that part of the problem when viewing the footage is that people are unconsciously applying earth standards for how things should look on film.  But the footage doesn't look that way because it's being filmed in a place that has no atmosphere (sky is black during the day), that is extremely reflective, that has a weird powdery substance covering the ground, and that has very little gravity.  But instead of thinking that the weirdness of it all is due to those things, they decide it's fake--because that is their experience with weird things like that on film.

If the percentage of people thinking it was a hoax is going down (as the linked statistics may be indicating), it might be because the old guard is dying out and being replaced by folks for whom the idea of a moon landing is just normal.

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41 minutes ago, KidsHappen said:

Ok, so I am currently watching the Mythbuster's episode on the moon landing and they said that 20% of American believe it was a hoax. I am not sure where they got that statistic but I believe them. 

That number appears pretty inflated compared to most polls on the topic that I’m seeing. Several have found the number around 6%, with more of those under 50 believing it’s fake. Almost half of Russians don’t believe it though https://www.newsweek.com/moon-landing-hoax-russia-poll-1521595

Found this Guardian article that addresses the 20% statistic and says it came from a Fox News poll. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jul/10/one-giant-lie-why-so-many-people-still-think-the-moon-landings-were-faked
A particular bugbear in the Fox News documentary was a poll claiming that 20% of Americans believed the moon landing was faked. Launius says that polls tend to put the figure at between 4% and 5%, but it’s easy to phrase poll questions to achieve a more eye-catching result.”

From the same article: 

“belief in the moon-hoax conspiracy has blossomed since 1969. Among 9/11 truthers, anti-vaxxers, chemtrailers, flat-Earthers, Holocaust deniers and Sandy Hook conspiracists, the idea that the moon landings were faked isn’t even a source of anger any more – it is just a given fact.”





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On 8/22/2023 at 12:56 PM, popmom said:

Crazy you asked this today. Just last night I realized my dear cousin has been sharing posts from a “flat earther” who believes NASA lied to him. She and this guy and his followers all live in H’ville, AL no less. The Rocket City. 

She’s the only family I have that I’m not estranged from, so it really took the wind out of my sails to see that. She’s always been a little odd, but she’s intelligent and educated. Her father (phd in engineering) was the head of the jet propulsion lab at UAH for crying out loud. How does this happen???

I haven't met them.  I don't know anybody here who believes that, but I bet some of my dsil's! extended family does. After all, dd1 and dsil1 were talking about his part-time preacher cousin's weird alien from outer space beliefs and other strange beliefs.  They are not close anymore because the weirdness just got too much.  The cousin was homeschooled but I think these beliefs have developed way after that.  He wasn't spouting such weird stuff ten years ago.

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17 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

I haven't met them.  I don't know anybody here who believes that, but I bet some of my dsil's! extended family does. After all, dd1 and dsil1 were talking about his part-time preacher cousin's weird alien from outer space beliefs and other strange beliefs.  They are not close anymore because the weirdness just got too much.  The cousin was homeschooled but I think these beliefs have developed way after that.  He wasn't spouting such weird stuff ten years ago.

I usually think of Christian’s as not really believing in aliens so that’s interesting, that a part time preacher has weird alien beliefs.  I’ve heard a few people say they don’t believe in extra terrestrial life because the Bible doesn’t mention it.   

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6 minutes ago, Heartstrings said:

I usually think of Christian’s as not really believing in aliens so that’s interesting, that a part time preacher has weird alien beliefs.  I’ve heard a few people say they don’t believe in extra terrestrial life because the Bible doesn’t mention it.   

That is exactly what the four of us thought.  He is Southern Baptist.  The four of us are Presbyterians.  We thought he would be more of a  fundamentalist than us.  But because my dd1 married dsil1, we have expanded our knowledge of weird beliefs.  All sorts of them.  ANd not only weird beliefs but also very  offensive beliefs too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 minutes ago, Shoeless said:

Thought if this thread today when someone in a FB group asked for a flat-earth curriculum. 


Where is the fainting emoji when we need it?!

Such stupidity used to astound me. Sadly, it does not anymore.

Edited by ScoutTN
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4 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Where is the fainting emoji when we need it?!

Such stupidity used to astound me. Sadly, it does not anymore.

I left the group when the admin and others doubled down on why the question was ok, and how it was no one's business and didn't affect us. 

Nope nope nope. 

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On 8/26/2023 at 9:48 AM, EKS said:

If the percentage of people thinking it was a hoax is going down (as the linked statistics may be indicating), it might be because the old guard is dying out and being replaced by folks for whom the idea of a moon landing is just normal.

Well, my parents were born in the 1920s and my grandparents were born in the 1880s and they all believed it was real. I have never known anyone who thought it was a hoax, so I would suspect that a lot more younger people are questioning it, rather than those of us who actually lived through it as it was happening.

It never ceases to amaze me how many conspiracy theorists there are. I truly had no idea there were so many gullible fools who would fall for just about anything (and I'm not just talking about moon landings here!) 

