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Adolf Hitler(child) and home schooling

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I was listening to a local radio show this afternoon and they were talking about the child whose parents name him Adolf Hitler. I'm glad I saw the message on here this morning so I knew what they were talking about.


The host was asking people if the kids should be taken away. A guy called in and said if they can't ban home schooling then they can't ban this either. The host said at least there are standards in home schooling. The caller said that these home schoolers are still teaching their kids their own stereotypes. The host agreed and started in on how all home schoolers are teaching their kids that everything revolves around the earth and the earth is flat. He also said that is their (home schooling parents) choice and its going to be hard to get their kids into college.


I find it very frustrating that they were comparing home schoolers to these people.


I want to add that all parents, even those with kids in schools can teach stereotypes. Schools teach stereotypes. It just depends on which side you are on whether you agree with them or not.



Edited by kwiech
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I always secretly love it though when they start ranting about homeschoolers not being prepared for college because I've been an adjunct professor longer than I've been homeschooling, and I'm in my eighth year teaching my own darlings. Teaching college is one thing that keeps me homeschooling -- I KNOW that I am preparing them just as well if not better than what I see in the classroom, even among the graduates of the pricey private schools in our area.


My favorite though are the times when I've been in a suit for some work-related function and they find out that I homeschool and ask where my denim jumper is! As if that's a homeschooling "uniform" that we never take off. I don't even own one, frankly.

Edited by GVA
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To be fair some folks do teach their children that man and dinosaurs walked the earth together, so the stereotype isn't always all wrong :D


*ducks to avoid incoming shoes*





To be fair many parents who send their children to public schools also teach their children the same thing.

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To be fair some folks do teach their children that man and dinosaurs walked the earth together, so the stereotype isn't always all wrong :D


*ducks to avoid incoming shoes*





I happen to be one of those people. BUT, I don't teach my child that the earth is flat or that everything rotates around the earth. The bible teaches the earth is round and that dinosaurs and people roamed the earth together. :auto: :w00t:


I also teach my child what most people believe about the creation of the earth and evolution. I want her to be able to pass tests in school and college even if we don't believe it.



Edited by kwiech
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I was listening to a local radio show this afternoon and they were talking about the child whose parents name him Adolf Hitler. I'm glad I saw the message on here this morning so I knew what they were talking about.


The host was asking people if the kids should be taken away. A guy called in and said if they can't ban home schooling then they can't ban this either. The host said at least there are standards in home schooling. The caller said that these home schoolers are still teaching their kids their own stereotypes. The host agreed and started in on how all home schoolers are teaching their kids that everything revolves around the earth and the earth is flat. He also said that is their (home schooling parents) choice and its going to be hard to get their kids into college.


I find it very frustrating that they were comparing home schoolers to these people.


I want to add that all parents, even those with kids in schools can teach stereotypes. Schools teach stereotypes. It just depends on which side you are on whether you agree with them or not.




I'm not sure that I even understand the caller. Teaching your children about the philosophies of white supremacy or a young earth isn't teaching a stereotype. If I teach my kids that all Asians are bad drivers, that's teaching a stereotype. When he says, "home schoolers are teaching their own stereotypes", he means, "home schoolers are teaching their own beliefs". Da#n straight we are. What's the problem with that?

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When I hear that kind of ignorant drivel about home schooling, it really doesn't bother me that much.


I have nothing to defend. My dd's life will speak for itself. When I am done educating her, she will be able to (a) think for herself; (b) speak for herself; © take care of herself; and (d) enjoy learning enough that it will be a lifelong process.


What does bother me about what was said is the fact that the host and caller found, in their own minds, enough common ground to lump together this family and home schoolers. That's like saying people should stop owning dogs because rats carry diseases.

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One word: ignorance.


More: I am always getting comments on how well-mannered, different, fabulous, etc. our eldest is. I'm not saying that to brag, but I've never received a comment that he's warped or anything.


I am his "step" mom, and all of his relatives at his graduation ceremony thanked me on the great job I had done raising him. You'd think they would be most unbiased in their opinion of his homeschooling experience.


He is very thoughtful (bought his grandpa and us (his parents) tickets to the Glenn Beck movie), kind (sent $200 in to World Vision for Christmas to buy a stocked pond for the less fortunate), responsible (worked nearly full-time and worked through homeschool high school).


As for college? He's doing the first two years at a local community college b/c he wants to make the best use of his money. He is paying for college with money he has earned -- all four years of it. He CLEPed out of two required college courses. He plans to enter law enforcement.


I'd love to get my hands on one of these ignorant people!

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I'm not shocked. Once we allow someone other than the parents to dictate how a child is raised, what is to stop them from not liking how you raise your child?


I'm raising my children totally against societal norms. If I am at all successful, they will never "fit it."


Who decides whether that makes me a good parent or an abusive parent? Whose standard do we use?

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What does bother me about what was said is the fact that the host and caller found, in their own minds, enough common ground to lump together this family and home schoolers. That's like saying people should stop owning dogs because rats carry diseases.


Well, I take it as a warning to protect the rights of people that are perceived as part of a fringe group even when we find their viewpoints unpalatable. Home schoolers are hardly mainstream.

