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Charlie horses/ calf muscle cramps at night- help!


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We’ve been eating mostly keto or low carb for the last few years. This fall I’ve been getting a ton of calf cramps at night. The only thing different is that I haven’t been doing my usual walking a few times a week due to a toe injury. I’m still walking and on my feet all day at work though, so it’s not like zero movement.

I’ve been drinking Gatorade and Nuun daily and today decided to forget low carb and had a banana, sweet potato, & an avocado (all high in potassium). I drink Calm magnesium every night already. I rarely eat dairy. I’m willing to adjust my diet and add those in more often.

Do supplements (potassium, magnesium, calcium) really help with leg cramps? Or how many days/weeks (?!)  do I need to try to add potassium or calcium rich foods to make these go away? They are so uncomfortable and wake me up. Ugh.

Will walking more again help? Stretching every night? I have a foam roller and a runners “stick” but they hurt to use even when my muscle is not cramping.


Edited by Hilltopmom
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Yes, magnesium and potassium will help with leg cramps. Trying to fix it today with those foods will probably help, but won't eliminate it for tonight. You need to be consistent with magnesium and potassium.

I follow this protocol - https://therootcauseprotocol.com/. They don't recommend the calm because it's citrate and can cause other health issues. 

For potassium, I take this daily - https://www.jigsawhealth.com/products/adrenal-cocktail-wholefood-vitamin-c

I also take the Jigsaw B free magesium from the same place. 


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You may be altering your walking pattern due to the injured toe and working your calf muscles a little differently. Are you able to wear your normal footwear with the toe injury? I'll sometimes get cramps if I'm not wearing my good walking shoes. Stretching and rolling the calf muscles will probably help, and stretching when the cramps come.

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Keep magnesium spray in your night stand and apply when you get into bed and/or when you are actively cramping?

My husband has this problem, too. 

I’m thinking if foam rolling and the stick are painful, you do have some tight areas that need to be worked out. Maybe a massage gun would be more efficient and effective than a stick or a roller? Maybe daily massage with a gun would help. 

Edited by Indigo Blue
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My muscle cramps coincide with eating salty things in the evening. So eating a small package of seaweed in the day is okay but if I eat before sleeping, I better drink coffee after that or I wake up with calf cramps. 
I am a side sleeper and sometimes a stomach sleeper. That is supposed to make cramps worse. So now I try to remember to flex my toes inwards (towards me) before sleeping and when I wake up. 

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my cousin who is on a vegan keto diet has frequent calf cramps due to hypoglycemia. for her, eating a few meals with carbs or drinking a fruit smoothie fixes the problem immediately. So, that is something to keep in mind since you are eating a keto diet as well.

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5 hours ago, catz said:

I use this magnesium lotion on my legs and I think it does help.  


I bet your change in movement threw something off for you, my body is fussy this way too.  I almost always wake up now if I don't get out for a walk and am more prone to leg cramps or restless legs.  

A change in shoes can do this to me, especially if I’ve gotten into a rut of wearing the same pair daily and then switch to another pair. I prefer to go barefoot, but I also prefer not to end up on the People of Walmart page. 😂

Thanks for the link to the lotion. Do you think this would help with stuff/creaky wrists?

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I think I'm low in magnesium and bought a lotion. I read that it absorbs faster through the skin (vs supplements). 

This is the one I have: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MFA39FE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I haven't used it religiously so I cannot give an accurate review, but it can't hurt to add to your routine. Also, the act of massaging the lotion in probably helps. 


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