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2021 Year in Review - Day 15


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16:8 intermittent fasting. I am no longer hungry before noon, so just start the day with lunch. I needed to create a sustainable eating pattern now that my body needs fewer calories (thank you so much perimenopause). I am a healthy weight, but kept going up 3 pounds and then having to lose 3 pounds over and over again for the past 2 years, and I was constantly thinking about food because I wanted more than my body needed. Intermittent fasting is long term sustainable for me. The first month was hard, but now I feel ill if I eat before noon. And the yoyo-ing has stopped.

Edited by lewelma
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Walking almost daily 

Eating until I'm mildly not quite full 

Really taking good care of my dental health ( I personally used all our benefits for the year!) 

Allowing myself to eat what I crave within reason, like one piece of chocolate (instead of the entire box)

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Re-forming good habits. 

Work out consistently. I used to swim 5/6 days a week. Pandemic sort of threw that out of whack. I had a hard time exercising consistently as I found nothing I liked to do every single day. Now I row on a machine 6 days a week. Bonus, started rowing on water as well as in kayaking.

Hydration. Bought one of those bottles that are marked with levels. Easier to remember.

Wearing a fitness watch. I used go back and forth on the need for it. Now I wear one consistently. It helps me track things I need to especially sleep. Also the motivation to move more.

Walk outside regardless of weather. This is a big one as I am a weather diva especially cold. 

Cook varied meals at home. Eat around the world was more go to different restaurants of varied cuisines. Now that it is not possible much, learned to cook really varied cuisines at home.

I am recovering news junkie. I love reading different newspapers from around the world and would spend time on the weekends especially. Now only breaking news alerts to keep informed, no more deep dive into news. 

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4 hours ago, lewelma said:

16:8 intermittent fasting. I am no longer hungry before noon, so just start the day with lunch. I needed to create a sustainable eating pattern now that my body needs fewer calories (thank you so much perimenopause). I am a healthy weight, but kept going up 3 pounds and then having to lose 3 pounds over and over again for the past 2 years, and I was constantly thinking about food because I wanted more than my body needed. Intermittent fasting is long term sustainable for me. The first month was hard, but now I feel ill if I eat before noon. And the yoyo-ing has stopped.

Can you share with me if this means you do not drink coffee or a morning beverage? That has become the deal-breaker for me the times I tried it. But I can totally relate to gaining and losing the same 3 (or 5) pounds repeatedly. 

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My most consistent habit formed this year is daily French practice on Duolingo. My streak is getting close to a year long. I’m very pleased about that. 

I do not paint every single day but I paint several times per week with a goal of participating every day. 

Oh, I also formed a solid habit of not letting my e-mail build up and get out of control. I don’t let it get past 100 emails before I go through them and decide what to do. Many are deleted; some go to folders, and there are usually only 2-4 that I actually have to address/respond to. 

I get up at 5:35 every workday. 

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1 hour ago, Quill said:

Can you share with me if this means you do not drink coffee or a morning beverage? That has become the deal-breaker for me the times I tried it. But I can totally relate to gaining and losing the same 3 (or 5) pounds repeatedly. 

I have 4 cups of tea from 8am to noon with some unsweetened almond-coconut milk, totalling 30 calories.  

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I need to acquire some of the habits you all have developed! But here's what I feel most successful in 

Flossing (sometimes twice a day in a couple trouble spots)

Holding my tongue more but also then letting those thoughts go

writing Scripture 

keeping my new house more neat and clean

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