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Well, guess who's job hunting.

Jenny in Florida

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I've been feeling unhappy in my current job for a variety of reasons but also unmotivated to really jump into job hunting because I am unconvinced doing the same thing (which I've invested a lot of time, money and energy in getting really good at doing) somewhere else would be any better. Simultaneously, I have consistently said that if I ever had to work for one particular person, I'd have to quit, because just sitting through meetings with him makes me hate my job and want to cry.

Today, my director (whom I adore and work really well with) let me know that this person has been promoted and is now her boss, meaning I also work for him.

Not only does this mean I will need to interact with him much more frequently, but it speaks volumes about the direction and culture of the company.

So, I'm done. I'm out. 

My husband, who overheard my conversation with my boss (we both work from home) came into my office and immediately suggested I start applying for jobs. Today. I have spent the last two hours listening to online meetings with one ear while writing cover letters and uploading resumes on my personal laptop. 

I'm actually really sad about this, because my boss is the best manager I have ever worked for, and I value her friendship as well as our working relationship. However, I also know I cannot stick with the company now.

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7 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I've been feeling unhappy in my current job for a variety of reasons but also unmotivated to really jump into job hunting because I am unconvinced doing the same thing (which I've invested a lot of time, money and energy in getting really good at doing) somewhere else would be any better. Simultaneously, I have consistently said that if I ever had to work for one particular person, I'd have to quit, because just sitting through meetings with him makes me hate my job and want to cry.

Today, my director (whom I adore and work really well with) let me know that this person has been promoted and is now her boss, meaning I also work for him.

Not only does this mean I will need to interact with him much more frequently, but it speaks volumes about the direction and culture of the company.

So, I'm done. I'm out. 

My husband, who overheard my conversation with my boss (we both work from home) came into my office and immediately suggested I start applying for jobs. Today. I have spent the last two hours listening to online meetings with one ear while writing cover letters and uploading resumes on my personal laptop. 

I'm actually really sad about this, because my boss is the best manager I have ever worked for, and I value her friendship as well as our working relationship. However, I also know I cannot stick with the company now.

What a pain!

I admire your sense of integrity. 

If/when the timing is right, could you share your reason for leaving with your immediate supervisor? Perhaps she could provide some connections for you at other companies. 

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Funny story: My adult child who is staying with us for a couple of months just walked into my home office and said, "So, what if I just quit my job?"

They have also been miserable (and underpaid and undervalued) for a couple of years and reached their breaking point today.

It's going to be interesting around here for a few weeks.

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24 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Oh dear. I was thinking of you when I was typing my post, because I know you are also facing an unpleasant departmental reorganization. 

Crossing my fingers you find something better promptly.

Thank you. I'm hoping that things will move fairly slowly. I'll only jump if I find a good option - there's one excellent opening coming up in April. 

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37 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Funny story: My adult child who is staying with us for a couple of months just walked into my home office and said, "So, what if I just quit my job?"

They have also been miserable (and underpaid and undervalued) for a couple of years and reached their breaking point today.

It's going to be interesting around here for a few weeks.

I know some some people or one wouldn't want to encourage just quitting all the time, but I had a job where in hindsight I should have just quit even without a second job lined up. It took a huge toll on my mental health and probably costed me more (even financially) to stay there. 

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1 hour ago, Clarita said:

I know some some people or one wouldn't want to encourage just quitting all the time, but I had a job where in hindsight I should have just quit even without a second job lined up. It took a huge toll on my mental health and probably costed me more (even financially) to stay there. 

That's where they are, for sure. They have been semi-seriously looking for a new job for over a year but having trouble while struggling with mental health stuff scraping up the energy to really throw themselves at the project. They have not received (well-deserved) raises in quite a while and have been shut down when they asked about (an equally well-deserved) promotion. It's 100% time to move on, and it happens that they are staying with us for a couple of months, not paying rent and with no other significant expenses to worry about. So, there is this little window in which they could do nothing but job hunt full time and see what turns up.  

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3 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Funny story: My adult child who is staying with us for a couple of months just walked into my home office and said, "So, what if I just quit my job?"

They have also been miserable (and underpaid and undervalued) for a couple of years and reached their breaking point today.

It's going to be interesting around here for a few weeks.


2 hours ago, Clarita said:

I know some some people or one wouldn't want to encourage just quitting all the time, but I had a job where in hindsight I should have just quit even without a second job lined up. It took a huge toll on my mental health and probably costed me more (even financially) to stay there. 

My DH had one of those managers that was just impossible.  I can't tell you how many nights I took supper to him because literally worked all night long trying to meet impossible deadlines.  He had been job hunting for a while but nothing had come up and we couldn't afford not to have any income.  However, one day they brought in a new director (my husband was the current director and yes the new guy was introduce to DH with DH's title), next day DH was fired.  We went out to eat to celebrate.  Since he was "laid off", he could collect unemployment and that was enough to keep us going we just couldn't make it without anything (and if he quit he wasn't eligible for unemployment).  We had never been so thrilled to have DH fired in our lives!


I'm believing wonderful things are around the corner for you and your child.

Edited by cjzimmer1
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