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2021 Year in Review - Day 11


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Our large goals were waylaid by medical bills. We had planned on paying off my car this year but didn't. We wanted no new debt and had to carry some medical bills over to 2022. Some home repairs/updates we wanted to do were put off until after the medical bills are paid. 

My smaller personal goals weren't actualized either. The dratted accident messed me up for months (longer and more seriously than I thought) and depression and anxiety didn't help my mental situation.

Goals that were met included earning two new certifications and updating a previous certification and beginning teaching lessons indoors. I designed my logo and a friend stitched it on to work polos. I designed and printed business cards. I purchased some needed equipment. At this point in the year, I think I finally broke even between expenses and income. Beginning in the new year, I should see a profit.

I did get my puppy and worked on training him so he will be the dog I want him to be when he is older. We are making good progress and he really is a source of comfort and joy and frustration.

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I sort of failed at goals ? 

I am a list person and I have spent many adult years perfecting my goal oriented persona. Life events sort of gently chipped that away, but in general that was a personality trait I cultivated rather aggressively. I would always think that I was wasting opportunity if I did not take advantage of all that is around me. I wanted life a certain way and was lucky I was able to live a life that I wanted to a large extent. Then the pandemic happened. 

These almost two years, but 2021 especially have taught me the value of slowing down. That the world will keep spinning if I do not do all the things, make use of all the opportunities, see the world as much as possible.  

This year especially we've had to make our world really small for so many reasons and I had to have a hard reset of many things I thought I valued. 

I still think goals are good, but I am not beating myself up if I do not meet them. 

Edited by DreamerGirl
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While I have not exactly framed these as goals, they are things that have been in the back of my mind and I knew I needed to deal with them.

I have been working on taking on the big hard things that I used to not have to worry about.   I am making very good progress.   I am also teaching teen to drive and making good progress with that too, though it is obviously super slow going and still a very long way to go.    There are a few other things but they aren't things I am comfortable putting out there.  However, I am making super slow progress on them.    

You know, it seems all my "goals" could really be put under "conquering fears",  and I am so proud that I am doing that, even if it is turtle pace slow.

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38 minutes ago, Ditto said:

You know, it seems all my "goals" could really be put under "conquering fears",  and I am so proud that I am doing that, even if it is turtle pace slow.

You should absolutely be proud of yourself for conquering fears - the first step was the hardest!

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56 minutes ago, regentrude said:

No goals here. Hence no progress. 

That's me too.  

Its not really a goal, but I have tried to make a habit of crafting more.  Its relaxing and even small projects are satisfying.  I learned to crochet during the first lockdown last year and have about 5 squares left on a double bed granny square blanket, then I need to google how to stitch it together.  I've not set any deadline for myself, hence the very slow progress.   I've left it aside and then get going again in spurts.

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4 hours ago, rebcoola said:

I've been working on losing a huge amount of weight. The first 1/2 of the year I did great. Than we took a month log trip.  It's been hard to get back on the wagon.  I've lost about 1/3 of the weight total.

Losing weight is insanely difficult and getting back on the wagon after falling off is even harder.  I am really proud of you!  Losing 1/3 is great!

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Tackled lots of medical things that I had been putting off while in school and clinicals, and studying for boards.  I had cataract surgery in September and will be getting my "too big for a post-menopausal woman" ovarian cyst removed next week.  There are still a few things left on the list that I need to do, but those will have to wait until after my surgery.  

Making progress on learning medical Spanish.  I minored in Spanish back in the dark ages when I went to college the first time but lost most of it due to lack of use.  At work, we do have access to interpreting services, but they typically aren't there for the complete exam.  I keep a log of phrases I need to use often.  I've completed one audiobook for medical Spanish and am working on a second.  And I have been listening to the Duolingo podcasts (not medical related, but it does improve my listening skills.  )  

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Progress toward goals in 2021:

  • Puppy:
    • We got a puppy!
    • He is healthy and beautiful, loves his home and his people, is mostly well trained to our house and yard rules.
    • He needs a lot of work as far as tolerating other people, animals, and various things he considers strange.  This will probably take another year to really get it done right.
    • We have found some dog experts who can help us with the above.
    • My girls have transitioned from attentive to lazy to mostly reasonable about pup duties.
  • Client work, professional development:
    • My 2 biggest clients renewed our contracts for several years.
    • My email inbox has gone from 3,000+ emails to under 50.  I think this can potentially go down to maybe 10 by year-end if I don't let things slide.
    • I resolved some nagging old issues and hope to permanently clear up a couple others by year end.
    • Continuing education:  this is the end of my CPE triennial.  So far I have about 73 of the 120 required hours, but I will complete this before year-end.  And in doing that, I will also complete most if not all of my biennial CLEs for 2021-22.
  • Physical (mine):
    • I was hoping to get to my ideal weight.  I don't weigh myself, but I can tell by how my clothes fit.  I might have lost a bit ... at least I don't think I gained ... but I'm not at my ideal weight (waist) yet.
    • Walking goals - I had been walking 4 miles a day at the end of 2020 and hoped to do similar through 2021, but work and pup stuff interfered.  My pup needed to be trained to behave properly on walks.  Right now I walk the pup an average of maybe a mile a day.  Occasionally I take a walk or "run" without the pup, but too rarely to make a difference.
    • Daily yoga - definitely not happening!  I'm at maybe 1/7 of this goal.  😞
    • Taekwondo:  I thought I could test for my 2nd dan this fall, but it did not happen.  I am about 3/4 of the way toward that goal and hope to achieve it in early 2022.
  • Mental (mine):
    • Music:  I hardly had any time at all to play music.  😞  But I listened to a lot.
    • Reading:  Not great, but I completed maybe half a dozen books this year.
    • Foreign languages:  I made a little bit of progress learning Korean and practiced various others which I had studied before.
  • House:
    • Mainly just keeping up with maintenance / repairs etc.  I think I'm more or less where I would expect on that.
  • Kids:
    • I'll just say we seem to be making progress on most if not all measures.  🙂
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Personal goals have been pretty stagnant for a number of reasons. 

Work/school goals: I'm on track for where I need to be in my PhD program. I'm finishing up my last required course - everything over but a presentation; I worked with my advisors and developed a comps exam reading list (140+ books and articles, thankfully I've already read a lot of them); Developed my research plan and put together my dissertation committee. 


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I just wanted to say, Granny Weatherwax, how much I appreciate these reflective, open-ended questions.

As for me, zero progress towards weight loss goal; in fact, I am in retrograde motion, particularly due to another back injury that really reduced my activity for several months. Boo, hiss!

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