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What's YOUR weather like?


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It's about 75 degrees here in central AL. The bad thing is it's been really rainy so we can't take advantage of the warm weather to go to the park!



Also central alabama but no rain, just cloudy and very hot. We have been in shorts today.


I love our weather. We are suppose have temperatures in the high 20's to 30's Monday.

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The temp. with wind chill right now is -1! And, we are supposed to get 8-10inches of snow tomorrow, with another 8-10 on Friday. We already have snow, which does make for a pretty Christmas, but I could do without the bitter cold. Also, they name the snowstorms! Like hurricanes!!! I could see if it was a freak thing, like snowing in New Orleans or Texas-whatever, but WE LIVE IN WISCONSIN!!! Hello? We get snow every winter, all through the winter-no big news here.:rant:


Anyway, I am supposed to go to lunch and go shopping with a friend on Saturday-just us:party:So....please cross your fingers that all of the bad weather will be done by then, otherwise it's not going to happen for us for another month.:(

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Here is a view from my front door about 5 minutes ago :001_smile:


Wow! We are visiting Disneyland this week. We made it through Monday with our ponchos and but still ended up soaking wet. Today was miserable! It looks clear for the next few days though. yay! We've been seeing all the snow on TV up in the mountains around us.

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Here in "sunny" So Cal we are in the middle of a very cold (for us) storm. Highs in the 40s. We have a fire going and the humidifier. Tonight the snow level will be at 2000 feet which is very low, esp. for December. Usually people out here are still wearing shorts at Christmas!


Honestly, November was so hot that this cold weather is a welcome change. Although it sure feels like we've gone straight from summer to winter, skipping fall entirely!

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We live in the desert. It is 58 and we are having our first rain storm of the year. Do you know that one is hard pressed to even find a house with a fireplace out here???? :crying:


Wondering how the weather is in other places this week before Christmas....


We just got back home after our Turkey day/annual vacation/family visit. It was 91F/32C today around noon and has cooled to 72F/22C at midnight (current time). Good to be home again. :)

Edited by jamnkats
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Well, it's not too bad here right now. About 30 and no snow. My hubby is in NC and he said it was about 70 there today. However, my brother, the OTR driver, is heading through Donner Pass today and it's not looking so pretty there. I told him to make sure he had plenty of gas and food before heading in.

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Warming up finally. About 28 degrees Celcius which is lovely. A bit windy for my taste today, but whose complaining?

The weather here in Perth Western Australia is Mediterranean like California- hot dry long summers, cool, wet, short winters. I love it.


Oh 28C is a lovely temperature. Long, light pants and no jacket needed but not hot.

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Well, it was -9 F standing temp, much colder w/the wind chill this morning. Must be going to warm up soon because they are calling for 6"-10" more inches of snow tonight. Last week we had an unusual ridiculously warm day of about 40, melted the near foot of snow on the ground, and then that night there was a wind chill advisory as the temps dropped below zero with 35 mph winds; froze the melted snow...then it snowed over the top of that! Scary driving mess those days!

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We had 6" of snow here yesterday in VEGAS! It's the worst snow we've ever had and boy has it made a mess out of our town! We won't make it out of the 30's today. Our normal high is 60. We're cold and boy do I hate that snow! We're just not prepared to deal with it. My kids don't even have boots or mittens. We've never needed them! :o)

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Twelves inches, Traci? I'm jealous! Do you not get any major wind down there? We have, um, bare ground in some places, five feet high drifts in others...


I have to amend my answer from yesterday.

It's snowy. The flakes started falling at about 3AM, and we continue to get flurries this morning. It is lovely.


That does sound beautiful. I said to the boys yesterday that just once in my life I want it to snow "normally" up in north Whatcom County. Snow that falls gently from the sky, a lovely sight to behold. As opposed to snow blowing about in dangerous winds, scraping out your eyeballs.:glare:

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So, I'm temporarily in the "WHITE coast of Canada, eh?"


We got about 10 cm of snow yesterday. It's -4.


A coyote just ran through my side & front yards. He must be hungry. Our street is not plowed.


Yesterday, I went with the kids to a little hill & they tobogganed like crazy, while my malamute x dog went even crazier chasing them around. Now if only she'd get the hang of pulling the sleds, we'd be really hopping, but she just stands there in her harness looking expectantly, and then starts running in circles tangling up the lines.


We'll go back today after we finish schoolwork.


There are rumours of a white Christmas for Vancouver this year. That would be fun.


(Would it be terribly bad to say it might be nice if some of the relatives couldn't drive out to my place for dinner on Christmas Day because of the weather? Would it? Sigh. I thought so. Ok. I'll stop thinking that. )

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That does sound beautiful. I said to the boys yesterday that just once in my life I want it to snow "normally" up in north Whatcom County. Snow that falls gently from the sky, a lovely sight to behold. As opposed to snow blowing about in dangerous winds, scraping out your eyeballs.:glare:



Oh, that wind must be awful!

I would gladly share my pretty snow with you if I could. :)

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