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What - comically - stupid thing have you done this week?

Laura Corin

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1 hour ago, Green Bean said:

The moral to many of these stories? Lock your car!

It only works if the other key won't open your door. There are a limited number of keys made for different cars, I think.

I can't remember the details of my look alike car story because it's been too long, but I am gratified to know I'm not the only one. We had a car that was super common in make, model, and color for a while, and it was crazy.

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On 6/5/2022 at 9:00 AM, elroisees said:

I'm sorry about the yogurt thing. Tragic! And the sugar...what a mess.

I opened someone else's car door in a parking lot. In my defense, I had been looking at a free book cart and thinking about my plans for next year's school stuff.

It wasn't the same color as my car, nor was it the same height or shape! And another person walking past saw me do it! I slammed the door, yelled, "This isn't my car! I've lost my marbles!" and headed to my suv. How embarrassing. 

I totally did this one time, although it was the same make and color as my car. But I actually sat in the car and started to put on the seatbelt. Then I wondered why there was a hat and a leather jacket on the passenger seat. Then it dawned on me that the interior was different from my car! 

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45 minutes ago, kbutton said:

It only works if the other key won't open your door. There are a limited number of keys made for different cars, I think.

I can't remember the details of my look alike car story because it's been too long, but I am gratified to know I'm not the only one. We had a car that was super common in make, model, and color for a while, and it was crazy.

And yes to the key thing, because I literally opened the car that was not mine with my key. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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2 hours ago, skimomma said:

This was a long time ago but I once had to pick up a dc from a  summer camp that was far FAR away and involved a ferry ride to shave 7 hours off the drive.  I left having two hours to spare to catch the ONLY ferry for the day.  I was cruising along, feeling like I was making pretty good time so I stopped at a cute cafe for an unplanned lunch.  Later, when I crossed the time zone border, I realized I had calculated the time change in the opposite (WRONG) direction and even if I drove at top speed, I likely would not be able to catch the ferry!  I panicked and stepped on the gas while calling the ferry line to warn them that I would (might) be coming in hot assuming I even made it.  I drove so fast, it was insane!  The whole time, all I can think about is how heartbroken dc would be that I missed their final performance and that they would have to sit around for hours waiting of me to drive around a giant lake.  I made it by literally seconds.  I now triple check my time zone math then have someone ELSE check it for me again!

OMG, I would SO do that! 

When I was flying to Paris, I had a momentary sickened panic because I was supposed to be departing February 12th, but my ticket was for 12/2/20. I spent a good fifteen minutes thinking I had just booked the tickets for December…and then I remembered in France, the day is first, month is second. Shew! 

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17 minutes ago, Quill said:

OMG, I would SO do that! 

When I was flying to Paris, I had a momentary sickened panic because I was supposed to be departing February 12th, but my ticket was for 12/2/20. I spent a good fifteen minutes thinking I had just booked the tickets for December…and then I remembered in France, the day is first, month is second. Shew! 

Oh my God, you Americans with your unlogical date writing got me all confused at the beginning, too.:laugh:

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5 hours ago, Green Bean said:

The moral to many of these stories? Lock your car!

My son, after opening the door of a van that wasn't ours, was shocked to discover that people don't lock their doors, until I told him that we don't either. (We live in a pretty rural town). I told him, "What are you worried they're going to steal? The diaper bag?"

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16 minutes ago, LauraClark said:

My son, after opening the door of a van that wasn't ours, was shocked to discover that people don't lock their doors, until I told him that we don't either. (We live in a pretty rural town). I told him, "What are you worried they're going to steal? The diaper bag?"

We almost never lock our car doors because we've found it's actually safer.  There have been several times when every other car in a parking lot got a window broken, but ours had no damage.  Back in 1999, I had my car cds stolen, which was annoying, but they were primarily Taize chants and Christian rock music, so I kinda figured they needed them more than we did.  

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1 minute ago, Terabith said:

We almost never lock our car doors because we've found it's actually safer.  There have been several times when every other car in a parking lot got a window broken, but ours had no damage.  Back in 1999, I had my car cds stolen, which was annoying, but they were primarily Taize chants and Christian rock music, so I kinda figured they needed them more than we did.  

I can't even imagine the reaction of the thieves when they discovered what treasures they had stolen. 😂

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On 6/6/2022 at 6:20 AM, Lillyfee said:

I think he knew what I meant because he knows me and that I would not go out yell over the street that we watch "that" :laugh:. At least I hope so.

My husband just thought it was the funniest thing.

I might clarify it the next time I see him or I just hope he knew what I meant. 


I wouldn’t stress - this is the kind of thing people who are native speakers here say all the time. Sometimes someone might make a bit of a joke out of it but people know from context what it means. I actually heard this exact thing go down on an afternoon radio show last week, where one the hosts said they watched an “adult movie” and the other one made a joke about it.

