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Baby doll for 4 year old little girl

Just Kate

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I am participating in my city’s Christmas Blessings program and this year I will be shopping for a 4 year old little girl. On her “wants” list, she asked for a baby doll, but no specific brand. Is there a certain type of doll you would recommend for this age? My dd is 15, so it’s been a while for us. 

The little girl also asked for LOL Surprise and Paw Patrol, so if you have any specific suggestions there, I would appreciate it. 

I also plan to get her at least one outfit, pajamas, socks, undies, and a coat. If there is anything else that you think a 4 year old little girl would love, please let me know!! 

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2 minutes ago, Tanaqui said:

As always, I would include at least one book. And if you're already getting her clothes, a hat and a pair of mittens with clips.

As for dolls, anything soft and cuddly with a few changes of clothes should be fine. I doubt she has a brand preference.

Yes…of course a book. Thank you!!!

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My dd got this doll on her 2nd birthday. It’s nice, but not overly expensive. I like it because it can fit newborn clothing. I’d buy a couple newborn outfits to go with it too. Real baby clothes seems so much more fun than doll clothes.

Fun fact: we were reading chicken little around the time she got it, so it’s name is Cocky Locky. 🤣

Edited by Elizabeth86
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1 hour ago, Elizabeth86 said:

My dd got this doll on her 2nd birthday. It’s nice, but not overly expensive. I like it because it can fit newborn clothing. 

I love dolls and this one looks perfect to me. 

ETA: KSera has a good point about size. I'd get one similar but a bit smaller, like the one KSera linked. 

Edited by MercyA
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For a 4 year old, I would personally go with a 12 or 14” doll. Those were the sizes that got the most play with my kids, even though we had nice newborn size dolls as well. They can be carried on outings and such much more easily. Target has dolls similar to the 18” one in a 14” size, at a range of price points depending how many accessories. This is one of the more expensive: https://www.target.com/p/madame-alexander-small-wonder-14-34-bed-time-story-set/-/A-83351915#lnk=sametab


That said, I’d also consider a 12” Corolle doll. 

With Paw Patrol, it depends how much you want to spend. The big “wow” Paw Patrol gift would be the lookout tower. Otherwise, a playset that includes all the dogs would be ideal if you don’t know which is her favorite. 

This is the more reasonably priced of the towers: https://www.amazon.com/Paw-Patrol-Adventure-Exclusive-Die-Cast/dp/B0848FXJ41/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=384PSFH1WBX3&keywords=paw+patrol+tower&qid=1669309556&sprefix=paw+pat%2Caps%2C174&sr=8-4



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The LOL line consists of OMG* dolls (very grown-up looking, fashion-doll size), Tween dolls (like the jr. high version of OMG dolls), Dolls / Tots (the little girl dolls that come with surprises, packaged in balls), Lil Sisters (tiny babies), and pets.

There are also Mini versions of the Dolls, Lil Sisters, and Pets. Those are less like dolls and more like little figures. I wouldn't get the minis; they do not have as much play value and they don't have clothes to swap.

For a four year old, I would definitely get her the Dolls kind that come in balls with surprises. I'll link some good deals soon.

Great deals if you want a gift on the larger size; both come with a Doll and a Lil Sister. With these sets, you know which dolls you are getting.



*Stands for Outrageous Millennial Girls 😉 

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More LOL:

Candy series dolls (surprise doll, will be one of twelve):

Hair Goals series dolls have rooted hair (surprise doll, will be one of nine).

Fashion series dolls (surprise doll, will be one of twelve)

There are lots of other series as well. If it were me and I were buying two balls, I'd get them from different series to make sure she didn't end up with two of the same doll. They will be able to wear each other's clothes regardless.

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12 inch was my DD’s favorite—Corolle had some great ones back in the day that were cuddly and portable.  My mother gave her a bigger American Girls baby doll and she never played with it.  It was too big to hold well, and not cuddly at all.

The Corolle ones were in the Tendre Calin series.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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5 minutes ago, Wishes said:

I would go for a brown baby doll. If the child is bipoc, that would be more appropriate. If the child is white, it is still a fine choice. They are more likely to have other toys with white personas.