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On 8/24/2023 at 1:56 PM, annandatje said:

To answer original question, I worked for large mainframe computer company with a young man in late 1980 who was convinced the moon landing was a hoax filmed in a field in middle of nowhere.  Someone mentioned religious fundamentalism in earlier; he was a  particularly zealous Jehovah’s Witness adherent who was an eager proselytizer.  He was in his mid 20s at the time.  Hope he came to his senses re conspiracy theories.  He is only person I have known who thought moon landing was hoax.

Never, in all my 50 years a a JW have I ever known anyone who believed the moon landing was a hoax.  

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5 hours ago, Catwoman said:

Well, my parents were born in the 1920s and my grandparents were born in the 1880s and they all believed it was real. I have never known anyone who thought it was a hoax, so I would suspect that a lot more younger people are questioning it, rather than those of us who actually lived through it as it was happening.

It never ceases to amaze me how many conspiracy theorists there are. I truly had no idea there were so many gullible fools who would fall for just about anything (and I'm not just talking about moon landings here!) 

You must have been a late life baby. You and I are the same age and my grandmother was born in 1910.

Edited by Scarlett
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I thought of this thread when I saw this article — did you know that astronauts left their poop on the moon??? I always assumed that they'd have brought it back with them — I'd read that even scientists in the Antarctic are supposed to pack out all their waste and not leave behind anything that could contaminate the environment, and I would have expected they'd be even more careful about the freaking moon, but no. All the missions just left bags of poop (and presumably other trash) behind, in order to reduce weight so they could bring back as many moon samples as possible.

Poop. On. The. MOON! 


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5 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

You must have been a late life baby. You and I are the same age and my grandmother was born in 1910.

Yes, I was, and my parents were, as well -- they were both the youngest children in their families, too. 

My dad's mom died when I was 17. She was 97. My grandfather was older than she was, but I never knew him because he died at age 69 (when my dad was 22.)

My own parents died in their 80s when my ds was only 8. I wish he would have had many more years with them because he was so close to them and saw them every day until they passed away. 😞  

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40 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

Never, in all my 50 years a a JW have I ever known anyone who believed the moon landing was a hoax.  

It's so weird to find out that people have friends and family who believe things like that, isn't it?  

It's a relief to not know anyone who believes it was a hoax. That's not something I would want to have come up as dinner conversation -- I wouldn't want to insult the person, but it would be pretty difficult to find a polite "pass the bean dip" comment when my head would be quietly exploding from the shock. I guess I would just try to quickly change the subject or something, because I couldn't possibly play along with their delusion!

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31 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

I thought of this thread when I saw this article — did you know that astronauts left their poop on the moon??? I always assumed that they'd have brought it back with them — I'd read that even scientists in the Antarctic are supposed to pack out all their waste and not leave behind anything that could contaminate the environment, and I would have expected they'd be even more careful about the freaking moon, but no. All the missions just left bags of poop (and presumably other trash) behind, in order to reduce weight so they could bring back as many moon samples as possible.

Poop. On. The. MOON! 


My guess is that they decided that since the moon only has an exosphere, very thin and can't support microorganisms from the earth, it wouldn't be a problem. 

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47 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

I thought of this thread when I saw this article — did you know that astronauts left their poop on the moon??? I always assumed that they'd have brought it back with them — I'd read that even scientists in the Antarctic are supposed to pack out all their waste and not leave behind anything that could contaminate the environment, and I would have expected they'd be even more careful about the freaking moon, but no. All the missions just left bags of poop (and presumably other trash) behind, in order to reduce weight so they could bring back as many moon samples as possible.

Poop. On. The. MOON! 


I'm never going to be able to look at the moon the same way again. 

Every time I look at a full moon, I'm going to think 🌑💩

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4 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

My guess is that they decided that since the moon only has an exosphere, very thin and can't support microorganisms from the earth, it wouldn't be a problem. 

Yeah, it's probably not really a biohazard, but it still grosses me out that I can never look at a beautiful full moon again without thinking "there's poop on that!" Like it wasn't enough that humans have totally crapped up this planet, we had to literally shit on the moon?!

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3 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

Yeah, it's probably not really a biohazard, but it still grosses me out that I can never look at a beautiful full moon again without thinking "there's poop on that!" Like it wasn't enough that humans have totally crapped up this planet, we had to literally shit on the moon?!

This is the same response my DH had when I told him. "Well, we've crapped all over earth, why not the moon!"

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2 minutes ago, Shoeless said:

I'm never going to be able to look at the moon the same way again. 

Every time I look at a full moon, I'm going to think 🌑💩

Same! I wonder if every time Neil Armstrong looked at the moon, he thought "I pooped on that." Like how bizarre would it be to know that your excrement was preserved forever on the surface of a celestial body that billions of current and future humans would look at every night. That's just a really really weird legacy!

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1 minute ago, Corraleno said:

Same! I wonder if every time Neil Armstrong looked at the moon, he thought "I pooped on that." Like how bizarre would it be to know that your excrement was preserved forever on the surface of a celestial body that billions of current and future humans would look at every night. That's just a really really weird legacy!

It will be a very confusing find for a future space traveler. 

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