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To be fair some folks do teach their children that man and dinosaurs walked the earth together, so the stereotype isn't always all wrong :D


*ducks to avoid incoming shoes*





To be fair, my 1yo is constantly walking around w/ dinosaurs. One in ea hand, or one huge one lugged around w/ both hands. :D


Stereotypes are never (I don't think) *all* wrong--they came from *somewhere.*


I think people who teach creationism, etc. have a legitimate argument w/ modern science, based partly on religion & partly on science (whether or not this science is valid, I realize, is another point of debate). I know a lot of people disagree w/ that, but...to say that thinking people who have a different idea about the origin of species than that which is commonly held are equivalent to racist parents teaching their children to hate seems like a stretch, ya know?

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To be fair some folks do teach their children that man and dinosaurs walked the earth together, so the stereotype isn't always all wrong :D


*ducks to avoid incoming shoes*






I just fell out of my chair. :lol:



But here's my response to the radio host, call-in person, etc (and not-so-Joy Behar while we're at it): :rolleyes:


Sometimes I accidentally listen to sports radio when they're talking about baseball, and you wouldn't believe the uninformed junk that flies around just talking about a sport. So I'm not surprised that people still think that homeschoolers are a bunch of nuts. 18 months ago, I was probably one of those people.


*ducks too*

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I'm not shocked. Once we allow someone other than the parents to dictate how a child is raised, what is to stop them from not liking how you raise your child?


I'm raising my children totally against societal norms. If I am at all successful, they will never "fit it."


Who decides whether that makes me a good parent or an abusive parent? Whose standard do we use?



...or I could have just posted one of these >>> :iagree:

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I'm not shocked. Once we allow someone other than the parents to dictate how a child is raised, what is to stop them from not liking how you raise your child?


I'm raising my children totally against societal norms. If I am at all successful, they will never "fit it."


Who decides whether that makes me a good parent or an abusive parent? Whose standard do we use?


It's funny where I live, we don't fit in with the social norms, and we are not CC's. So it really matters not how one educates their kids... the norm of an area varies even in the US.


I'm with you in hoping no one (whether CC, Pagan, etc) can ever use the power of the government to tell me how to educate my kids or live my life, as long as we are not causing others physical harm.


Mob rule is just that, no matter the mob's beliefs.

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When he says, "home schoolers are teaching their own stereotypes", he means, "home schoolers are teaching their own beliefs". Da#n straight we are. What's the problem with that?


darn tooten!

count me in that stereotype too!

teaching my kids what I believe?

oh the horrors of such an outragious and unique concept. :svengo:

both that I'd have my own beliefs

that I'd actually insist on teaching it to my kids

and that I'd want us to live it


I'm not shocked. Once we allow someone other than the parents to dictate how a child is raised, what is to stop them from not liking how you raise your child?


I'm raising my children totally against societal norms. If I am at all successful, they will never "fit it."


Who decides whether that makes me a good parent or an abusive parent? Whose standard do we use?



Well, I take it as a warning to protect the rights of people that are perceived as part of a fringe group even when we find their viewpoints unpalatable. Home schoolers are hardly mainstream.




You know what chaps me?

How often I hear in the SAME conversation something along the lines of this:


rant about how horrible kids/schools/society is these days

followed by "you're still homeschooling? Aren't you going to put them in school so they can be socially adjusted?"



compliments on how unusually great my kids are in some area: smart, manners, whatever pending the situation

followed by "you should put them in school so they can learn how to be like other kids. it's not normal for them to act like that. they aren't going to be able to survive with other kids their age."



#1 those are just a sampling of WHY I'd continue to homeschool

#2 the lack of common sense these people show in saying such things is also something I hope to correct in my children by homeschooling

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To be fair some folks do teach their children that man and dinosaurs walked the earth together, so the stereotype isn't always all wrong :D


*ducks to avoid incoming shoes*





And you would know because you distinctly remember that you created dinosaurs before humans, right?

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rant about how horrible kids/schools/society is these days

followed by "you're still homeschooling? Aren't you going to put them in school so they can be socially adjusted?"



compliments on how unusually great my kids are in some area: smart, manners, whatever pending the situation

followed by "you should put them in school so they can learn how to be like other kids. it's not normal for them to act like that. they aren't going to be able to survive with other kids their age."



#1 those are just a sampling of WHY I'd continue to homeschool

#2 the lack of common sense these people show in saying such things is also something I hope to correct in my children by homeschooling


Good Lord NO! The institutional mindset... erm I mean SOCIALIZATION of the schools is half the reason I homeschool.

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Well, in my state, I *could* teach my dc whatever wacky thing I wanted to, or teach them nothing at all. Nobody checks up on hs'ers in our state. this is incredibly good for most homeschoolers, who want their children to be well-educated, responsible, etc. However, there are a few wackados out there who use homeschooling as an excuse to teach nothing, warp their kids, whatever. I think, though, that these wackados would be warping their kiddos if they were public -schooled, private-schooled or whatever.

And yes, I know "warped" is in the eye of the beholder, so please don't read this post and think I'm talking about *you* (unless, of course you have named your kid Adolf Hitler or actually do teach that the earth is flat and the sun revolves around it :001_smile:)

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There is no sense in arguing over what parents teach their children because ultimately the parents are the authority. The standards were put into place to ensure that the SCHOOLS are giving our children an adequate education. They are accountable to US, not the other way around.


AMEN! :iagree:

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I taught a class of middle schoolers in a suburban public school. The class (a special ed. class of learning disabled kids) was 90% neo-Nazi. The boys (it was also 90% boys) let me listen to their music and I was shocked at the lyrics which praised Aryan beliefs etc. No, the school wasn't teaching them these beliefs. And from the way the boys talked, their parents weren't teaching them these beliefs either. But they had discovered websites, books, music etc. that all combined to influence them.

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