The 14 inch Madame Alexander one I linked above is one of their medium skin tones, which is perhaps a nice in between choice for this situation. Corolle makes their 12 inch Calin dolls in a similar skin tone. (We have this one, which has been very well loved: https://www.amazon.com/Corolle-Premier-Bebe-Calin-Maria/dp/B082PHGPGD/ref=pd_aw_ic_dpcp_b_1_m_3?pd_rd_w=aLbyR&content-id=amzn1.sym.86e26518-2bc5-4821-a6b0-3f8f18b9b1f8&pf_rd_p=86e26518-2bc5-4821-a6b0-3f8f18b9b1f8&pf_rd_r=R8Y2QD0WXYQJY86WQ865&pd_rd_wg=tdGAR&pd_rd_r=e5ca3b3e-9706-4600-91fa-1b4a9f0bdc2b&pd_rd_i=B082PHGPGD&th=1&psc=1)


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6 hours ago, KSera said:

That said, I’d also consider a 12” Corolle doll. 


This is the doll we give each granddaughter on her first birthday. Our oldest is six now, and still loves this doll. It's soft and cuddly, and small but not tiny. 

ETA: There are brown ones too.

Edited by Jaybee
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8 hours ago, Elizabeth86 said:

My dd got this doll on her 2nd birthday. It’s nice, but not overly expensive. I like it because it can fit newborn clothing. I’d buy a couple newborn outfits to go with it too. Real baby clothes seems so much more fun than doll clothes.

Fun fact: we were reading chicken little around the time she got it, so it’s name is Cocky Locky. 🤣

This is a pretty doll. Thank you!! And I love her name ☺️

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1 hour ago, Just Kate said:

Thank you all so much!!! And thanks for including links. It is so amazing how toys change in just a few years…I was clueless about the lol dolls. I am so excited to shop for this little one ☺️

Just another thing to add. My youngest daughter is 4 and she literally likes EVERYTHING. You can’t go wrong with that age group!

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6 hours ago, Tanaqui said:

Sorry, Clarita, has it never not been "a thing"?

In terms of availability, yes.  There was a time it wasn’t really a thing unfortunately.  

When I was working as a nanny back in the 90s,  the vast majority of the dolls on the shelf were white dolls (usually blonde, redhead and brunette). There were Black and Asian dolls but considerably fewer and most often ONLY Black or Asian- it was very hard (not impossible but somewhat hard) to find any Brown, indigenous or bi-racial options.  They were available but only at specialty stores, very rare to see them at big box stores where average families buy dolls.  The “just like me” type dolls are great and you can basically match eye color, skin tone and hair but when they first came out, they were only available from prohibitively expensive brands and often only as a special order.

My niece is 20 and has Puerto Rican, Black and white ancestry. A close friend’s biracial daughter is the exact same age as my niece.   We couldn’t find a doll with a similar mix of characteristics for less than $125, which is a small fortune for a lot of families. At the lower price points, there were more options in the early 2000s than when I was nannying in the 90s but it was still noticeably skewed to white dolls with blonde, brown or red hair and then for each line, maybe one Black doll and one Asian doll.   The first times I saw a Latina doll and biracial dolls in a *wide selection of options* at a store like Target or KMart was memorable for me.  It happened right around the time my niece was too old for dolls.  🙃

It’s fantastic that lower cost, off the shelf options for a much wider range of skin tones, including biracial options and significantly more realistic hair texture are available.  Especially at that $25-50 price point vs the $150 options.  

Edited by LucyStoner
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9 hours ago, Tanaqui said:

Sorry, Clarita, has it never not been "a thing"?

I was not saying "a thing" sarcastically, just that nowadays most doll brands try to include a diverse set of dolls so one would not have to steer themselves toward a particular brand to find this.

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4 hours ago, Clarita said:

I was not saying "a thing" sarcastically, just that nowadays most doll brands try to include a diverse set of dolls so one would not have to steer themselves toward a particular brand to find this.

I see. That sorta is how I read it, so thanks for clarifying, and I apologize for misunderstanding you.

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