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I wanted to make cherry jello one day and thought my new Tupperware salad dressing shaker would work well to mix up the jello. So I poured the jello mix in, followed by the hot water, sealed it shut, and shook it to mix. What I didn't take into account was that hot water causes the air to expand, so as I'm merrily shaking my jello, it explodes. I had hot red cherry jello all over me, the floor, the counters, and the cabinets. After that experience, I think I got rid of that shaker! 

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4 minutes ago, Tree Frog said:

I wanted to make cherry jello one day and thought my new Tupperware salad dressing shaker would work well to mix up the jello. So I poured the jello mix in, followed by the hot water, sealed it shut, and shook it to mix. What I didn't take into account was that hot water causes the air to expand, so as I'm merrily shaking my jello, it explodes. I had hot red cherry jello all over me, the floor, the counters, and the cabinets. After that experience, I think I got rid of that shaker! 

I couldn't 😄 and it wasn't quite 😢, i quoted you to say 😲🥺

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3 minutes ago, SusanC said:

I couldn't 😄 and it wasn't quite 😢, i quoted you to say 😲🥺

I was totally laughing at myself! It was base housing from the 50's and easy to clean up. We had metal cabinets that I could easily wipe down and linoleum on the floor. I'm not sure, though, if I ever got it off the ceiling. 

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On 6/6/2022 at 8:47 PM, SusanC said:

I had second thoughts about my post, but I can't remove the quote box. Sorry!

Click on the quote box. A small square with a + will appear at the upper left corner of the box. When it does, tap the back button on your keyboard. 

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Our library has done a major remodel and our young adult librarian was showing me one of the new, beautiful, high-tech meeting rooms. I saw some metal panels in the middle of the meeting table which were clearly meant to flip open. I said, "Oh, are those trash cans?" He was so nice about it--"No, they are charging stations..." :blush: 

Trash cans. SMH. 

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8 hours ago, Tree Frog said:

I wanted to make cherry jello one day and thought my new Tupperware salad dressing shaker would work well to mix up the jello. So I poured the jello mix in, followed by the hot water, sealed it shut, and shook it to mix. What I didn't take into account was that hot water causes the air to expand, so as I'm merrily shaking my jello, it explodes. I had hot red cherry jello all over me, the floor, the counters, and the cabinets. After that experience, I think I got rid of that shaker! 

I totally did this too, trying to make thickener for a sauce. Funny thing is, I actually did realize it would explode but I somehow thought I could do it fast enough to finish. 🙃 When my flour-and-cooking-liquid burst from the shaker, I was like…”I mean, I knew that…” 

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We had our Honda Pilot for over a year before we figured out how to open the back window.   We looked around and then just assumed it didn't open.  There was no button for it on the remote, no button in the car, the manual just mentioned a button on the remote if you had that option.   Then I was reading a kayaking forum for ideas on how to transport a kayak in a Honda Pilot and someone mentioned the window, so I did some Googling and there's a tiny button under the little ledge over the top of the license plate area.   

I've been stung by multiple European Hornets.  We had them in the wall next to our fireplace, could hear them buzzing in the house.  We used to keep our trash cans next to the fireplace outside and one day I threw out a bag of trash and ended up getting at least one, maybe more, caught in my hair.  Multiple stings on my scalp and it hurt like crazy.  I was taking benedryl, advil, icing it.  It was really painful and dh was out of the country and I was home alone with the kids.  

Now that I think about it, I was injured a lot when dh was out of the country.   I badly sprained (thought I broke) my ankle stepping on a wood beam that rolled under my foot, the hornets, thought I broke my elbow.  Good thing he didn't travel very often.  

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12 hours ago, Terabith said:

We almost never lock our car doors because we've found it's actually safer.  There have been several times when every other car in a parking lot got a window broken, but ours had no damage.  Back in 1999, I had my car cds stolen, which was annoying, but they were primarily Taize chants and Christian rock music, so I kinda figured they needed them more than we did.  

I had my car broken into once. They stole my change but left the CDs. I felt kind of judged 😅

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I thought of another one.  Our current house is 130+ yo, so it has "quirks."  Lots of them.  The attic space is unfinished and we only use it for storage.  There was wiring and lights up there but we searched the entire attic and the floor below and could never find a light switch for them.  But they would sometimes be on and sometimes off!  One time they were on for weeks and we could only shut them off by removing the bulbs (as other needed things were on the same circuit).  Of course, I would screw them in to look for something up there, they would not come on, and I would forget to unscrew them....then days/weeks later they would be on again!  I assumed ghosts (naturally) or some seriously bad electrical problems.  Dd was toddler at that time and she never napped so we had daily "quiet time" where she spent 30 minutes in her room.  One day, I came up to check on her and she was inside her closet playing with something tucked into the wall out of sight from the accordion doors.  A light switch!  The two-year mystery had been solved!  Doh!

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