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A new twist on the "what we're giving our husbands" theme:

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3 Army golf balls in display case. My 7 year old decided that is what she'd like to give Daddy and I found them on ebay.


Last year I took the girls (separately) to the Dollar Tree and gave them each $3 to purchase gifts for the rest of the family. They still talk about how much fun they had on their shopping trip.

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Took them shopping last night.:)


The two big kids went in together to get him the second season of Heroes. The 12yo also got him the new Harry Potter related book whatever that's called.:lol: The 16yo also got him The Dark Night and a half a package of socks. He was shocked to find out that a package of the type of socks dad wears was $20 and he'd alread spent about $40 so I kicked in the other $10.:lol:


I bought him a watch and a robe and, of course, a half a package of socks ;), and will put the baby's name on them.:)

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My kids are giving dh some concerts on DVD for his new home theater. Two are Blue Ray (which he really wanted). They got Foo Fighters, Bryan Adams, Live From Abbey Road and Bon Jovi. He already has U2 Elevation Tour and The Eagles, and he really enjoys watching them in his dark little theater room. I think it's like a little escape from reality for him.:001_smile:



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My oldest got him a shirt that says "I'm bringing Grumpy back" for our trip to Disneyworld next year.


My middler got him "A Christmas Story" movie.


My youngest got him a Home Depot gift card.


I got him nothing, 'cause he doesn't like to get gifts. Honestly, he would rather save the money.

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We went last night too. :)


The kids got dh a t-shirt from Target with Ghostbusters on it, and my 8 y.o. saw some Mario boxers that he just knew Dad had to have, so I caved and bought those too.


I think I'm getting pajamas again. Sigh. I will be properly delighted, but the pajama pants are always too short.



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3 boxes of gum i picked up at Costco - it's on marked to go away.


HE named a few things that are impossible for me to get him.... i have no money for one, and telling me a week before christmas that you want some set of hunting videos i need to order isn't really going to work.


He mentioned socks & underwear - so i'm thinking of adding that to the pile if i get any money.

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Thanks for sharing, and keep 'em coming.


I realized I forgot to say what my kids are doing.


They are cooperating on two items for his office. We bought a long wooden plaque and a wooden picture frame. My son used his woodburner to put my husband's name on the plaque and "2008" on the frame. My daughter is now working on painting the wood around the words/numbers. We haven't given him current pictures of them for a while, so we putting one of this year's Christmas photos in the frame.


It's one of the few gifts for him that I actually feel good about this year.

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My two DS thoughtfully chose books that they were sure DH would love to read to them...Peter Pan in Scarlet (a sequel by Geraldine McCaughrean) and more Charlie Bone books (which I don't care for but the three of them like).


This is only slightly less self-centered than last year, when the boys went in on a Star Wars Lego set that they thought DH would like to build with them. The thing is, he loved the idea!

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Dh got grouped in with Grandpa and the uncles this year....


Our dds are giving each of the men a Dessert of the Month. They'll wrap up some fudge for Christmas, then each month give the men a special dessert.


Along with that, the girls are giving Grandmom and the aunts a Meal of the Month. They'll wrap up a platter, then each month the girls will make a special meal for each woman (and her family).


The 7yods is making mugs for all 8 adults. You know, the kind where he draws a picture on paper and sticks it in between the mug and the holder? I got several for $1 each last year. :001_smile:

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