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When are you breaking for Christmas?

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...I set up our schedule to follow ER's college calendar. That way, when he is home, we are off. This year, we took the week of Thanksgiving off. We will work through December 17th or 18th, and will start back on January 12th.


This is what I had been thinking too. My 18 year old's last day is the 18th but I'd love to have an extra week LOL. I should probably stick to his schedule though. It makes more sense.

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The plan for us is to finish on the 19th and return on the 5th too. I wasn't planning on taking so much time off but we have a lot of projects we want to do. DD 11 wants to begin a quilt and DD 12 is interested in doing some clothes sewing, as well we're hitting a few museums and galleries and just trying to have a change of pace.

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Our plans are to be off the 19th through the 5th, but we'll see, we're a bit behind due to our extended vacation in WI and some illnesses here. Lately we're all in a winter funk which we shouldn't be but the temperature is swinging so radically here lately. We all just want to be off now, but there is no way we can and still be far enough along for our testing we have to do. I would love to have our year run Jan 1 to Nov 20th or so but with the state requiring testing by Aug 1 that kind of throws a kink in my desire. So until the Navy sends us to a no testing or eval state or he retires so we can move to one we run our year from Aug 1 to Jun 30.



All that to say the 19th to the 5th is the plan but who knows what we may do while on the break.

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We started homeschooling in April so we are all over the place. I am going in for major surgery next Tuesday and Mr7 comes to the end of two of his text books on Friday. So I am making this Friday our last day. We'll start up again when DH goes back to work on the 12th.


Dec/Jan is the major holiday break for our school system so he will be working again before other kids go back. We'll take a week or so later in the year for a family holiday outside of peak season.

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At Thanksgiving time I took a longer break than I had anticipated taking.:glare: I will have to use Christmas to make up for this. We will do school up to and including the 23rd and start up again for the 29/30th. We'll work January 2nd and then resume full speed on January 5th. This still gives dd a week off. Today was our first day back after 2 weeks off so I don't feel like a complete meany with the schedule!:D

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I had it all planned out so very neatly. We were supposed to go full tilt until the end of this week, which would have allowed us to break in time for me to go pick up my daughter and for my son to take off until I need to take her back in in early January.


Then we got behind. And my daughter will be finished with finals and ready to come home serveral days earlier than I anticipated.


So, the plan now is for my son to work on catching up as much as possible on the two Florida Virtual School classes plus math this week. He will then quit doing any of "my" work but will have to put in at least the next week working on FLVS and math. This will be tough, though, since he also has three daytime Nutcracker performances that week. He'll take the week of Christmas off completely, then go back to at least FLVS right after.


Once the holiday smoke has cleared, I'll sit down and figure out where we really are with everything and re-write my second-semester lesson plans to get us back on track. (Until, of course, something else comes up and interferes again . . .)

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Maybe I'm just mean, but we'll take off Dec. 22-26 and that's it except for New Year's Day. I learned pretty early on that the longer we take off, the worse that first (and second sometimes even third) day back is. So we rarely take off more than a week straight - even in the summer. Instead, we declare random "slug days" - when we all feel and get to act like slugs all day and even the random week here and there when we're all getting crazy. Works for us.

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I had planned to take off the 22nd-2nd, but I doubt we'll wind up doing that.


My oldest spent a week sick, so we have about a week to make up. If HE can make it up, we'll take some down time. I've let him know that if he can finish up the remaining work for the semester, he can have the extra time off (for example, he finished his vocab up early, so we're taking a break from vocab until Jan).


With the baby due anytime from 12/31 on... I'm feeling the need to get as much accomlished as we can. Which means, I may only take the 24-26 off.

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We usually break when we finish what I had planned for the first semester, and this year that was the end of last week. We just don't do academics, but we continue doing fun crafts, baking, and field trips as well as some volunteer things, and we count all of that as learning.:001_smile:


We will start school back up on the 5th.

Edited by dwkilburn1
forgot getting back to school
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My plan was to school through Dec. 19th, but I am realizing that I am just not going to make it. I am overwhelmed with all of the holiday stuff that is looming ahead of me (shopping, baking, decorating, getting a tree, church stuff, etc.), and the time from the 20th to the 24th is not going to be enough time to get it all done, let alone have time to enjoy any of it. So........ I am hereby deciding that this coming Friday will be our last day of school until after the new year!



Whew, that feels much better! :lol:

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"Education is a life". We took today off to get presents in the mail but still the kids worked on writing our Christmas newsletter which is in the form of a newspaper this year. Dd(7 in 3 days) wrote a review of "Aesop's Fables" and ds11 wrote a review of Henty's "In Freedom's Cause" and "Eragon". And then dd7 decided that since she was bored she'd work through 6 or 7 experiments in science! So I guess I can count today as school after-all. All this to say that we'll just work every day unless there is a day here or there that we need to take off.

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